AGE/WB Defection--not rumor
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You are absolutely wrong that eight brokers have left AGE since (or “because of” the merger. I don’t care who you are or what position you think you’re in, I know all I need to know already.
If you keep posting stupid, incorrect data, you will continue to hear about it.
As far as what is happening with John Lee... Looks like AGE is dragging him into court. .html
You know all you need to know already because it’s convenient for you and
that’s all you want to hear.
Go ask your regional, your BOM, hell go ask someone in branch
administration. Then you’ll have a clue. At least about this.
I’ve seen 6 leave myself because of the merger so I am guessing 8 is a little (ok a lot) low.
There is no logical reason to leave because of the merger, unless you were going to have to relocate or end up working for a manager with whom you did not get along.
As of now it is not known which offices might be consolidated, and who the ultimate managers will be.
So, it is not impossible that not a single broker left AGE because of the merger.
The reasons to leave are becasue of self interest. Money is being thrown around and it's easy to justify the move to clients when you cite the merger. Clients will feel too poorly informed of the mechanics of a merger to challenge the decision and will generally go along.
There are going to be a number of clients who have accounts with both Wachovia and AGE. The truth in the pudding with that group will be which of the "advisors" they decide should inherit the other guy's share of their account.
It would not surprise me if the AGE guy didn't win more often than not.
I’ve already spoken with 3 clients that also have WB accounts and want me to
take them over post merger.
that's all you want to hear.
Wrong again (this is getting to be a habit with you, sad to say). I personally know of more than 8 brokers who have left AGE since the merger announcement. You are a proven idiot who doesn't know when he's beaten.
Here's a clue, my small-minded friend; AGE branch andmin. (including most BOM's) are in full broker-retention mode. One of their main objectives is to hide attrition from the rank-and-file (of which you are obviously a card-carrying member).
No doubt AGE management--along with WS management--is doing all they can to curtail attrition.
That does not change the FACT that it is not possible to point to the merger itself as a reason to leave.
Too little of what will ultimtely happen is known at this time.
I, personally, have reason to make the merger a reason to leave. I am in SW FL and most of my clients are retired blue-collar types. They have seen their beloved local banks be consumed by the nationals (Wachovia, for the most part). They have gutted the local “culture” of the banks (installed such large staffs that the clients no longer have consistent contacts there) and have nickel and dime’d them to death with fees. These client HATE Wachovia. They now see the same thing (in their perception) about to happen to their beloved regional brokerage. My client (en mass) have have implored me not to stay with Wachovia post merger. Would you agree that that is a compelling reason to leave?
I, personally, have reason to make the merger a reason to leave. I am in SW FL and most of my clients are retired blue-collar types. They have seen their beloved local banks be consumed by the nationals (Wachovia, for the most part). They have gutted the local "culture" of the banks (installed such large staffs that the clients no longer have consistent contacts there) and have nickel and dime'd them to death with fees. These client HATE Wachovia. They now see the same thing (in their perception) about to happen to their beloved regional brokerage. My client (en mass) have have implored me not to stay with Wachovia post merger. Would you agree that that is a compelling reason to leave?
You are not much of a salesman if you can't convince your clients that in the financial business it is good--even great--to be working with the second largest brokerage in the world.
There is a huge difference between having your checking account and perhaps a loan with a small "friendly" bank and having your brokerage account with a small "friendly" broker dealer.
I do not believe that your clients are begging you to change firms. Clients do not see it as their role to suggest to their "financial adivsor" what business cards that "advisor" should carry.
I think you're a tiny producer who is using this turmoil as an excuse to make a change.
I don't find anything wrong with that, by the way. It's just that in an environment like this it grates on me to hear anything less than an honest explanation for one's actions.
We had 5 leave in the next office north of me last week alone…that is one office!
1 broker just left my branch of 20 or so fc’s. 4 more (all producing 500k plus) just left a branch of about 15 fc’s in another part of town. I wonder how many will take off in the coming months. This is probably just the beginning.
You’re right, I should eat whatever sh*t-sandwich WB chooses to feed me and waste sales presentations on my clients just to get them to do the same.
I think you are terrified of the coming changes (ie payout cut, 410(k) slash, unhappy clients re: money fund rates, etc.) but are too unsure about yourself to take charge of your own career. That’s fine, but please don’t project all of your insecurities onto the rest of us.
Most of us here are entrepreneurs, not employees, who are always looking for a better situation for ourselves and our clients.
On the bright side, I’m sure your BOM loves you, you’re a real Rah-Rah company man (this, surely, allows him to overlook your sub-standard production to some extent).
Your last post was textbook “Methinks thou dost protest too much.”
Good luck to you. Just think, in just 11 short years, you’ll have your whole retention bonus. That’s something to shoot for!
You're right, I should eat whatever sh*t-sandwich WB chooses to feed me and waste sales presentations on my clients just to get them to do the same.
Role play with me. Tell me why it is in my best interest to not have my brokerage account with the world's second largest broker/dealer backed by a huge bank and all their financial resources.
What is the schidt sandwich I will be eating if I have an account with Wachovia Securities?
How does one "waste" a sales presentation?
That sounds like you consider even talking to your clients to be a waste of your time. Is that because it takes you away from playing message board loudmouth?
For AGE fcs who stick it out at WB, I think their books will grow faster and so will their production. FCs who leave will probably do fine as well. Things are black or white on this board but in reality not so much.
Crisis (WB buys AGE) = risk (the unknown) + opportunity (pick up assets).
My gosh, what did they do with a green briar to make them stay. It sounds absolutely painful.
Role play with me.
No. I’ll give you facts, though.
Tell me why it is in my best interest to not have my brokerage account
with the world’s second largest broker/dealer backed by a huge bank and
all their financial resources.
Because, Wachovia (including Securities) is, at their core, a bank. This will result in clients getting much lower interest rates on cash and many more account related fees. These things are part and parcel of banks and are expected of the bank by its shareholders. Also,
Wachovia does have proprietary funds (Evergreen, which are dogsh*t) and there will, inevitably, be some degree of pressure to use these funds, otherwise they wouldn’t have a proprietary line of products at all.
How does one “waste” a sales presentation?
I use sales presentations to make money. In fact the first sales presentations I make after the transition to indy will make me a 93% payout.
Quincy, you’re free to do what you want (as am I) but it strikes me as odd that you fight so desperately with those who choose to leave. It would seem to indicate some other underlying concern on your part.