I'm outa here
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[quote=Provocative Put]
Yes they bought Golden West. That doesnt mean the didnt screw up. The screwed up by buying that Titanic of a firm.
Wachovia did not screw up by buying Golden West any more than White Star Lines screwed up by building the Titanic.
Using hindsight is a less than intellectually honest approach to doing a business post mortum.
At the time Golden West was purchased there was virtuallly no concern
about their assets because those assets were underwritten by Fannie or
If you’re bright enough to understand the sub prime issues you know
that Wachovia was a victim of mark to the market accounting demand and
fraud on the part of Fannie and Freddie.
If you don’t understand that you’re too dumb for me to waste my time with.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain to you how much or little i know about sub prime, i’ll leave that to Morphius, he does a great job, especially on the thread where you talk incessantly about your family.
Wachovia screwed up because they bought Golden West, which screwed up under Wachovias watch.
I’m done, not taking your bait beyond this response.