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[quote=UBStech] Hello everyone.I have been lurking here since the first rounds of layoffs went through. We where hit really hard, but have been told its over for us. We are now actually hiring. I work in Tech Support at UBS. I love seeing the FA’s point of views I work with everyday on here. Complexing is happening, started today. Everything is happening within the next 4 weeks like stated. We had meetings today to discuss the changes and how to support callers. All I can say is complain, nicely that is, if you want changes in technology. There seems to be a reinforced interest in listening to what our users want. They have implemented many new software updates, and a lot more are in the works. I have found a lot truth in what has been stated here over the past few months.
Tech support…perfect. Here is a great example of why UBS is the worst firm even in terms wasting more time on BS.
The INSANE work-up necessary to get a new FA on remote access. What a total waste of time. And since no one is given any incentive or authority to look at something like this and say “this is a total waste of time, lets fix it”. It does not happen. So we keep doing the endless time wasting bullshti. Its not the people. Tech support people have been super nice and great to work with. They are victims of a system and culture that sucks. Its like the govt. Its a combination of the Swiss commie mentality and Jamie dumb ass price and his gang of clowns. Take this example and multiply it by every screwed up operational issues messed up and you see why UBS is last in everything. People are caught in these loops of hell. No one has any authority or incentive to say "here is a better way"
I just hope Mccann has the guts, brains and authority to blow up the past and move forward.
You guys in tech support really are great. I have no idea how you keep such great attitudes when your doing crap like this.
The swiss d-bags write up some 40 pages commie procedure manual with the losers lawyers looking over their shoulders. There is no flexibility and everyone is afraid of legal. If your problem is not EXACTLY like the socialists stupid rule book, the answer is no. No one has any authority to use some MF common sense.
And the funny thing is with all their bs lawyers and paranoia…they are always first in the major screw ups (CDO’s, ARS, madoff etc etc)
Then they tell you to go after elite monster households. Give me a GD break.
Nope, that’s another thing that’s being fixed. We are going to an all Citrix platform. All you will have to do is download Citrix. Its in testing now. Market data is the only thing holding it back now.
Like stated, they seem to be listening. I have been with the firm for several years and things are starting to move in the right direction. All branch’s are getting all new printers, most have already. Computers are next.
A lot of the Paine Webber Platforms where made in house. So its very difficult to switch to anything new since nothing is compatible. No, not everything is perfect by any means but there seems to be a focus on getting what we need.
There has been more happening in the past six months then all the previous years I have been with UBS. Finally we have the new Adobe, Blackberry Desktop Manager, Print Drivers, Citrix, Printers, etc.
We are just as frustrated as you guys are with a lot of this stuff, we have to support it. But I think we have a better future.
Things are getting better up there? Guess what jamie and hofsta (or whatever ur stupid name is)…too late losers.
Dont let door hit you on way out like when you fired people for YOUR screw ups. idiots
I agree, its been brutal. We lost a ton of good people. People that have been around since Bradford and Paine Webber. Walked out in tears. They did all of our layoffs in one day. They literally just had two people walking around going to people desk’s and just standing there til they got off that call. Then out they went.
[quote=UBStech] I agree, its been brutal. We lost a ton of good people. People that have been around since Bradford and Paine Webber. Walked out in tears. They did all of our layoffs in one day. They literally just had two people walking around going to people desk’s and just standing there til they got off that call. Then out they went.
Price, wolf and hofstra are the 3 biggest clueless losers in the history of our business. Price was on his way to destroying PRU if WS didnt buy them.
Just pray McCann has the leadership skills to clean it up and turn it around.
price is such a GD tool. The firm is last in everything because they are such dumbasses. I cant wait till they throw them on the street
AND KEEEP MIDDLE MGT THAT DOES NOTHING WHO MAKE 200K + THAT MAKES ALOT OF common sense… oh yea there is no common sense here???
We lost nearly all of our managers and project managers. Nearly every project manager was let go in the service group. I honestly don’t know of one that wasn’t let go. In tech support we had 6 managers between Nashville and NJ, now we have 3. That scenerio happened to the whole service group.
I know what you mean though Trade. I hear a ton of CSA’s, BOM’s, and BTL’s are going to be gone within the next 4 weeks.
Thanks. Like anything else we have a few bad apples, but the majority genuinely want to help.
sorry, I disagree…if anything, our tech platform is 5-10 years behind the industry…that whole business division needs to be wiped clean and started fresh…with a new Thomson system put in place…