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Sep 16, 2009 4:55 pm

If the firm you work for cannot be trusted by the rep, how can the clients trust the firm.

  Sorry to hear about all the crap/lies you guys have to take, sucks to be you.     
Sep 16, 2009 10:58 pm

Slick willy is wrong. Your regional manager just needs to review with you and sign off, then you will be paid on 1st snapshot per good friend who is a regional manager. Slick willy is gloom and doom, dont let him worry you.

BP - I'm not wrong.  Like I said, I got my list from my manager yesterday it had several households highlighted in blue.  The manager DOES NOT have anything to do with this.  This comes from the "added layer" of screeners that WF brought in because they felt too many advisors put them in without any pertinent information.  I'm not saying that we (you don't work there anymore ) won't get paid, but I spoke with people in the Envision and 4Skin dept today.  They confirmed that the blue households looked incomplete while they were reviewed.  If you can justify why you didn't put in their social security and other info (home, rv's, other goals), then you will probably get paid at a future snapshot date.  Other than that, you have to go in a redo them so that they are satisfactory.  BP you have been fairly spot on with everything you've said in previous posts and this is no different than what they did with the original retention they said there were going to have -  WF is just very good at changing the rules once the game has started.
Sep 16, 2009 11:14 pm

It is my understanding that if you can defend why the data was not included, and regional pres signs off, then you will be processed for payment package now. Not pushed to the next snapshot. That is also what is on infoslack. Dj newwire had story today on 4front. Headline was 4front may attract more wells fas. Story said fas that submitted plans for first snapshot received their checks last month!!!

I really don’t think anyone has money yet as of this morning. Infoslack says that payments will be processed through sept and oct.

Sep 16, 2009 11:23 pm

[quote=drmoney]It is my understanding that if you can defend why the data was not included, and regional pres signs off, then you will be processed for payment package now. Not pushed to the next snapshot. That is also what is on infoslack. Dj newwire had story today on 4front. Headline was 4front may attract more wells fas. Story said fas that submitted plans for first snapshot received their checks last month!!!

I really don’t think anyone has money yet as of this morning. Infoslack says that payments will be processed through sept and oct. [/quote]

I confirmed this as well through several sources that are directly involved with the mechanics of this thing.

Sep 16, 2009 11:36 pm

It is my understanding that if you can defend why the data was not included, and regional pres signs off, then you will be processed for payment package now. Not pushed to the next snapshot. That is also what is on infoslack. Dj newwire had story today on 4front. Headline was 4front may attract more wells fas. Story said fas that submitted plans for first snapshot received their checks last month!!!
I really don’t think anyone has money yet as of this morning. Infoslack says that payments will be processed through sept and oct.

If it gets pushed back to the snapshot at the end September, you'll probably get paid another 10 to 20% more (depending on how well your assets have done since June).  that to me is worth getting paid on the upcoming snapshot.
Sep 16, 2009 11:57 pm

Slick willy is wrong. Your regional manager just needs to review with you and sign off, then you will be paid on 1st snapshot per good friend who is a regional manager. Slick willy is gloom and doom, dont let him worry you.

Well, I'll admit it.  For once, I have to agree w/ BP.  That's what I am hearing too.  I was told I was "good to go". So, let's see what happens in the next few weeks. I'll believe it when I see it.
Sep 17, 2009 12:01 am

[quote=BE PATIENT]Slick willy is wrong. Your regional manager just needs to review with you and sign off, then you will be paid on 1st snapshot per good friend who is a regional manager. Slick willy is gloom and doom, dont let him worry you.

Well, I'll admit it.  For once, I have to agree w/ BP.  That's what I am hearing too.  I was told I was "good to go". So, let's see what happens in the next few weeks. I'll believe it when I see it.[/quote] shredder - who told you that you were good to go??
Sep 17, 2009 1:30 am

Call your regional and they will explain it all. My friend (a WFA regional) gave me the A-Z on forefront current status the other night over dinner. By wine bottle #3 things got cloudy but I know what I am talking about

Sep 17, 2009 3:55 am

Off topic. I m in the process of gathering performance report a client and wanted to compare the portfolio against s&p. I know smarstation can run under morningstar tool but cannot calculate for additional contribution made in different years. Anyone know other tools?

