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Feb 11, 2009 3:30 am

[quote=Ferris Bueller] [quote=scotsman] [quote=tdude]mbond…wont argue that…clipping advisory accounts is huge and noone talking here about this…and scotsman…we will be the laughing stock of the industry…march 20th an interesting day indeed[/quote]

We already are the laughing stock.  all you have to do is read the previous 200 pages to see that. 
We are on here bitching about no communication and the Merrill guys across the street are out spending their retention.  Won't be long till the MS and SB guys are spending theirs and we will be on page 350 still wonder what the name of the freak'n firm will be. 
We are all sheep to the slaughter.[/quote]

Merrill may have their money, but their firm is totally and completely f*cked.[/quote]   Oh   I forgot.  BAC CEO says Merrill FAs are the crown Jewel  Can you tell me what Stumpf has said about us
Feb 11, 2009 3:31 am

scots…last comment says it all

Feb 11, 2009 3:33 am

Pruwacitiwefarubs is the new name. No retention is the new game.

You fellas are already the laughing stock of the brokerage community. I thought the best tribute was the WSJ full page ad that welcomed you ladies to Citi, and then had to bail 5 days later for the horse and buggy bailout plan.

I do love the ‘everyone call the home office’ gig - I thought that was the best touch… classy.

Next up… the ‘we are going to walk, cause we deserve retention for doing absolutely nothing’ battle cry.

Feb 11, 2009 3:34 am

I just use Pathways and PFA so I care about retention again

Feb 11, 2009 3:35 am
cnn now blasting wells for spending $200m on ads in the times and wash post...   stumpf needs to announce to congress tomorrow that wells is returning the tarp money and then blast the media for it's misleading coverage.   if he has the nads to do it, retention can proceed he have the nads???
Feb 11, 2009 3:37 am

There is no way they can give us a higher payout for a set period when other firms are giving real retention. Who would stay? I wont. But there is no reason for them to say anything before the love fest with Barney Frank tommorow. The great thing is that there will be communication on friday…

Feb 11, 2009 3:40 am

edit…does he have the nads???

  why come i ain't got no good english...
Feb 11, 2009 3:40 am

Pruwacitiwefarubs is the new name. No retention is the new game.

You fellas are already the laughing stock of the brokerage community. I thought the best tribute was the WSJ full page ad that welcomed you ladies to Citi, and then had to bail 5 days later for the horse and buggy bailout plan.

I do love the ‘everyone call the home office’ gig - I thought that was the best touch… classy.

Next up… the ‘we are going to walk, cause we deserve retention for doing absolutely nothing’ battle cry.

  Nice,  But you are not in our shoes.  I spent September doing LOAs to move money around so everything was SIPC insured.  I had to answer a thousand questions about our firm.  Then had to justify the Citi not buying us crap just to have to explain why being part of Wells was great.    It is obvious you are not smart enough to have gone to Wharton so congrats on sitting in a class for a week to get your CIMA.  I bet you failed the CFP and had to settle
Feb 11, 2009 3:40 am

There is no way they can give us a higher payout for a set period when other firms are giving real retention. Who would stay? I wont. But there is no reason for them to say anything before the love fest with Barney Frank tommorow. The great thing is that there will be communication on friday…

  One big difference, those firms bought brokerage firms, WFC bought the bank and the brokerage happened to tag along.  Is this that hard for people to grasp.  You can not compare the other ones to this situation.
Feb 11, 2009 3:46 am

[quote=Maynard]There is no way they can give us a higher payout for a set period when other firms are giving real retention. Who would stay? I wont. But there is no reason for them to say anything before the love fest with Barney Frank tommorow. The great thing is that there will be communication on friday…

  One big difference, those firms bought brokerage firms, WFC bought the bank and the brokerage happened to tag along.  Is this that hard for people to grasp.  You can not compare the other ones to this situation.[/quote]   Fritz I see your point if you don't think you are on par with MER/SB/MS advisors.  I feel we are and our profit margin shows that.  Sell us  or   Pay us  but don't lie to us anymore.
Feb 11, 2009 3:48 am

