Jones Secrets Revealed, Part V
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Jim JONES is being profiled on the History Channel. “The first step of a CULT is to use good intentions to draw people in”…Model organization…well liked leader…success draws scrutiny…sounds like another Jones…
JOnes had his followers work seven days a week. Forced to follow the “way”…tell everyone about the PEOPLES TEMPLE…theirs is the right way…everyone else is evil. Damn…I’m getting the hell out as soon as possible. Broker24…you better get out NOW!!! The next time you become a Visiting Vet…may be your last!! If Weeddle starts wearing sunglasses…I’m out!!!
[quote=Bill Fakkland]I won’t go into detail about
what happened, but it wasn’t compliance…not performance (in the top 5%
Please do go into detail. It may save others from making your mistake.
Mr. Spears—
It definitely is a different animal when you tell people you OWN your
own firm! You will be looked at differently amongst your peers
and your centers of influence. It’s amazing having your own name
stand behind the business!
Jones was a great place for me to start but if you are grossing $250,000 and up you don’t need to be there!
Go Bill Go!!! I to am leaving in the next couple of weeks. Joining the independent ranks with LPL. It’s one of the most exhilirating things I’ve done. Starting my OWN business…ordering furniture, doing a buildout, getting computers ordered, hooked-up and networked. Getting letterhead, a logo for my business, business cards. Going through my current client list and making a list of people I WANT to come with me. Setting new goals for 07…real goals…FOR ME…Not for some deadbeat GP.
I'm not sure why, but I always felt like a loser when I told people I worked at EDJ. I actually stopped telling them...I was embarrassed. It sounds weird..but it's the truth. Can't wait to get the hell out and move on.
[/quote]When I'd meet a rep and they told me they worked for EdJ, I wouldn't say I thought of them as a "loser", but I certainly didn't view them as peers.
[quote=bspears]JOnes had his followers work seven days a week. Forced to follow the "way"...tell everyone about the PEOPLES TEMPLE...theirs is the right way...everyone else is evil. Damn..I'm getting the hell out as soon as possible. better get out NOW!!! The next time you become a Visiting Vet...may be your last!! If Weeddle starts wearing sunglasses...I'm out!!!![/quote]
I'm right there with you, Brittany. You are my new Messiah. See you on the other side.
Jones is trash. Do yourself a favor and do not work there, it will ruin your resume’
Heard a good one the other day. The powers that be in Jonestown, are making a big push to grow the number of female IR’s. Not that this is a bad thing…but listen to this. The reason why…because women normally are not the main bread winner,will accept lower pay and aren’t normally ballsy enough to leave. They see a shift to a lower production number based on competition and an outdated model. GPs know they will continue to suck the preferreds dry and if they can keep an IR in place…they will continue pumping a share preferreds. I trully think it is a pyramid scheme. I’m just in my RL’s downline. Boy, I’m just rambling tonight. Spent most of the day working at MY new office and I’m beat.
Remember- Big Brother in STL can track your every keystroke. They can and do watch your numbers. If you normally produce $30K gross/ open over 10 accounts a month and suddenly you drop off - they start watching what you are printing... like statements, etc. They monitor who you call, who you wire- buddies that might know you are jumping.
Then you get the phone call... locked out of your computer and bad mark on the U-5.
Keep your numbers up. Don't be tempted to 'sand bag' to jump start your new business.
[quote=Broker24]That is paranoia if I have ever seen it.[/quote]
Maybe not B24. Some of the old timers on here know some pretty wild stuff!
B24-all firms have tracking mechanisms in place when certain red flags appear. EJ is no different. They absolutely track certain scenarios and quite honestly if it were my company, I would do the exact same thing.
B24, it's not unknown that at times BOAs have been "encouraged" to watch their broker for activities such as copying clinet lists, files, new account forms, etc.
As the saying goes, "Just 'cause I'm papanoid doesn't mean that they're NOT out to get me!
If you start printing tons of client statements, and reams of cost basis, then yes, Jones will at the very least give you a call. They may even send a wire to your RL to "keep an eye on you."
Actually B24 they’re right. When I was at the home office I had the ability to see what commands you entered into the green screens. I used to tell my new trainees that there was inverse relationship between the number of times you typed COMM (the command we used to use to track our production numbers) and your actual commissions. There is a sense of Big Brother is watching around here. The example given was a little extreme, but it does exist. I can’t believe you haven’t discovered the remote video camera in the left speaker on your monitor.
Remember- Big Brother in STL can track your every keystroke. They can and do watch your numbers. If you normally produce $30K gross/ open over 10 accounts a month and suddenly you drop off - they start watching what you are printing... like statements, etc. They monitor who you call, who you wire- buddies that might know you are jumping.
Then you get the phone call... locked out of your computer and bad mark on the U-5.
Keep your numbers up. Don't be tempted to 'sand bag' to jump start your new business.[/quote]
This brought back memories fo when I worked at the bank...reps getting called on the carpet for things they'd emailed each other that had nothing to do with any compliance issues. By the time I was ready to leave, I was so paranoid that I was making a lot of calls on my cell phone in my car at lunch. As careful as I was, I got blown out of the water three days before I planned on leaving and I resigned the next morning (I think it was a blabbermouth employee of the office furniture vendor I was talking to).
I understand that email, etc. can be monitored for compliance purposes, but I hated the feeling that my employer was watching us reps for signs of disloyalty. If they'd focused more on making themselves an employer that no one wanted to leave, I think they'd have been miles ahead. Instead, they were very focused on seeing how much margin and volume they could squeeze out of all of us. From what I've been told by former colleagues, it's only gotten worse since I phone system (hmmmmm...), new tougher non-competes, ever-increasing production demands, and a compliance supervisor that openly tells them that he reads every email they send/receive. The guys I speak with are just miserable (and probably wish they'd bailed also).
Although I know my compliance department can see every email I send, I no longer have that constant feeling that someone is looking over my's a night and day improvement.
I wasn't challenging that it happens, I was just stating that his TONE was a bit paranoid. I realize they see everything that goes on.
And I just taped my business card over the little camera. Thanks for the heads-up!
If they’d focused more on making themselves an employer that no one wanted to leave, I think they’d have been miles ahead.
And to some extent that is the essence of being indy, because the b/d knows you can leave any time. They compete every day for your business.