AGE/WB Defection--not rumor
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Haven't you heard?
There is a conspiracy to get the goods on the posters here and turn them into the SEC.
Just because you're paranoid does not mean that they are not out to get you.
I am with a regional. IM me and i will tel you the in’s and out of davenport, anderson, FBW
Come -n- get me! I am a 100% purely legitimate, honest, and complaint free Financial Advisor.
Now, back to you…Put Trader, DAtoo, DAtwo, Needs Advice. What’s your excuse?
S&S- nothing really wrong with them except BB&T didn't/doesn't know what to do with them. Some good research.
Davenport- Is your blood blue enough!
A&S-Where failed bank brokers go to stay in the business. one big error from going out of business (No insult meant to bank brokers)
Is Branch Cabell still in Richmond? It was another blue blood firm--may have been acquired by Davenport. I used to play golf with their CEO in the early '90s--he died. Seems like his name was Mason New, but I can't recall right now.
As for A&S--you're right, they are marginally capitalized and the management team is a bit lacking in luster, even though they're good guys as men.
I guess people will go to great lengths not to have to talk to you.
That is what passes for clever among the sophomoric set.
[quote=Ferris Bueller] [quote=Lady's Choice] I used to play golf with their CEO in the early '90s--
he died. [/quote]
I guess people will go to great lengths not to have to talk to you.[/quote]
I was told of a few more defections from AGE to SB and MS today in the STL
More defections…Branch Manager and partner + 2 admin leave Ballantyne, NC office for SBarney…1mm+ team…Walkallovia just got Walkallovaia…
Not counting today (if there were any), there have been 8. EIGHT brokers in
the entire AGE system that have left because of the merger.
So what.
EIGHT brokers in
the entire AGE system that have left because of the merger.
Amazing, a guy who knows every single AGE broker and has real-time updates of their employment status!
Your data is laughably flawed. You will get pummeled off this site with this type of nonsense.
just think of the opportunity for the remaining fcs when somone that large leaves. 20% retention x 100 - 200 million.
Always remember the 80/20 rule. Those departing Fc’s will leave the bottom 20% of their book that accounts for statistically none of their production, but created virtually all of their headaches.
[quote=YHWY] EIGHT brokers in
the entire AGE system that have left because of the merger. </
span>Amazing, a guy who knows every single AGE broker and has real-
time updates of their employment status! Your data is laughably flawed.
You will get pummeled off this site with this type of nonsense.<span
style=“font-weight: bold;”>
Why would I have to know every single broker? Did you read what you
typed before you hit the enter button? You assume too much, young
padiwan, in particular you assumed that I’m not in direct contact with
people who make it their business to know exactly how many have left to
the exact number.
I can’t wait to get pummeled out of here with your feather weight fists
and your complete lack of inside information.