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Sep 8, 2009 3:33 am

U r one mentally retarded asshole

Sep 8, 2009 4:15 am

My prediction for the week. Not one e-mail will go out.

I predict that you will keep making predictions and not get one right.
Sep 8, 2009 1:44 pm

So far I have hit it right on the nose.

Sep 8, 2009 10:46 pm

If you guys are done I have a serious question. I actually did all my plans honestly and 100% passed inspection and got my letter last Thursday. I actually got more than expected in the this snapshot. Do you take the lump sum or the 9 year annuity (there is a years worth of interest along with the first annuity payment next September 2010).  I still have my AGE retention and I don't need the money right now. The annuity is appealing but I am a little worried about the language in the plan. I would appreciate any serious commnents from those who have reviewed the document. Thanks in advance.

Sep 9, 2009 12:29 am

[quote=BE PATIENT]So far I have hit it right on the nose. [/quote]

If by hitting every prediction right on the nose you mean going 0-fer, then yes, you have hit every prediction right on the nose.

Sep 9, 2009 12:35 am

[quote=Readnecks w/Money]

If you guys are done I have a serious question. I actually did all my plans honestly and 100% passed inspection and got my letter last Thursday. I actually got more than expected in the this snapshot. Do you take the lump sum or the 9 year annuity (there is a years worth of interest along with the first annuity payment next September 2010).  I still have my AGE retention and I don’t need the money right now. The annuity is appealing but I am a little worried about the language in the plan. I would appreciate any serious commnents from those who have reviewed the document. Thanks in advance.


Depends on how long you plan on staying with the firm. I have AGE funds as well, but I am taking the whole thing upfront. Simple answer, I don’t trust firm. I’ve seen that Charlie Brown comic too many times where Lucy is holding the football and tells Charlie to kick it, only to pull it away. The firm is Lucy. Recall the original retention promise.

Sep 9, 2009 1:20 am

I believe there is a 2/3…1/3 option…you keep the 2/3 upfront the firm keeps the 1/3 to pay the taxes and interest.

  I'd rather have all the money and control it myself.
Sep 9, 2009 2:50 am

Still no e-mails? Wow !!!

Sep 9, 2009 3:09 am

Still here? Wow !!!

Sep 9, 2009 3:25 am

here until you guys get paid which may be forever. Good luck premier, and by the way you never gave me those trips you would have went on if a true premier advisor. I knew you were a fake.

Sep 9, 2009 3:29 am

why because I refuse to play your stupid game? Everyone here thinks you are a f***ing retard, yet you are clueless.

Sep 9, 2009 3:44 am

Clueless but paid. Which is more than you can say right now. Why dont you channel some of that anger towards the forefront department if you are such a BIG producer.

Sep 9, 2009 4:37 am

9am. Call client

10am. Call forefront dept at wells Fargo

11am. Call my buddy at wells and ask about email

12pm. Call client

1pm. Get on reg rep and seek attention

2pm call client

3pm. Look for new threads on reg rep and respond on forefront

4pm. Call madoff former client and see if they we compensated

that’s a full day. No wonder you are a multi million dollar producer    

Sep 9, 2009 11:36 am

Still no e-mails? Wow !!!

THOUSANDS of emails are now out you asshole...go away you pathetic loser!!
Are you delusional?
Sep 9, 2009 7:32 pm

here until you guys get paid which may be forever. Good luck premier, and by the way you never gave me those trips you would have went on if a true premier advisor. I knew you were a fake.


Your falling off wagon here.    Take a deep breath.     Remember what we talked about.

Now say your sorry to premier and wish him best of luck.
Sep 9, 2009 7:33 pm

[quote=skbroker] 9am. Call client

10am. Call forefront dept at wells Fargo

11am. Call my buddy at wells and ask about email

12pm. Call client

1pm. Get on reg rep and seek attention

2pm call client

3pm. Look for new threads on reg rep and respond on forefront

4pm. Call madoff former client and see if they we compensated

that’s a full day. No wonder you are a multi million dollar producer     [/quote]


Sep 9, 2009 9:58 pm

Anyone get the email this week yet? Natl sales basically do not know what the problem is at this point. I did hear again that only 100 sent to ISG channel and that was 1 week ago. No more have been sent. Can anyone confirm this to be fact? 

Sep 10, 2009 12:38 am

i know that last wednesday night a number of ISG advisors got the email between 5pm and 10pm. I havent heard of anyone getting it since. I know a number of top producing ISG advisors who still don’t have the email. Today to add another curveball a number of advisors got emails stating their forefront documentation was and I quote “on Hold” and to contact their regional managers for more details. To add insult to injury some of those who got this email had already received their documentation and signed and returned it and basically thought they were done. To add more insult to injury noone has any idea why these emails went out and what the on hold means. You cant make this shiiiiiiit up.

Sep 10, 2009 1:34 am

I have not seen an email either. National Sales said they do not know when the next batch is going out. Love the communication!!

Sep 10, 2009 1:37 am

[quote=mikehunt]i know that last wednesday night a number of ISG advisors got the email between 5pm and 10pm. I havent heard of anyone getting it since. I know a number of top producing ISG advisors who still don’t have the email. Today to add another curveball a number of advisors got emails stating their forefront documentation was and I quote “on Hold” and to contact their regional managers for more details. To add insult to injury some of those who got this email had already received their documentation and signed and returned it and basically thought they were done. To add more insult to injury noone has any idea why these emails went out and what the on hold means. You cant make this shiiiiiiit up.[/quote]

Makes you wonder if BP will be right after all.