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Sep 18, 2009 7:58 pm

First off you don’t work here anymore so why should anyone believe you are right!  Mine are the facts told to me by people who actually process the payments.  They told me early in the week they were making a batch of payments, today they said all on hold.  I hope my info is bad, but got it from someone who is definitely in the know.

Sep 18, 2009 8:34 pm

Payroll is not processing awards.  The awards are being paid like submitted expenses

Sep 18, 2009 9:00 pm

received an email yesterday confirming receipt of loan docs from payroll indicating that the $$ will be direct deposited to my account in 10 business days

Sep 18, 2009 9:23 pm

When did you return your loan docs?

Sep 18, 2009 9:55 pm

Titan, you got bad info my friend.

Sep 18, 2009 10:26 pm

[quote=BE PATIENT]Absolutely wrong. Just got off phone with three different people and list of 1100 advisors checks going out today and monday. You are either making it up or got REALLY bad info.[/quote]

My God man, do you work? Is there anyone who calls the back office of other firms, let alone three different people today and multiple times for that matter?

You are a wanker, a world class one. Go away.

As for everyone else, the latest I heard was that for those lucky enough to have received the magic e-mail with a contract we should be paid next week by the middle of the week (I assume Wed) at the latest. So we will see.

I gotta run, I hear MSSB is changing their bottled water vendors at 47 different offices. I am going to call around over there until I get the scoop. I don’t work there or anything, but I just want to stay involved. I will post when I know more!!

Sep 18, 2009 10:59 pm

The home office had my signed paperwork by this past tuesday

Sep 18, 2009 11:11 pm

The truth of it all is whoever you believe wells fargo advisors is a sinking ship that has noone captaining it. They truly have egg on their face and cannot be trusted whatsoever. They know that if we havent jumped ship yet that they can string us along and most people will stay. Its obvious they dont have the money and are finding any reason at all to delay. Its ironic that Annie Gasparro who is brokers world head jizzmopper writes this week what a success forefront is and how it could lure more brokers to WFA. How out of touch is that.

     I. like many others had zero flagged plans in the August review. Got my email with loan docs in the first couple of days of September signed them immediately. Now its time to get paid I find out that I have been flagged for percentage of envision plans done in the past 90 days. Are they fukkkkkkkkkkkkkking kidding me? Who in their right mind didn't do the majority of their plans in the 90 days from april 1 to june 1? These are the acts of a desperate firm. I have to question the message I would be sending myself by taking this shiiiiiiiit and not again exploring greener pastures which at a minumum give me  no ridicolous hurdles to get a check.           The writing on the wall is clear. This is how WFA will be treating its advisors going forward. Making a nine year committment to this POS organization is clearly business suicide and truly devaluing onces own self worth. There wasnt mass exodus late February when retention turned out to be nonsense and if the doors dont open now what is that saying about the advisors. BP was dead on until he changed his bs story over wine with a fictional regional manager.
Sep 18, 2009 11:50 pm

skillopie, that actually made me chuckle. Dont worry about my work ethic, I do VERY well. I started this with this forum back in December and I will stay close to it until people are paid. 20 years with AGE and a lot of close friends, you bet I am going to stay close. Funny thing is I know much more than a lot of you idiots that actually still work there. Amazing what you can do by just picking up the phone, took all of 5 minutes. For every Titan that pops off with something absolutely not true I will be happy to find out the truth. Mikehunt, didnt change my story, just got some much needed answers for all of you little producers that are afraid to get them yourselves

Sep 19, 2009 12:09 am

bp you dont know what the fukkkkkk your talking about. Titan is right on and their is no way in hell 1100 checks are being paid in the next few days. WHatever your bullshiiiiiit motive is here why keep posting info that is false. This firm has noone in the know and your fictictious regional manager friends knows nothing. Most regional managers are scrambling for any info thats true to stop the tirade their high end producers are on.

Sep 19, 2009 12:25 am

would be real interesting to see the tone at forum in St Louis next week. 