Scotsman, are you really taking the time to comment on a company you dotn even work for and kick those that work for that company while they are down? Are you even a broker or a teller, or just a wanna be cop working as a security guard

Feb 11, 2009 3:54 am

Scotsman, are you really taking the time to comment on a company you dotn even work for and kick those that work for that company while they are down? Are you even a broker or a teller, or just a wanna be cop working as a security guard

    Be patient     If you don't know who I work for yet you just can't read.  Don't you have some calls to JH make.   By the way In a previous post of mine I said no retention from Wells and you called me a D@#bF@@K.  You still think there is a call Friday and the increased pay out crap is not retention its a stay in the seat till me sell the firm pay off.  Unfortunately who is going to buy us now
Feb 11, 2009 3:57 am


  I get what you are saying. But other firms are paying for top brokers, WS is paying for brokers. They have us, cant see how they waste us. I still think they pay us just enough. Plus, who is going to do more this year than last year, why would anyone stay for an accelerated payout?
Feb 11, 2009 3:58 am

Nice, But you are not in our shoes. I spent September doing LOAs to move money around so everything was SIPC insured. I had to answer a thousand questions about our firm. Then had to justify the Citi not buying us crap just to have to explain why being part of Wells was great.

Wow... you had to answer, like a thousand questions? Had to lie about why Citi was a good fit, only to see an about-face from your firm, then had to explain why the Wagon was the best option? Let me guess... you worked sooooo hard those days? You so deserve retention. Tell your managers... no, better yet, take the suggestion to contact Jimmy Hayes... tell them that your little head is hurting and you deserve retention or you'll walk.

I've been there, took my retention on the Pru acquisition, sold my Pru at 75, sold my WB at 50, and walked away like a gentleman. You fellas seem to gripe all the time, and I can see it now... lamenting to the manager, walking by his office all the time, handwringing, pulling other advisors aside.. 'anything heard', you'll say....

Pathetic bunch of tossers, and you know it. My guess is the only reason you'll stay around until 4 on Friday is to see if they've announced the retention yet.

Just leave. Stop complaining, and leave.
Feb 11, 2009 4:02 am

Who said anything about increased payout? Not me. And yes I still think you are a dumbfuck and wharton kiddie you are a liar. You did not sell Pru at 75 and WB at 50, next you will claim all clients are in cash as of 9/07

Feb 11, 2009 4:05 am


  I get what you are saying. But other firms are paying for top brokers, WS is paying for brokers. They have us, cant see how they waste us. I still think they pay us just enough. Plus, who is going to do more this year than last year, why would anyone stay for an accelerated payout? [/quote]   I think they just look at it different than the brokers do.    Am I going to do more than last year?  Sure, if everyone in my office leaves and I inherit ton of accounts maybe, unless that happens NO CHANCE (trying to just preserve client assets) Think if this payout bump up is the plan it would just be to buy some time, nothing more.    Other firms are still paying despite speculation that would stop, guess well find out Friday.  If any substance to "non conventional retention" wording you have to wonder?
Feb 11, 2009 4:07 am

Who said anything about increased payout? Not me. And yes I still think you are a dumbfuck and wharton kiddie you are a liar. You did not sell Pru at 75 and WB at 50, next you will claim all clients are in cash as of 9/07

Did too... walked from PRU in April. Sold WB in late 2006. Walked away from them, completely.

Feb 11, 2009 4:09 am

Good call B.P.

Wharton go back to your AIG Valic post

Feb 11, 2009 4:10 am

that whale campbell brown could lose 50 pounds.

Feb 11, 2009 4:12 am

[quote=whartonkiddie] [quote=BE PATIENT] Who said anything about increased payout? Not me. And yes I still think you are a dumbfuck and wharton kiddie you are a liar. You did not sell Pru at 75 and WB at 50, next you will claim all clients are in cash as of 9/07[/quote]

Did too… walked from PRU in April. Sold WB in late 2006. Walked away from them, completely.

  So you are out of the business now. You come to this post to throw some shots at producers because you are bitter Deep down you wish you could have made it but you didn't have what it takes.  It is OK I know some old pru guys who stuck it out and are barely doing $200,000. it was better you left the busines instead of holding on to a dream.
