A Telling Sign for EJ?
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There is not a Seg 2 broker in the country that needs a full time BOA. But, Wind has all of the answers and he gained that knowledge in 60 days selling so I will step away and let him go on.
Wow Windbag, you haven’t posted anything this good in a while!
You totally need a BOA, that way she can tell you how great you are every 15 minutes.I like how because I think that a BOA for a Seg 1/2 is a waste (speaking candidly from experience), that I either: A) Am not "giving her everything to do, that she could be doing instead of yourself" OR B) "aren't doing much business." Here is hidden option C - You are an idiot There are one of you in every region. Like the last new FA meeting I went to, there was some FA who happened to have a good month because he rolled over a decent 401k from a client who just lost his job started to tell the rest of us how to prospect. Wow, way to be there when the bus hit you...good job. Hey numbnuts, you are still in the New FA meeting. Until you have a couple years of at least >$200 T12, I don't want your advice or insight. That's what Seg 4-5 guys are for.I find it hard to believe a BOA is a waste, unless you A) aren’t giving her everything to do, that she could be doing instead of yourself or B) aren’t doing much business. It just doesn’t make since, as Spiff said, most really successfull FA’s that I know have 2 and sometimes 3 BOA’s. Pretty simple, clients = paperwork no matter how you wanna dice it. If you are busy it’s EASY to get bogged down by administrative stuff. It happens to me all the time, regardless of whether I am a newbie…don’t have to be a Vet to be doing business
A) You don't know how far I can urinate, and I don't care how far you can. Coming on a forum and telling another FA that they essentially aren't running their business properly or aren't doing enough business is not only ignorant but pompous on a level that is staggering. Don't play your humility card here. B) Yes it does. Your advice is premature. Do something for a while, then come here and pontificate. Your advice is a small step above worthless here. Pay your dues and shut your mouth. C) Case in point...I wrote that, not Ron. D) I doubt it. You are no doubt the guy that slyly inserts some self-worshipping comment whenever you get the chance.Having a good month is a bit different than grossing $50,000 in 4 months, having Seg 2, almost Seg 3 numbers when you haven’t even been to PDP yet…In fact, i’ll be rolling in another $17,000 gross from one account next month…but i’m sure you’ll find a reason thats not good enough too…Just because I am new, doesn’t mean I’m not good at what I do…I don’t care if you have been in the business 2 months or 20 years, people either like you or they don’t…
And Ron…You are the idiot my friend…I never once said a Seg 2 Broker NEEDED a BOA…I said I know them that Utilize them and it’s very helpful…and right now…it’s perfectly feasable that I would need a BOA with the way my business is going…
I don’t say anything at NEW FA Meetings. I don’t preach, I don’t anything. When people ask for my help, I help. In fact I don’t really say sh*t at ALL at New FA Meetings…They are pretty much a waste of time…
It proves that you are an arrogant stiff because you actually quote your own numbers without anyone asking. Nobody on this site talks about their numbers unless asked. Sometimesnowhere is exactly right, there is one of you in every new FA meeting and every training class. Some complete clown who has all of the answers right away.
I am a Seg 4 EDJ Broker. I normally average mid range Seg 3 numbers (low 20’s). I agree with the idea that EDJ would be smart to close a
lot of our offices and converge them with other EDJ offices. We could
lay off half of our BOA’s and still get adequate service and a huge cost
savings. This would help our profit sharing payments and our office
profitability bonuses.
In my office my BOA could do all of her work in 3 to 4 hours on almost
any given day. Granted, she has the occasional day where she is busy all
day long, but these are few and far between.
I skip every post you write, windy. You're wasting our time and you're an embarrassment to people at Jones.
Go. Away.One thing I don’t understand…if some of you guys that are so busy prospecting all day, doing your own paperwork, opening accounts on every doorstep and recording numbers like Ron Carson…how do you get the time to be posting on this site in the middle of the day?
Guys who are veterans at your own firm are finding things wrong with your statements. Clearly, you are wrong about many things. It has nothing to do with being new. It has everything to do with being an arrogant pud.I am not an embarrassment…You guys just find reasons to argue with me, and find things wrong with my statements. There’s never anything wrong with them, you just like to make me out to be some ass, because I like to be involved in the conversation and I am new
Wow, I don’t comment that often but you’re a complete idiot. I’m relatively young as well and can speak that a Harvard student doesn’t know more than a 20 year vet…I personally started at 23 and knew nothing compared to what I know now and keep learning every day.
My only hope is that you keep coming back and update us as to your #'s a year from now, you will be singing a different tune..btw...$50k isn't that great, you're on your way to the Partner's Award and nothing else. Did you even win the first trip with all the bonus points, I did, went to Brazil, doing my own thing now. You smell trollish, are you the same idiot that got outed from Oklahoma. You give all of us under 35 a bad name. PS...keep your dot above that little red lineOne more thing,
What started out as a tradgedy of a thread titled "A telling sign at EJ" has come full circle to a telling sign of another sort, wind3574“There’s never anything wrong with (my statements)”
"I'm sure there are harvard students who know more about the business than a 20 year vet." These are just the latest examples of why you are a pariah here. Statements like these are stupid and arrogant and remind me of a rookie who was sent to my office to learn about trust administration. After 20 minutes of him telling me about his trust fund and finishing every sentence for me, I sent him back to the home office and told my boss that I couldn't teach him anything since he already knew it all. You're so busy tooting your own horn and defending your ridiculous statements that you won't learn a damned thing here. If your only other purpose here is to elicit adulation from the adoring masses, you're wasting your time.look windbag,
The truth is, everyone gives you a hard time because the majority of your posts come off as VERY arrogant. Knowbody on this forum would ever have to know that your a newer FA, but your first few posts were you screaming about how new you are, and how well you did your first month...and your second month... and your third...and fourth. I just don't think you understand what everyone is saying. Knowbody cares that your new. They care that all you talk about is how new you are, and how much of a fast starter you are. Oklahoma does suck by the way. good luck man, I'm sure if half the stuff you say is true, you'll be seg 3 in no time.