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Feb 7, 2009 2:08 pm

Oooh - another pretty picture from tarheel the illiterate!  Smart decision for you - pictures are so much more your speed than
words.  I can’t wait until you finish watching Saturday morning cartoons so you can post your next deep thought on the topic!

Feb 7, 2009 2:20 pm

What is the argument?   that FINET,isg,pcg whatever

…gross is inferior somehow?

when i first started (84) and was calling strangers in the bull pen some guys started talking smack.   I started listening to the BS.

an older guy (so much like the wise old guy on Wall Street)said the greatest line ever in this business…

he said keep calling, ignore everything except calling…

and always, always remember…


Feb 7, 2009 2:41 pm

AGE   were you forced to keep the stock?  I used to work at merrill and in their deffered comp ML fc’s were forced to have 100% in ML stock with no other options.  They have reason to be upset with stock going in toilet.  I don’t think its fair for you to be mad at WB for you not selling stock( that is if you could) and that should have nothing to do with retention argument.    Hey I owned to much WB personally and am upset at steele going on mad money and saying everything is fine…and than 2 weeks later ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  But that is yesterday’s news and WFC had nothing to do with that and they could care less about how you and  I invested personally.

Feb 7, 2009 2:50 pm

[quote=Morphius] Oooh - another pretty picture from tarheel the illiterate! Smart decision for you - pictures are so much more your speed than

words. I can’t wait until you finish watching Saturday morning cartoons so you can post your next deep thought on the topic!


I think it’s great how it’s rendering you impotent. Keep it up TH.

Feb 7, 2009 2:55 pm

restricted shares and options converted into more wb stock, no cash, could not sell the unvested shares.  So AGE guys got smoked on their restricted shares.  Deffered comp is not invested in AGE stock.  Two seperate plans. 

Feb 7, 2009 3:03 pm

[quote=Bud Fox FL]AGE   were you forced to keep the stock?  I used to work at merrill and in their deffered comp ML fc’s were forced to have 100% in ML stock with no other options.  They have reason to be upset with stock going in toilet.  I don’t think its fair for you to be mad at WB for you not selling stock( that is if you could) and that should have nothing to do with retention argument.    Hey I owned to much WB personally and am upset at steele going on mad money and saying everything is fine…and than 2 weeks later ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  But that is yesterday’s news and WFC had nothing to do with that and they could care less about how you and  I invested personally.

 [/quote] Yes, we got $38.50 cash and some of us kept the remaining shares in WB (I sold some but not all).  What upsets a lot of us is the grant stock/options that, like ML, we could not sell.  I rec'd a DTC notice for something like 220 sh of WFC....didn't realize what it was until my buddy said, "oh, that was your grant stock that had not vested"....well, that USED to be about $100k in stock, now worth $4000.  I think we have a right to be upset w/ WB management and this whole merger.  On a similar issue, this whole WFC thing has dragged on for far to long resulting in both DL and JH having ZERO credibility.  Why should we believe a single ummmm/word that comes out of their mouth?
Feb 7, 2009 3:15 pm

Top grid ISG  41% if they pay 50%  retention upfront and amortize over a 5 year contract… 51% for highest producer at ISG is still way below Fi net …Probably similar story with PCG… 

  pru - bank     big changes =retention age- bank     big changes = retention wb- wfc         bad bank to highest rated bank and no big changes=no retention?   basically whole structure is istill n place for PCG and Fi net ...I think your payout complaints were with WB  and not WFC related?? and for that you got retention from WB   ISG   now has new structure new bosses new biz model new procedures on everything including new bank computers and new unknown grid in WMG starting in 2010 yet to be announced=big changes for ISG = retention   same formula why pru and age got retention   change= retention    no change no retention   For PCG and Fi net  no big changes from WB to WFC...First union to Wachovia no big changes to ISG thus no retention to ISG   So even forget what channel is more profitable.... change = retention  that is how it was explanained to ISG ....  FU to WB meant no big changes and that is how they justified no retention to ISG..... do not shoot messenger ....I was pissed when we got no retention but hey that is how it went down.............   I would be asking if I was Fi net or AGE   is anything going to change from WB to WFC? If not no reason to pay retention particularly in this enviroment.  
Feb 7, 2009 3:17 pm

that sux about age stock did not know…those bastards need to pay !!!

Feb 7, 2009 3:17 pm

ball boy,

Sure doesn’t take much to get under your skin, does it lad?  Go cry to your momma.  I’m sure she cares what you think. 

