Citi Personal Wealth Mismanagement
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Nope, just too late in the year for people to bail. We still feel bad those those poor souls still be slaughtered there…
I agree… life did not get suddenly rosey at Citi. Those with a good plan and the stones to leave who also got on it early in October are mostly gone. I still think the movement in January will be very noticeable and most of those who are going to leave at least in the next few months will be out by MLK holiday. What’s the point in planning an exit after that?
It’s just a matter of time until it’s clear that Citi is forced back in the recruiting game. That’ll be the most laughable story the poor AIMs and recruiters have to tell… selling that pig to experienced FAs ain’t going to be easy.
Burton, I can’t wait to see what happens to the ship of fools who actually believe what they’re being told by C management. If MLK weekend has the exodus thats expected, C will be forced to make some very tough decisions. It’s not like they can afford to subsidize the program until they can find reps dumb or deparate enough to join them. They’ll be forced to move more than the $100,000 and under accounts to MyFi or whatever they call their customer service division these days. If these others who are attacking you are actually reps and not managers, how do they trust anyone in management?? All managers jobs are at this point is to stay employed. They will tell the reps anything to keep them from leaving. As a former rep of C for many years I find it all (the new direction of the company and the reps too afraid to leave)…Very Sad!!
im going to "ask debby" if i can use my bda for nyasiansgirls. maybe she already has