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Why I quit Part VII

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Apr 12, 2007 5:14 pm

Well…I went on vacation without the laptop.  Good to be back and missed!!  Tell me your not really the stop the exodus GP…are you?  I surely missed Spaceman Spiff on the 10k…didn’t you make more than Weddle?

Apr 12, 2007 9:08 pm

You had to really read the fine print and get the special copy not released to the general public.  It only went to lower level GPs and LPs with a sense of humor.  They are the ones who could chuckle at the amount of money we don't make at EDJ.  It also included footnotes on the real reasons we don't have a fee based platform yet, why they give $30 million books to new guys, when the green screens are really going to go away, and what the real cost of the diversification trips are.  I'll email you a copy tomorrow morning after I scan it. 

Apr 13, 2007 4:25 am

[quote=Spaceman Spiff]

You had to really read the fine print and
get the special copy not released to the general public.  It only
went to lower level GPs and LPs with a sense of humor.  They are
the ones who could chuckle at the amount of money we don’t make at
EDJ.  It also included footnotes on the real reasons we don’t have
a fee based platform yet, why they give $30 million books to new guys,
when the green screens are really going to go away, and what the real
cost of the diversification trips are.  I’ll email you a copy
tomorrow morning after I scan it. 


Dude…coming in with some serious sarcasm there…want the name of the local LPL recruiter yet?
Apr 13, 2007 1:05 pm

GET IT TO HIM NOW JOE!!!  SPiffy…join us…we are Lutheran hell bent on helping the less fortunate.  LPL IS YOUR savior…and your wife’s. Is she hot? 

Apr 13, 2007 4:50 pm

Maybe LPL should send post cards to all the EDJ office’s  

Apr 13, 2007 5:16 pm

Yes, my wife is hot.  And the local LPL guy (an ex Jonesie who was pissed because he didn’t get the be the RL) already does.  I chuckle at them when I get them.

Apr 13, 2007 5:27 pm

Way to go Spiffy...knock the robot who worked his ass off for the good of the firm and because he didn't suck up to someone at hq..he was passed over....But I assume he is rolling in the cash now....If he just would have taken the Growth Leader or call session leader or communication leaders job...he would have been okay...right Spiffy.

Apr 14, 2007 7:51 pm

who cares!