Feb 7, 2009 3:19 pm


you sound like a GD whinnnnning little girly MF client

gezz man

I couldnt sell. i couldnt figure out where my stock was. the sun was in my eyes.    my broker made me buy it.    i want my money back

just STFU   take your GD medicine and STFU


Feb 7, 2009 3:28 pm

[quote=shredder]On a similar issue, this whole WFC thing has dragged on for far to long resulting in both DL and JH having ZERO credibility.  Why should we believe a single ummmm/word that comes out of their mouth?[/quote]
Great question, shredder.      I’m still amazed more people aren’t asking similar questions.

But simply asking that obvious question is likely to upset some of the more sensitive sheeple on this thread.  Much less work to live in denial than to think. 

Feb 7, 2009 3:41 pm
CDO Squared:


you sound like a GD whinnnnning little girly MF client
gezz man

I couldnt sell. i couldnt figure out where my stock was. the sun was in my eyes.    my broker made me buy it.    i want my money back

just STFU   take your GD medicine and STFU

Listen Hiku Sqd, I am not asking for your sympathy, a question was asked and answered.  Go crawl back into your dark can snuggle with your butt buddies, DL and JH.
Feb 7, 2009 3:49 pm

I dont trust DL anymore. he lied to me.    he is mean

what MF planet are you from?

take a look around.    

6 people out of 4 billion saw this coming

jamie dimon,nareli dr doom freak show, that fat ass bithc meradeth whitley and jesus

i real sorry your wonderful little age world and age stock went down.

im real sorry that your dont trust DL anymore

here are a few name for you. tell me how they are doing

jimmy cane,john thaine,f,gm.ip,bear sterns,fnm,fre,c,ken lewis,ken thomspson,txt,ip,aig,mer,bob steele,dick fuld,a mazillo,thornberg,indymac,hank greenberg,bac,…etc etc

fu and ur crappy AGE whinning stories

look around

Feb 7, 2009 4:15 pm

Well when someone goes through a list of talking points with the FA's (that can be told to clients) about how strong/solid the banks is... hours before it collapses -- that person is going to lose some credibility and trust.  FA's that told those things to their cleints looked like clowns.   If someone tells people there would be retention (or a new name) in the next couple weeks only to see that date pass time and again ... well the credibility and trust is eroded further -- no matter how good the person is.

You can't keep being wrong on such big issues and expect people to trust you or want to follow you.   And there is the seemingly blind faith in the "global banking model" which has been imploding.   And it's not just at WS/WFC.   Several of the firms management have demostrated a severe lack of leadership and have lost credibility with those that generate the revenues.    just my 2 cents.   -WW
Feb 7, 2009 4:28 pm


Well when someone goes through a list of talking points with the FA’s (that can be told to clients) about how strong/solid the banks is… hours before it collapses – that person is going to lose some credibility and trust.  FA’s that told those things to their cleints looked like clowns.   If someone tells people there would be retention (or a new name) in the next couple weeks only to see that date pass time and again … well the credibility and trust is eroded further – no matter how good the person is.

You can't keep being wrong on such big issues and expect people to trust you or want to follow you.   And there is the seemingly blind faith in the "global banking model" which has been imploding.   And it's not just at WS/WFC.   Several of the firms management have demostrated a severe lack of leadership and have lost credibility with those that generate the revenues.    just my 2 cents.   -WW[/quote]

Exactly, but the thing I don't understand is why so many brokers are still there waiting to hear about retention and all the other great things that are supposed to fall off the stagecoach...
Feb 7, 2009 4:33 pm


hello.   again…no one saw this NO ONE.

bob steel didnt lie, heck Alan swartz didnt lie about bear.

they had 25 bil in cash that wends.

its called fear.   run on the bank

WB EMPLOYEES were yanking out billions on that Thursday.

fear brother

u lose trust   see ya

Feb 7, 2009 4:37 pm

Go Long…exactly my point…lot of sensitivity on the board today…also I did neglect to remember the 33.50 a share cash pd to AGE

shareholders as qb sarcastically pointed out …it was late. As a legacy AGE Out of all the issues…and I realize the whole street is hemoraging…the aggravation is AGE didnt have to sell…unlike other firms blowing up…but the aggravation now is the bigtime haircut coming on advisory business at y/e and they slip this in the fine print of the advisory handbook so 90% of the FA’s on the AGE side dont even know about it…inc the branch managers… The folks across the street at the legacy WS are a good group of advisors…we talk all the time…and they arent too happy as well with the whole fiasco…especially the loss of credibility…If there is no retention they will probably beat the AGE guys out the door…

Feb 7, 2009 4:41 pm

DL has already said retention is on they way.  It will be anounced next week. 

Feb 7, 2009 4:43 pm

the way

Feb 7, 2009 4:47 pm

G26…u seem confident of the numbers…any details on the .25 tail for over 1mm…is that a 3,5, or 10yr deal?