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Her Death Was No Metaphor

Susan Sontag social commentator, critic, activist and acclaimed writer executed her last will and testament six months before she died on Dec. 28, 2004 at age 71. Her death, reportedly from complications of acute myelogenous leukemia, concluded a long battle with cancer, about which Sontag had waxed philosophical in her book, Illness as Metaphor. In her will, Sontag left a contingent bequest to her

Susan Sontag — social commentator, critic, activist and acclaimed writer — executed her last will and testament six months before she died on Dec. 28, 2004 at age 71. Her death, reportedly from complications of acute myelogenous leukemia, concluded a long battle with cancer, about which Sontag had waxed philosophical in her book, Illness as Metaphor. In her will, Sontag left a contingent bequest to her partner, the famous photographer Annie Leibovitz, but essentially left her entire

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