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Feb 7, 2009 3:05 am

The Punk started Teller references.........

I want everyone to get paid.  I was just looking at it from a corporate point of view.  This is probably one of reasons for delay.  How do they pay all 3 divisions?  and do they pay all 3? Each channel has different economies of scale and different profit percentages.  You guys need to think on this in more macro levels.  This is not traditional firm.  AGE was simple everyone in same position same as Pru.  Now we have 3 completely different biz models.  If they keep brokerage structure in place no change for finet and PCG   no change for them no retention just like when first union merged with wachovia. ISG got nothing and other than new computer systems nothing changed.  This go round its all different in ISG.  New banking model.....everything is changing in our world.  Well's run their branches totally different.  As DL kept saying this is going to affect ISG the most.         
Feb 7, 2009 3:15 am

Yes it effects ISG the most alright.  They have been carved out and are now the part of Wells Fargo Bank and are bank employees.  Not what I would want, but that's me.

As for Finet, they shouldn't have done that in the first place and should cut it off, imho.  
Feb 7, 2009 3:17 am

I’m glad you guys don’t run WFC or anything else for that matter. Then again…a bank teller could have run WB better than that last retard.

Feb 7, 2009 3:19 am

[quote=Bud Fox FL]Punk

  You must be the smallest producer on here if your ticket charges are 20% of your gross you must have the smallest ticket size in the industry.   Not sure where you avg #'s come from. Infomax has the segments broken down and your math is more than a little off.   Top payout in isg is 40% and we pay rent to bank for our office my teller today said bud mmmmmmm let me understand this for every dollar bud produce's WB  keeps at least 60 cents and bud still pays rent to them on top of it............Hmmmmmm  now I know why your not a teller......the way you count and if you were a teller wachovia would have failed much sooner than it did[/quote]  Bud.. top payout in ISG is 41% @ 1.5mm
Feb 7, 2009 3:20 am

I always get a kick out of the “you’re a small producer” thing. The whole “mine is bigger than yours” arguement but with money.

Feb 7, 2009 4:40 am


Firm going to skim 25-28 basis points off allocation advisors, laffer, caaps gallatim mgd dsip…Im amazed any AGE personnel are left!!!

March 20th is the Friday after your very last AGE sales bonus…SHOULD BE AN INTERESTING FRIDAY.

Lets see AGE…401k cut, sales bonus gone, .25 Haircut on 3/4 of all fee based accounts starting 1-1-10, AGE stock goes from 90 to 5…thx WB, br mgrs bonus cut, ticket charges, not paid a trail on mny market balances… turned out to be a real good deal for AGE …but hey CEO Bags 30 mm on the way out the door

Feb 7, 2009 4:46 am

By the way…heard Ben Edwards is in the last stages of terminal cancer…may want to pray for this man and his family…A fine Christian man and the best CEO the industry has seen. What a blessing to have been at AGE for many years under his leadership.   

Feb 7, 2009 5:07 am

[quote=CDO Squared][

I don’t have a dog in this hunt…I left AGE a number of years ago because of a challenge I had with local management.

    isnt it  i dont have a dog in this fight?   I dont have a dog in this hunt?[/quote]

mixed metaphors.  my bad.
Feb 7, 2009 5:16 am

A dog in the hunt is correct. 

Feb 7, 2009 5:16 am

You finet guys wanted to be "on your own’’…you go on and on about independence, etc, etc…why is it you now feel like you are “partners” with wb/wfc when the retention bucket goes around? You are not.

  Because we entered into an agreement with them. For a price, they provide certain services and don't f*ck with my business by running the firms name into the ground. They have failed. Wheatie, you are a jackass.
Feb 7, 2009 5:25 am

Wheatie…go update the CD rate board by teller window three. When you’re done, go flip some old lady’s account with some annuities.

Feb 7, 2009 5:54 am

Wheatie…go update the CD rate board by teller window three. When you’re done, go flip some old lady’s account with some annuities.

PCG dip$ 2%...take your whiney a$$ off the message board and cry to your too training wheels.
Feb 7, 2009 6:09 am

[quote=punkbynature] Wheatie…go update the CD rate board by teller window three. When you’re done, go flip some old lady’s account with some annuities. [/quote]

PCG dip$hit…top 2%…take your whiney a$$ off the message board and cry to your wife…you too training wheels.

Feb 7, 2009 6:12 am

[quote=training wheels] You finet guys wanted to be "on your own’’…you go on and on about independence, etc, etc…why is it you now feel like you are “partners” with wb/wfc when the retention bucket goes around? You are not.

Because we entered into an agreement with them. For a price, they provide certain services and don’t f*ck with my business by running the firms name into the ground. They have failed. Wheatie, you are a jackass.[/quote]

Then move on loser, just like anything else…they don’t ‘owe you’ to stay.
Feb 7, 2009 6:17 am

Guys. We had a good day in the markets so why don’t we all forget about the retention and have a great weekend.

Feb 7, 2009 6:28 am

Firm going to skim 25-28 basis points off allocation advisors, laffer, caaps gallatim mgd dsip…Im amazed any AGE personnel are left!!!
March 20th is the Friday after your very last AGE sales bonus…SHOULD BE AN INTERESTING FRIDAY.

Lets see AGE…401k cut, sales bonus gone, .25 Haircut on 3/4 of all fee based accounts starting 1-1-10, AGE stock goes from 90 to 5…thx WB, br mgrs bonus cut, ticket charges, not paid a trail on mny market balances… turned out to be a real good deal for AGE …but hey CEO Bags 30 mm on the way out the door

  AGE stock went from 90 to 5?  Damn, I really hope you're not an advisor.  AGE stock was paid for with .9844 shs WB and $35.80 in cash.  Worst case, it went from 90 to 38 at it's lowest. 
Feb 7, 2009 6:31 am

Guys. We had a good day in the markets so why don’t we all forget about the retention and have a great weekend.

  Agreed. Truce. Until Mr. PCG er...I mean profit formula pops off again. Gnight.
Feb 7, 2009 7:02 am


Tarheels:Spare us the gigantic photos of your boyfriend. If my dog were that ugly I’d shave his ass and make him walk backwards.[/quote]

Keep trying, loser.

Feb 7, 2009 1:35 pm

AGE stock went from 90 to 5? Damn, I really hope you’re not an advisor. AGE stock was paid for with .9844 shs WB and $35.80 in cash. Worst case, it went from 90 to 38 at it’s lowest. [/quote]

U AGE guys got 40 bucks for ur stock?

would you guys please STFU?

i had a bit of empathy for you guys when i thought your deferred and stock went close to zero in wb deal.

you got 40?    90 to 40?   palllezzzz

check 52 wk highs on any of your other heros (sf,rjf etc). your right in line with this bear market.

please stfu.   these are scary times and everyone has issues. man up and take your medicine.   your ceo and board made the choice. no one forced them
Feb 7, 2009 2:01 pm

That’s the one ray of light in all this mess.  I was forced to sell about 1/3 of my stock pretty near the peak of the market.  I have friends that have been with WB for a long time that wish they had been forced to do the same.  Rather than reinvest the proceeds, I used them to pay off a car and get a few new toys for my hobby.