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Talked to SF last week. They are sure a lot more interested than RJ. SF is ready to take our group right now and make the transition ASAP! RJ has an interest, but seem disorganized and not committed. Maybe they have too much on their plate or are just getting too big too fast and starting to behave more like a wirehouse.
they were great with me too on the first call. After that, it went nowhere. If you have a ton a guys to move, they will give you more love than they showed me. I wrote them off several weeks ago due to lack of response.
Really? That is interesting. Did you go on the due diligence trip to St. Louis?
Never got the call back and I never chased them. Not enough fcs to build out an office I would guess. Certain firms seemed more accomodating and SF was not one of them. That was just my experience.
I see. In my situation we have an office of six FAs and two licensed sales assistants in area where there is no SF office around for over 150 miles. That may be why they are accommodating us since we are talking about an entire office.