Fixed Income Investments can offer a steady stream of income and less risk when compared to stocks. Latest analysis on these investments and the impact to your portfolio.
Registered investment advisors report that their clients are closing their wallets and watching their dimes and quarters. A survey commissioned by Charles Schwab says that 32 percent of advisors cite “frugal spending habits” as the new...
If the current economic and investment climate aren’t enough to stimulate conversation with your high net worth clients, you may want to add “estate taxes” to the list of ongoing discussion topics.
First the good news: The S&P 500 should climb by about 19 percent or so from yesterday’s close, says mutual fund manager Steve Leuthold in his firm’s “Green Book” monthly research report, released this morning. Now the bad...
In recent years, plenty of investors poured into emerging market stock funds. The new shareholders hoped to profit from the boom in developing countries, such as China and Brazil. But their high hopes were dashed by the credit crisis. During the...
Since the credit crisis began unfolding, many strange things have occurred in the fixed-income markets. Among the strangest has been the downturn of municipal bonds. High-grade municipals have long been considered reliable investments, but during...