Ethics, Money and Strippers
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Having escaped and being extremely happy about it, I have to admit my girlfriend (s) always made it to Jones regionals and hid in the room, because I would have been fired. OK I feel saved now. Maybe Bachmann could have brought his girlfriend also.
They do talk out of both sides of their mouth, it seems. I had a rep I know who was planning on going on a trip where they could bring one guest (ie., a spouse). His spouse was unable to attend, so he planned on bringing his eldest son who was 13 or 14, something like that. The company said that spouses were only allowed to attend. A little weird from my perspective for such a great family organization.
[quote=kkenney]Having escaped and being extremely happy about it, I have to admit my girlfriend (s) always made it to Jones regionals and hid in the room, because I would have been fired. OK I feel saved now. Maybe Bachmann could have brought his girlfriend also.[/quote]
I took my boyfriend and they never said aword ha..ha..
Thank You Advisor1. Having been at the table more than once when a “Jones
Urban Tale” was born, I was wondering what the heck was up with this story
and WHY it was told - FURTHER the GP who told the tale is an Old Timer. It
ALL now makes sense.
The REAL moral of the story is… mess with Revenue Sharing for the GP’s and
you are dead meat, no matter how big a Producer you are. THEN so other
learn not to follow, they create a story that makes him look like a real low
life. Goes back to what Babbling, Spiked, Gone Indy, Myself and many others
have said all along, when you leave Jones they ruin your reputation. It’s how
they keep the masses in line and make the ones who stay appear to be
Wow, another example of the brain washing that goes on.
Thank You Advisor1. Having been at the table more than once
when a "Jones Urban Tale" was born, I was wondering what the heck was
up with this story and WHY it was told - FURTHER the GP who told the tale
is an Old Timer. It ALL now makes sense.
The REAL moral of the story is... mess with Revenue Sharing for the
GP's and you are dead meat, no matter how big a Producer you are. THEN
so other learn not to follow, they create a story that makes him look like a
real low life. Goes back to what Babbling, Spiked, Gone Indy, Myself and
many others have said all along, when you leave Jones they ruin your
reputation. It's how they keep the masses in line and make the ones who
stay appear to be superior.
Wow, another example of the brain washing that goes on.
Thank You Advisor1. Having been at the table more than once
when a “Jones Urban Tale” was born, I was wondering what the heck was
up with this story and WHY it was told - FURTHER the GP who told the tale
is an Old Timer. It ALL now makes sense.
The REAL moral of the story is… mess with Revenue Sharing for the
GP’s and you are dead meat, no matter how big a Producer you are. THEN
so other learn not to follow, they create a story that makes him look like a
real low life. Goes back to what Babbling, Spiked, Gone Indy, Myself and
many others have said all along, when you leave Jones they ruin your
reputation. It’s how they keep the masses in line and make the ones who
stay appear to be superior.
Wow, another example of the brain washing that goes on. Ok maybe
I’m missing something. How did this guy mess with the revenue sharing
for the Geeps? Seems to me he HELPED it if Hartford PAID MORE?
Joe, the key word in Advisor1's account is "Hartford pays more revenue
sharing to the rep..." and was carrying his P&L around showing how it
impacted his personal income. Hartford and I think Van Kampen pay more
UPFRONT in gross then the IR gets their cut. But, it used to be that an IR
also got a smidge of the Revenue sharing credited back on their P&L
based on the dollar amount held in the particular fund. That becomes
important -EXTREMELY important to the individual IR as their profit
number is the basis for Bonus AND Partnership offerings.
You see, if the Top Producer in the firm goes on the road with this type
of information- and TRUST ME it was NEVER TAUGHT in STL just how all
this came together...American funds was in trouble losing their number
one spot. They applied pressure to the jeeps in STL who in turn used the
first opportunity to show the left foot of fellowship out the door- and
ruin his reputation lest anyone begin to think he was on to something.
Which he was. And by showing the individual IR how to get a little bigger
piece of the pie for himself it spells disaster for those in control.
After Revenue Sharing became known to all, EDJ had to change the way
they pay- it became a percentage of all money held in all mutual funds-
and you should have seen the backlash of the veterans who knew they
were now getting screwed out money they felt they rightfully earned by
filling up the tanks of the funds who paid more on their P&L.
Does this help you?
Joe, the key word in Advisor1’s account is “Hartford
pays more revenue sharing to the rep…” and was carrying his P&L around
showing how it impacted his personal income. Hartford and I think Van
Kampen pay more UPFRONT in gross then the IR gets their cut. But, it
used to be that an IR also got a smidge of the Revenue sharing credited
back on their P&L based on the dollar amount held in the particular fund.
That becomes important -EXTREMELY important to the individual IR as
their profit number is the basis for Bonus AND Partnership offerings.
You see, if the Top Producer in the firm goes on the road with this type
of information- and TRUST ME it was NEVER TAUGHT in STL just how all
this came together…American funds was in trouble losing their number
one spot. They applied pressure to the jeeps in STL who in turn used the
first opportunity to show the left foot of fellowship out the door- and
ruin his reputation lest anyone begin to think he was on to something.
Which he was. And by showing the individual IR how to get a little bigger
piece of the pie for himself it spells disaster for those in control.
After Revenue Sharing became known to all, EDJ had to change the way
they pay- it became a percentage of all money held in all mutual funds-
and you should have seen the backlash of the veterans who knew they
were now getting screwed out money they felt they rightfully earned by
filling up the tanks of the funds who paid more on their P&L.
Does this help you?
[/quote]thanks. wow…even for my jaded mindthat’s a lot to absorb…that these guys would do this stuff.EJ sucks. How
can anyone trust them?
(This is the response we were taught to use when clients' presented objections)
How can anyone trust them?
How did Jim Jones convince thousands of people to commit suicide? Why do you think references keep getting made between Jim Jones and Edward Jones and Kool-aid? It's all about mind control.