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AGE cutting payouts

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Jan 26, 2006 11:57 pm

AGE has an identity crisis. It thinks it is based in New York with big fat M&A revenue! AGE overpays its analyst and investment bankers (if you could call them that) and then sticks the retail clowns with the bill. How much do you think the guy that was named the analyst hall of fame? $400 - $600 never wrote a ticket! Can anyone even trace any revenue back to him or even his group? Al Goldman - the AGE Chief Market Strategist - how much revenue does this schmuck bring in? ZERO! The reason the firm has not been taken over is becuase no-one wants the bucket of sheet. Maybe we should all get together and buy out AGE. First thing, fire the analyst, fire the investment bankers,fire the frickin market strategist and increase everyones payouts and still make a killing!

Jan 27, 2006 5:37 pm

[quote=Indyone]I had almost ruled you out as just another juvenile 20-something, I'm not so sure...[/quote]

Yeah, you're probably right here.  It was a weak attempt at being funny.  Not really intended as an insult.  Sorry Indy, you're one of the handful of guys/gals around here I have some respect for.

Jan 27, 2006 10:01 pm

I'll get over be honest, I'd already forgotten about it and moved on.  I try not to hold's hard on my blood pressure...

You've had some value-added posts...keep up the good work...

Jan 28, 2006 3:15 am

"I'll get over be honest, I'd already forgotten about it and moved on.  I try not to hold's hard on my blood pressure"

Indy, drink a fifth of Jack... that will bring the 'ol BP down a bit.....

Jan 28, 2006 5:24 am

Yes it will…but I intend to work tomorrow so I’d better pass…

Mar 10, 2006 10:03 pm

Man, you guys sure seem wound tight.


Mar 11, 2006 2:13 am

Ace, this stuff is old news and at least one of the posts was deleted, so you're not getting the full effect.  Heck, I can't even remember what was said at this point.  At any rate, we've all moved on and I don't think anyone is losing any sleep anymore...