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Feb 5, 2009 10:24 pm
Ferris Bueller:

[quote=BE PATIENT]Retention is Friday February 13th. All I know is 1 mill+ is 50-75 upfront. I am not going to say “I heard” or I have someone higher up, lets just say I know. Details of under 1 mill still sketchy so I do not want to get hopes up or dissapoint with estimates

  How dare you come armed with facts.  This 150+ pages is for the nay sayers, douchebag ex age guys that bailed, and for pure speculation.  Telling facts here will only make them cry.[/quote]
Ah, the old unsubstantiated "facts" from unnamed sources delivered via anonymous intermediary. Those are the best kind.
Feb 5, 2009 10:33 pm
Ferris Bueller:

How dare you come armed with facts.  This 150+ pages is for the nay sayers, douchebag ex age guys that bailed, and for pure speculation.  Telling facts here will only make them cry.

Facts?!  Over 150 pages of rumors and whinning and suddenly this particular post constitutes a "fact" in your world?!  Because who could possibly question a source who already admitted: [quote=BE PATIENT]... my wife is best friends with Tad Edwards wife so needless to say I KNOW more than you speculate. [/quote]           
Feb 5, 2009 10:43 pm

250-350= 20%

350-500=30% 500-750=40% 750-1mill=50% 1mill+=50% 25% backend   This is what it is.  If I am wrong you can all blast me after the retention comes out.
Feb 5, 2009 10:47 pm

[quote=gauge26]250-350= 20%

350-500=30% 500-750=40% 750-1mill=50% 1mill+=50% 25% backend   This is what it is.  If I am wrong you can all blast me after the retention comes out.[/quote] What about AGE that already got this in addition or are they subtracting the existing deal from the #'s
Feb 5, 2009 10:48 pm

[quote=gauge26]250-350= 20%

350-500=30% 500-750=40% 750-1mill=50% 1mill+=50% 25% backend   This is what it is.  If I am wrong you can all blast me after the retention comes out.[/quote]   If this is it are people happy? Would guess 250K-350K would be happy as it could have been nothing..the others I would think would be a little bummed, especially the top end. If your 75OK up why would you not take a peak whats out there?
Feb 5, 2009 11:05 pm

[quote=nestegg][quote=gauge26]250-350= 20%

350-500=30% 500-750=40% 750-1mill=50% 1mill+=50% 25% backend   This is what it is.  If I am wrong you can all blast me after the retention comes out.[/quote] What about AGE that already got this in addition or are they subtracting the existing deal from the #'s[/quote]

IF this is the 'deal', why would anyone in the $750k+ range NOT consider;
Smith Barney/Morgan's 140% CASH, not stock up, 100% back end that is now in play as of today?  They just stepped up and as of today are beating both Wachovia and UBS on the street.

Feb 5, 2009 11:34 pm

Originally posted by nestegg

Originally posted by gauge26

250-350= 20% 350-500=30% 500-750=40% 750-1mill=50% 1mill+=50% 25% backend   This is what it is.  If I am wrong you can all blast me after the retention comes out. What about AGE that already got this in addition or are they subtracting the existing deal from the #'s   This is the deal for all of PCG.  AGE guys have been through the most with all of this.  This is a new deal on top of the last retention package.
Feb 5, 2009 11:35 pm

I would fall in the grid just under the 1mil.  If the above is the grid they come out with - I would be content to stay.  Why - previous retention and this retention are comparable to the numbers if I would have moved.  There is still the back end from the first deal that is coming.  And, from what I have seen thru the prep classes on the conversion - I am greatly looking forward to the platform - especially getting access to the PIM program.  All the while - with no disruption to my clients to have to move.

Feb 5, 2009 11:41 pm

That is what they are thinking.  With what we already are on the hook for and the new retention package i think for most it will make since to stay put.  I will be happy.  Hopefully

my office will be high on the list for the sign change.
Feb 5, 2009 11:49 pm

[quote=gauge26]That is what they are thinking.  With what we already are on the hook for and the new retention package i think for most it will make since to stay put.  I will be happy.  Hopefully

my office will be high on the list for the sign change.[/quote]   I am not so concerned about the sign change as I am with the removal.  As soon as they announce the name - we are going to take down the canvas banner they hung on the building and burn it in a ritualistic bonfire - offering it up to the 'TARP' gods.  
Feb 5, 2009 11:59 pm

We still have the AGE logo in granite on the leader board at a local golf course.  We were just about to spend the money to change it to wachovia before all of this went down. 

Feb 6, 2009 12:04 am


  Since you and BP seem to have an inside track on the retention.  Do you happen to know what the time frame will be on the forgiveness......another 5 years or life??    
Feb 6, 2009 12:09 am

The retention package agreement will be the exact same with differrent %'s.

Feb 6, 2009 12:11 am

I think there are a few of us who would like to know how ISG will be treated in all of this (in regards to retention).  Any news about that??

Feb 6, 2009 12:13 am

I have no idea about ISG.  Sorry

Feb 6, 2009 12:18 am

 LMAO  a guy doing 500 in January of 2008 will be lucky if he does 350 this year… save me the drama BS about how much things have changed.  What has changed is the market has crushed production and client assets

  BukiRob,   Your statement makes since if your book stays static for 2009.  But, if you are a good rep like I am sure you are - why would there be such a drop off.  My T12 is up about 15% over the same time last year.  Even though we have been hamstrung by the constanct Home Office turmoil - this market downturn has created a lot of opportunity for asset gathering.  And, that should continue throughout all of '09.
Feb 6, 2009 12:19 am

DL quote:  “ISG is the most effected by this merger”.  Hopefully some of you got a better feeling about that conference call than I did today.  Same old crap.  For those of you keeping score, 4 months 2 days since merger was announced…

Feb 6, 2009 12:24 am

I think there are a few of us who would like to know how ISG will be treated in all of this (in regards to retention).  Any news about that??

  It was my understanding that ISG may not get any of the 'love'.  However, I spoke with a FINET team today and they seemed to think they would be getting 'retention'.  I didn't ask where their information came from - as I was inquiry about whether the margin on comp was justifying being a business owner.   So....again with no knowledge, but, if FINET gets some cheese...maybe ISG??    
Feb 6, 2009 12:27 am

Wasn’t ISG taken by WFC.  If that is the case I wouldn’t be too optimistic about a retention bonus.  I hope I am wrong.

Feb 6, 2009 12:31 am

Supposedly if there was going to be retention, then there would be retention for all channels - including ISG.