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Feb 6, 2009 12:33 am

no retentions anywhere, don’t you all listen to newstalk radio?  the republicans do and the peps are saying NO BONUS, NADA. 

Feb 6, 2009 12:36 am

You are correct we will not be getting a BONUS but we will get a RETENTION package.

Feb 6, 2009 12:36 am

FiNet is part of WS and should get retention.  ISG is no longer part of WS but a part of WFCWM…I won’t count on it getting any.  Did ISG get any retention/defered comp w/ the AGE merger?  Either way, that’s probably thte answer.

Any idea when they will put the CA hours wages thing to rest?  With lawyers envolved, it could be months....?
Feb 6, 2009 12:41 am

I have no idea about ISG or about time frame. Sorry. Good times works at Home Depot, dont pay attention to his comments.

Feb 6, 2009 12:42 am

[quote=shredder]FiNet is part of WS and should get retention.  ISG is no longer part of WS but a part of WFCWM…I won’t count on it getting any.  Did ISG get any retention/defered comp w/ the AGE merger?  Either way, that’s probably thte answer.

Any idea when they will put the CA hours wages thing to rest?  With lawyers envolved, it could be months....?[/quote]   Here is some understanding of the delay in name is to tag WS with the bad headlines on the wage deal....then WFC makes front page in my community paper on the Vegas deal.    Already had a couple comments from client.
Feb 6, 2009 12:46 am

no retentions anywhere, don’t you all listen to newstalk radio?  the republicans do and the peps are saying NO BONUS, NADA. 

  Maybe if it wasn't a bonus but a form of offsetting compensation with claw back provisions they wouldn't mind.....oh wait, that is exactly what it is.
Feb 6, 2009 12:47 am

Finet management has been just as explicit as DL in stating that there will be retention for Finet. Even at one point going so far as to state that Finet was inappropriately left out of the AGE retention deal and that should be made up for with the Wells aquisition. I am assuming that Profit Formula would also be included in some fashion. Any speculation as to how this package might break out among these different channels? PCG, Profit Formula, Finet? I don’t know any ISG guys bit I hope they get something.

Feb 6, 2009 12:49 am

A true Machiavellian would think that AGE/WS/c?/WFC FCs are being led down the path to an announcement of  limited, or no retention, about the same time as the ACAT transfer blackout occurs.  Would it be hard to envision a scenario where the top producers are rewarded with a nice package and  the books of all the under-producing FCs who got a pink slip, ala MS 2005, instead of an offer? Surely no one in this industry would be that callous . . .

  You'll know when you know - unless you have been in the WFC board meeting - you don't.
Feb 6, 2009 12:52 am

Anybody know what month for t12?

Feb 6, 2009 12:53 am

January to December

Feb 6, 2009 12:57 am

the tone on the isg call seemed to imply there will be no retention for isg.  premier advisor call later in the day had regional attempting to spin it, but he sounded wounded.

  i've been in a good spot, and wasn't originally concerned much with retention.  but after danny offered the, "ISG is effected the most by this merger," i actually expected something.   i've grown my book almost 100% in the 4 years i've been here. if they don't f*ck up the model, staying may be the better choice, but i'm now very disappointed.
Feb 6, 2009 1:01 am

u r the man. Thks 4 the info. That means 100k less for me n retention but beggers can’t b choosers.

Feb 6, 2009 1:07 am

T12 Jan-Dec. Lets see, my wife is best friends with Tad’s wife, I live in St. Louis, maybe I was in on board meeting, ever think of that?

Feb 6, 2009 1:08 am

[quote=go_huskies]the tone on the isg call seemed to imply there will be no retention for isg.  premier advisor call later in the day had regional attempting to spin it, but he sounded wounded.

  i've been in a good spot, and wasn't originally concerned much with retention.  but after danny offered the, "ISG is effected the most by this merger," i actually expected something.   i've grown my book almost 100% in the 4 years i've been here. if they don't f*ck up the model, staying may be the better choice, but i'm now very disappointed.[/quote]   I was on the ISG call as well, and wouldn't necessarly say Mary was implying no retention.  I'm sure she's getting her share of calls and emails re. the subject, and simply doesn't have the answers. I fully expect if retention is paid (and that's a big IF) it will be accross all channels.
Feb 6, 2009 1:10 am

I know it.  I just missed one of the hurdels with my Dec. T12.  But like you SAID beggers cant be choosers and it will be a nice check.  I think I am going to pay off my house and invest the rest.  What I should have done last time.  i can then call (cant remember his name) the radio show guy and scream I AM DEBT FREEEEEEEE!!

Feb 6, 2009 1:15 am

isg is no longer a “channel” after being air lifted to wfc wm.  it’s more like “chattel”

  believe me, i hope i'm wrong...
Feb 6, 2009 1:17 am

gauge26…any word on years 1-5 los?   I remember last time with the AGE merg they gave out a little love to them.

Feb 6, 2009 1:18 am
training wheels:

Finet management has been just as explicit as DL in stating that there will be retention for Finet. Even at one point going so far as to state that Finet was inappropriately left out of the AGE retention deal and that should be made up for with the Wells aquisition. I am assuming that Profit Formula would also be included in some fashion. Any speculation as to how this package might break out among these different channels? PCG, Profit Formula, Finet? I don’t know any ISG guys bit I hope they get something.

  Just curious, how was Finet impacted by the AGE merger? Did it affect your name/logo?  Your platform?  Your benefits, payout etc? 
Feb 6, 2009 1:20 am

[quote=go_huskies]isg is no longer a “channel” after being air lifted to wfc wm.  it’s more like “chattel”

  believe me, i hope i'm wrong...[/quote] But what about the dotted line to Danny? 
Feb 6, 2009 1:21 am

All I know is what I heard and that it was explicit that ISG would be participating. I heard DL in person state that ISG has been the most affected. If they cut ISG out then you can only assume there will be a lot of ISG guys/gals leaving. ISG is paying well over 100% for new recruits. Last I heard it was 100% cash upfront and a backend component of 25 to 50%. Recruits doing less than 400k have been getting this deal.