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Sep 3, 2009 11:44 pm

I've talked to the home office and a regional president.  1300-1500 e-mails will go out by the end of the weekend according to them. I've got a few friends that actually use Envision as a planning tool and didn't need come up w/ new plans for their clients.  They haven't seen anything.  I'm supposedly in the top5% of the firm in production and I've seen nothing. If you are taking the loan, you don't have to worry about getting paid within 10 days from the e-mail.  They are still saying that payment will be 5 business days of signed documents.

Sep 3, 2009 11:50 pm

Mikehunt, nice posting name third grader. We will see. If you would take the time to read my previous posts I never said “you wont get paid”, I said “dont plan on getting paid on the highlighted plans”. And if you are questioning whether I am an advisor ask me a few questions only an advisor could answer. Lets have some fun !!

Sep 4, 2009 12:18 am

Mikehunt, nice posting name third grader. We will see. If you would take the time to read my previous posts I never said “you wont get paid”, I said “dont plan on getting paid on the highlighted plans”. And if you are questioning whether I am an advisor ask me a few questions only an advisor could answer. Lets have some fun !!

well, we did get paid you DUMB f***!!! on ALL THE ENVISION PLANS. You're wrong again asshole
Sep 4, 2009 12:27 am

[quote=BE PATIENT]Hey Happy, your a liar, so are you Mr. Sunshine. I personally called your forefront department today and they said that since the original 100+ sent out last week no more e-mails have been sent. Quit giving these people false hope. Person said the next 1500 e-mails will go out this weekend. [/quote]

Are you some kind of retard? You work at MSSB but you are calling our back office to check on things?
Seriously, get a life man. Get a hobby, get laid, get something.

Sep 4, 2009 12:36 am

I like the direction this thread has taken.

emails received… check

payed on flagged plans… check

BE PATIENT utterly humiliated and proven to be worthless… check

Sep 4, 2009 2:27 am


You called a firm you dont work for to be right on a message board?

One or both of your parents had to have been alcoholics.

Lets update your profile:   

How many of your ex-wives, kids or step kids do you not speak with?

The over/under is 50%.    Again, smart money likes OVER.

Sep 4, 2009 2:48 am


I feel like I just won an Oscar. I’m up on the podium, the flashbulbs are clicking, now for my acceptance speech:

Awwww shucks, I mean, golly…I thought this day would never come. I’d like to thank some special folks who helped make this moment all the more special.

First, Meletio. You whine like a little bitch. It’s all the more rewarding that I am earning a bonus far in excess of your yearly income for doing maybe 20 hours of work.

Second, Be Patient. I did derive some entertainment from your backtracking in the past few days. You were adamant that 4front didn’t exist, that nobody would get paid. Then it was all about highlighted plans and that was the point you stuck to. Then your epic Paul Revere like ride, err, call to WFA’s back office envision department. (What A-Number did you give them when they asked???) You are human garbage. You are a douche. And best of all, you are 100% wrong. And don’t give me the “Well I got a better deal from MSSB than 4front pays.” I will get a killer deal when I leave here too, at a time of my choosing. But any time you want to bury the hatchet, you can come to a BBQ over at my place. I will be happy to grill up a big $hitburger for you. It’s time for you to go away. My guess is that you will, but only to come back with another screen name, in true douche fashion.

Last, my friends in managment at all levels, local, regional, national, and the executives at the bank (WB and WFC). f*** you. You had the opportunity when you bought AGE to make friends. Instead you screwed over about 5000 FA’s by providing a crappy transition to the the new company. Your motto is the less communication the better. Then the bank rolled financial snake eyes and had to be taken over by WFC. WFC came along and decided they wouldn’t pay retention (after telling everyone they would), instead they invented this joke of a program. As 4front progressed managment’s communication became more and more distant, to eventually nonexistent.  You couldn’t post one freaking update on infomax? If the FA’s are the clients of managment as my manager likes to say, is it any surprise that people are leaving this firm in droves? If I treated my clients the way this company has treated my colleagues and I they would hate my guts too.

Oh, the band is playing, well thanks again, God Bless and see you the next time this company does something stupid that warrants a 48 page thread, in other words, see you soon!

Sep 4, 2009 3:59 am

Wow, I have struck a nerve. First, they didnt ask for an A# when I called, second I think those that are claiming e-mail came are full of sh*t because your corporate said no e-mails until this weekend, so I am thinking you are still lying. I guess you are all still nervously optimistic.

Sep 4, 2009 4:27 am


Goodbye moron. Please turn off the lights when you leave.

Sep 4, 2009 5:03 am

Hey premier - what were the last 10 trips you went on with A.G. Edwards? I can name them can you? Went on my first trip in my first year and every trip after that for the last 20 years. I think I should change my posting name to premier advisor and you should change yours to poser

Sep 4, 2009 5:17 am

[quote=BE PATIENT]Wow, I have struck a nerve. First, they didnt ask for an A# when I called, second I think those that are claiming e-mail came are full of sh*t because your corporate said no e-mails until this weekend, so I am thinking you are still lying. I guess you are all still nervously optimistic. [/quote]

Game over asshole.
Also, there is no tooth fairy, no loch ness monster, Elvis is still dead, the Cubs aren’t going to win the world series and I have my contract.

Sep 4, 2009 5:28 am


Sep 4, 2009 10:05 pm

Got my contract tonight…5:30EST

not rubbin anything in, but santa’s real

Sep 4, 2009 10:51 pm

Region? Or does it matter. I believe we submitted everything on the 8/13

Sep 4, 2009 10:56 pm

We submitted on 8/11, hope to get something soon, this is geting silly now.  Apparently/alledgedly, you are in the que according to when your manager submitted the approval.  Two I know got the e-mail and ALL their plans where approved…even the HIGHLIGHTED ones…

Sep 4, 2009 11:49 pm

Region? Or does it matter. I believe we submitted everything on the 8/13

Mid Atlantic
submitted on 17th
had only one flagged plan, though
Sep 5, 2009 2:15 am

Has anyone from ISG received their documents yet? I was told that only PCG were sent emails. Thanks.

Sep 5, 2009 2:48 am

[quote=LLETF]Has anyone from ISG received their documents yet? I was told that only PCG were sent emails. Thanks.[/quote]

I didnt get mine and mine were done early and they were done correctly. Plenty of ISG have gotten them. I have spoken to those in my area that have. I dont know how they determine to send what to whom and when. Pissed off.

Sep 5, 2009 5:27 am

Hey premier - what were the last 10 trips you went on with A.G. Edwards? I can name them can you? Went on my first trip in my first year and every trip after that for the last 20 years. I think I should change my posting name to premier advisor and you should change yours to poser

no you should definitely change yours to Barely Producing

Sep 5, 2009 1:21 pm

no he should change his name to KNOWS NOTHING