Can i take my book? {literally}
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I suspect that fewer and fewer people do read it.
We see the same pattern over and over. Somebody asks a good question. There is a mix of amusing and serious answers. Finally the discussion degrades into 3 or 4 pages of off-topic arguments about who's a loser and who has the biggest... um... book.
I have the biggest... um... book.
Do I sense a hint of sarcasm there Jeff?
Nobody is forcing you to read it if it’s that tiresome…
I suspect that fewer and fewer people do read it.
We see the same pattern over and over. Somebody asks a good question. There is a mix of amusing and serious answers. Finally the discussion degrades into 3 or 4 pages of off-topic arguments about who’s a loser and who has the biggest… um… book.
The serious responses get buried and the thread grinds to a halt.
I post on this forum because I like it, and because I get good candidate referrals. I’m not secretive about my agenda, because I contribute in a material way without any expectation of quid-pro-quo.
I don’t expect you to change. I just thought it was time somebody pointed out the decline of an otherwise useful and interesting forum.
No need to respond. I doubt if many of the serious members are still reading this thread, anyway.
Jeff perhaps at times the dialogue is not as constructive as it could be. At times I even contribute to that. For the most part, however, I think you can lay blame at the feet of our ever-present troll, PutTrader/Soon2BGone, who finds it necessary to hold forth on just about every topic, even those about which he knows absolutely nothing.
Believe it or not, however, it has been even worse in the past.
In any case, I’ll keep your comments in mind.
Do I sense a hint of sarcasm there Jeff?
Nobody is forcing you to read it if it’s that tiresome…
I suspect that fewer and fewer people do read it.
We see the same pattern over and over. Somebody asks a good question. There is a mix of amusing and serious answers. Finally the discussion degrades into 3 or 4 pages of off-topic arguments about who’s a loser and who has the biggest… um… book.
The serious responses get buried and the thread grinds to a halt.
I post on this forum because I like it, and because I get good candidate referrals. I’m not secretive about my agenda, because I contribute in a material way without any expectation of quid-pro-quo.
I don’t expect you to change. I just thought it was time somebody pointed out the decline of an otherwise useful and interesting forum.
No need to respond. I doubt if many of the serious members are still reading this thread, anyway.
Jeff perhaps at times the dialogue is not as constructive as it could be. At times I even contribute to that. For the most part, however, I think you can lay blame at the feet of our ever-present troll, PutTrader/Soon2BGone, who finds it necessary to hold forth on just about every topic, even those about which he knows absolutely nothing.
Believe it or not, however, it has been even worse in the past.
In any case, I’ll keep your comments in mind.
Thanks for listening.
You’re absolutely right- I could have focused my criticism on a wide variety of characters.
Perhaps I vented my frustrations at you because you’re one of the few with sufficient intelligence and insight to listen, care and perhaps change.
This forum won’t be around long if all the good people follow WhatsHisName over the cliff.