Sep 19, 2009 12:37 am

Mikehunt, I said he was my friend, not my regional manager. It is amazing how I can identify the larger producers from the little guys. The ones that scream and yell and kick their feet (like you), cuss and get angry with me are obviously the guys with barely enough plans. The guys that methodically gather information and share it with the rest are the guys that are larger producers. Mikehunt, good luck with those 50 250k accounts. I hope that $62,500 goes a long ways for you.

Sep 19, 2009 12:47 am


Just heard from payroll Wells has put a hold on ALL payments until end of Sept. or Oct., they have decided they need a review of the review process!  Wow!  You can’t make this stuff up!  So if check is not in your hand don’t expect it any time too soon. 


You know this isn’t true because there is no why you can get a correct answer from the payroll dept. I beginning to think Hewitt was better!
Sep 19, 2009 12:48 am

BP Again your wrong and I am not going to waste my time with your nonsense. If I was only getting 62.5 would I be siging a nine year note or annoyed that I’m getting d***kked around for a measly 60 grand. Wake up and gather some self respect. Is this who you really want to be? Is this really what you imagined  your life would become? You have to be so terribly disappointed with how your life has turned out and it shows.You wear that on your sleeve its your mantra and its obvious. To refresh, the definition of insanity is repeating the same act over and over again and expecting a different result.

Sep 19, 2009 1:01 am

Mikehunt, done with you. You are obviously a little guy. If only you knew what my business entails and how much gross I actually do. Just your posting name says a lot about you. Still make crank calls with that psting name? What a dusche bag. I used to hang with Bagby, Ben and Tad at numerous trips, events, home office dinners. I know more people and more sht than you can ever hope for. I was the ONLY advisor in the history of the company to be flown private plane to St. Louis for an advisor business brainstorming session. I guarantee the lower 10% of my book would dust your entire forefront award you are so unpatiently waiting for. Dont get high and mighty with me my friend. At some point when its over I may choose to say who I am and if you are anyone with a clue about AGE you will say "Holy sht, I couldnt carry that dudes jock".

Sep 19, 2009 1:17 am

Wow, now were getting somewhere. I must of really hit a nerve. You felt enticed to give me your resume. Did you type your resume from a private jet or a dingy, damp basement flooded by the sound of a dehumidifier? I never knew highend producers spend 90% of their time on a message board. You really fit the mold of a top producer, no pun intended.

Sep 19, 2009 3:26 am

Mike Hunt,

  I am a $2,000,000+ producer with over $500,000,000.00 under management and I am here.  So be careful with BP.  You never know who you might be talking to. 
Sep 19, 2009 3:35 am

Mikehunt, done with you. You are obviously a little guy. If only you knew what my business entails and how much gross I actually do. Just your posting name says a lot about you. Still make crank calls with that psting name? What a dusche bag. I used to hang with Bagby, Ben and Tad at numerous trips, events, home office dinners. I know more people and more sht than you can ever hope for. I was the ONLY advisor in the history of the company to be flown private plane to St. Louis for an advisor business brainstorming session. I guarantee the lower 10% of my book would dust your entire forefront award you are so unpatiently waiting for. Dont get high and mighty with me my friend. At some point when its over I may choose to say who I am and if you are anyone with a clue about AGE you will say "Holy sht, I couldnt carry that dudes jock".

actually f***face, i'm pretty sure everyone is done with you. you're such a nothing. so if you've been in the business 20+ years, and you sling this crap, you've got to be the biggest loser EVER. wow. as for me, i'm not a huge producer, but, life is sweeter than honey for us. i also find your ignorance to be quite entertaining. An 'advisor business brainstorming session'?

oh, btw, I saw John, Paul, George, and Ringo the other day, and they told me that if i see you to say 'hey!' and give them a call. they miss you and all your greatness

Sep 19, 2009 4:08 am

Its too bad  forefront is so fked up, because reading this thread is a fkn hoot.

BP. You sir, are a psychiatrists wet dream, you poor fked up dbag.

Your ‘done with you’ post is your best tripe yet you psychotic mf.

Sep 19, 2009 4:44 am

Gotta love everyone unloading their frustrations towards WFA on me. Do what you gotta do. Mr. Sunshine - got your “private message” saying you are a secretary with Edward Jones, now you are a self proclaimed “small producer”? Poser !!!