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Feb 22, 2009 1:48 am


I was a producing branch manager for AGE for several years. I know how broker compensation works and I know how the firms haircut in various areas like profit centers. How about the branches at AGE being the only profit center? Bunk! They haircut the annuity payouts for the 20 years I have been at the firm. They all lie.

The clients don’t give a rats a** about a smaller percentage of revenue. They DO care about having their financial advisor compensated for difficult times when they don’t get squat. Talk to a few of them about this subject and it will open your eyes.[/quote]

Just think how they would feel if you took a stand against a company that is raising their fees, couldnt even manage their own finances and was part of the largest financial disaster in American history by leaving? I think they would think that takes guts and puts you on teh same side of the table as them…paying back your AGE retention and going somewhere that takes care of them and you…Stifel or going indy etc.

Feb 22, 2009 1:50 am


I was a producing branch manager for AGE for several years. I know how broker compensation works and I know how the firms haircut in various areas like profit centers. How about the branches at AGE being the only profit center? Bunk! They haircut the annuity payouts for the 20 years I have been at the firm. They all lie.

The clients don’t give a rats a** about a smaller percentage of revenue. They DO care about having their financial advisor compensated for difficult times when they don’t get squat. Talk to a few of them about this subject and it will open your eyes.[/quote]

Just think how they would feel if you took a stand against a company that is raising their fees, couldnt even manage their own finances and was part of the largest financial disaster in American history by leaving? I think they would think that takes guts and puts you on teh same side of the table as them…paying back your AGE retention and going somewhere that takes care of them and you…Stifel or going indy etc.