Merrill Lynch vs Bank of America Financial Advisor
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You "spent time in their offices with a Sr producer" didn't work for AGE. You have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to AGE....LOL, I spent time at a busy starbucks the other day, gee, I guess I know everything about the company now.
Having been in this industry for over 20 years (most w/ AGE) I am anything but naive. I know who is in charge of my destiny. That's why I am FiNet now.
Considering you didn't have PF/FiNet before, you should be thanking WS/WFA for that, not despising them. It's a great platform and your don't have to deal with the office BS that I did as PF. And just because I didn't sign on the dotted line with AGE doesn't mean that I have no idea of who they are because I've spent a couple of years around a lot of their FA's/CA's/BM's, the campus in STL (which is nice by the way). Yeah, no one likes getting bought out by another company because your name is most likely going bye-bye, along with everything else, and everyone you've worked for/with. It was a business decision, plain and simple. If it wasn't WS it would have been someone else buying you. If anything, you should be upset with AGE for selling your culture out, not the other way around.
Personally, I didn't give 2 sh*ts about AGE, but the fact that we moved into one of their offices after the merger and our asst, who helped with the conversion and training of the other CA's, was basically treated like a red-headed step child because she knew how the system worked and the AGE people were so reluctant to change.
And your comparison of Starbucks and AGE is quite offensive, and borderline ridiculous... because Starbucks is still a functioning company... and they make a great latte.
So, if a BofA bank client is not interested in the special five year CD at 1.25%, and would be interested in talking with an advisor about his $50K going into a nice A/AA bond - what happens?
What if its $100K?
What if its $250K?
What if its a mutual fund - 401K rollover opportunity? What size goes to whom?
250 and under goes call center, over 250 gets put into lottery system for brokers.