Fixed Income Investments can offer a steady stream of income and less risk when compared to stocks. Latest analysis on these investments and the impact to your portfolio.
Advisors don’t appreciate how cautious clients have become, said speakers at the Investment Company Institute’s recent general membership meeting in Washington yesterday. Despite two years of rising markets, clients continue to hold...
With interest rates and inflation expected to rise in the months ahead, investors and advisors are focusing their attention on managing the risks in their fixed income portfolios, according to panelists at Wednesday’s Closed-End Funds and...
Many of your Boomer clients have elderly parents who are facing a seemingly unsolvable problem: how to produce enough income to cover increasing living costs without jeopardizing investment principal...
Worried that interest rates could rise for years to come, some investors have been dumping their bonds. But the extreme bears are probably overreacting. Under most scenarios, bonds will deliver modestly positive returns in coming years. What sort...
Liquidity may be more of a return predictor than you think, according to Roger Ibbotson, chairman and chief investment officer of Zebra Capital Management. During a presentation at IMCA’s New York Consultants Conference this week, Ibbotson...
During times of market trouble, investors have often turned to steady income-generating bonds. But UBS Wealth Management says that will change in the coming decade.
Seeking to reach skittish investors, fund companies have been introducing a wave of absolute return funds. The funds aim to produce positive results almost every year. New entrants include Loomis Sayles Absolute Strategies (LABAX), GRT Absolute...