Sep 18, 2009 1:21 am
slick willy:

[quote=shredder][quote=BE PATIENT]Slick willy is wrong. Your regional manager just needs to review with you and sign off, then you will be paid on 1st snapshot per good friend who is a regional manager. Slick willy is gloom and doom, dont let him worry you.

Well, I'll admit it.  For once, I have to agree w/ BP.  That's what I am hearing too.  I was told I was "good to go". So, let's see what happens in the next few weeks. I'll believe it when I see it.[/quote] shredder - who told you that you were good to go??[/quote] It came from higher up in the 'chain of command' let's leave it at that.  I have yet to recieve anything other than a verbal OK....I am hoping to recieve the e-mail docs no latter than tomorrow.....have a funny feeling I'll be waiting next friday too.
Sep 18, 2009 2:39 am

Call your regional and they will explain it all. My friend (a WFA regional) gave me the A-Z on forefront current status the other night over dinner. By wine bottle #3 things got cloudy but I know what I am talking about

geez, i wonder if it's our regional manager. he's a lying spokes monkey loser piece of sh*t. you two would really make a great couple.
Sep 18, 2009 4:02 am

Mr. Sunshine, I have been absolutely correct on this retention as you have been no help at all. Maybe you are such a piddly producer the regionals dont give a sh*t what you know. I know more than you and I left 6 months ago.

Sep 18, 2009 10:41 am

2nd review continues to be delayed… now told that new report coming out regarding households that were detached to create two separate envision plans, what more should I expect

Sep 18, 2009 12:19 pm

Mr. Sunshine, I have been absolutely correct on this retention as you have been no help at all. Maybe you are such a piddly producer the regionals dont give a sh*t what you know. I know more than you and I left 6 months ago.

maybe it's time to let go of the past for you, and move on. i've never met such a message board loser as you. it's wild. help anyone? i'm not here to help anyone...and i certainly don't give a flying f*** what you have to say.

hey, after that 3rd bottle of wine, did things get foggy b/c you were getting f***ed up the ass? yeah buddy, maybe no one else on here would admit it, but you're a fake. a total fraud. i feel sorry for your family, if you have any, b/c they're related to a shell of a being. get a life, or kill yourself. i doubt anyone would miss you

Sep 18, 2009 3:32 pm

Mr. Sunshine - Have a nice day. You seem angry, probably lack of gross

Sep 18, 2009 4:08 pm

Just heard from payroll Wells has put a hold on ALL payments until end of Sept. or Oct., they have decided they need a review of the review process!  Wow!  You can't make this stuff up!  So if check is not in your hand don't expect it any time too soon. 

Sep 18, 2009 4:21 pm

Funny how that seems to be the time the next tarp repayments will be authorized…

Sep 18, 2009 6:50 pm

Titan, you are making that up.

Sep 18, 2009 7:12 pm

Sorry BP but absolute truth.  Had to get to the bottom of it, talked to numerous people in forefront dept. and mine had already gone to  payroll days ago.  Called them a few days ago and they said it should be turned around in a matter of 72 hrs., then called them back today and the woman in payroll told me there is a current hold on all payments pending a review of review process.  No payments will be processed until end of month or sometime early in Oct.  I have no reason to lie.  And for those of you who might- ask all my plans were good, no flagged or highlighted ones.  Just trying to give all a heads up since I was fortunate enough to get information from those that are truly handling payments. 

Sep 18, 2009 7:49 pm

Absolutely wrong. Just got off phone with three different people and list of 1100 advisors checks going out today and monday. You are either making it up or got REALLY bad info.