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Jan 21, 2009 2:56 am

[quote=Tarpon]Holy Sh$T did I strike a cord!    What have you done lately for your book?  Hope and pray?  Sit and hold on?  Hey, some clients will never sell no matter what.  Did you just put clients in an asset allocation model or with some outside money manager? How’d they do in '08.  Oh yeah, they were “only” down 28%.  They beat the market.   

  You guys have your panties in a bunch big time.  Yes I did post on a public website about banking insanity and that we were at most 50% of the way there.  THAT proved way too conservative.  Care so bet me some cash and I'll priove it to you?   I'll go ahead and throw you a bone on my "magic"   When I started in this business on
Wall Street in the 90's most of my business was cold calling on GNMA's.  Well, what's old is what's new.  Sitting in GNMA's for conservatve clients over that last year or so was the right call.    Did any of you ahole$ hear WARREN BUFFET sell his PTR about 14 months ago.  DO you follow Dorsey Wright?  When China was overbought 200% and Warren was out..............................    SO WAS I.    I have been doing limited shorting for "traders"    Did I school you or what you pathetic "wait and seers!"  I'll be waiving to you in the unemployment line as I drive by in my NSX. [/quote]
Barf...a Honda
Jan 21, 2009 2:56 am

[quote=iceco1d] Tampon,

Why not just post the actual link to your “public forum” posting, instead of “copy & paste?”[/quote]

Icecold why don’t you go back to sipping your colt 40’s with your buds. The cut and paste was from THIS FORUM. If you can’t use the search feature I’m pretty sure you can’t tell a downturn from a recession to a depression.

I urge every naysayer.   Tomorrow leave your office. Go on a 3 block walk. Buy a sandwich at one place, browse a suit at an other. Stop in to a book store or grocery store or coffee shop. Ask each owner how things are going sales wise. Ask them about foot traffic and their “outlook” for hiring new employees than get back to me.
Jan 21, 2009 3:02 am

For what its worth DL hasn’t even presented the retention plan to Wells Fargo yet. So while he is confident he will offer some retention, has no idea how Wells feels about it. Silence is suggesting something far different

Jan 21, 2009 3:11 am


bear gone

leh gone

c 2

rbs 3

ubs 10

commander Putin in office


u better grab a DEAL asap my brothers.

the MF world is changing fast

we will be making $75 Jingles a year and a WFC windbreaker.

take the cash

Jan 21, 2009 3:15 am

ps Danny L one of the finest human beings i have ever met.

he is THE brokers ally.

root for danny big time

Jan 21, 2009 3:40 am

[quote=CDO Squared]ps Danny L one of the finest human beings i have ever met.

he is THE brokers ally.

root for danny big time [/quote]

Jan 21, 2009 3:44 am

Warren Buffet=Jim Jones

Jan 21, 2009 3:55 am

Yeah baby

Jan 21, 2009 4:22 am

Wow, how do you follow that. The “winners” in this whole thing? Bob Bagby, who got out with a shitload of $$ in his pocket, John Lee, who had the foresight to realize WS was shit and Stifel was potentially the next AGE. I am a 1.2 mill broker and if I dont see 50%+ in 54 days I am taking my March bonus and leaving for MS/SB with prearranged 150% upfront. I highly recommend others do the same.

At a time where WFC knows we are hurting from getting creamed on company stock, options etc., if they dont realize a retention is in order NOW they NEVER will be there for us. Stumpf did not refuse his bonus, he said “It is in the hands of the board”, so at least he is for receving bonuses.

Jan 21, 2009 4:28 am

Stifel is the next AGE - I intend to find out as much as possible. John Lee is brilliant.

Jan 21, 2009 4:28 am
Raymond James Adds 43 Advisors | Print |  E-mail Raymond James & Associates Inc. is making gains in the battle among broker-dealers to attract advisors leaving from troubled competitors. The St. Petersburg, Fla.-based firm announced today that it added 43 new financial advisors to its ranks in the last three months of 2008 who brought a total of $3 billion in assets with them.

The advisors joined RJ&A, the traditional employee broker-dealer subsidiary of Raymond James Financial, from a variety of financial services firms. Among the new hires are Todd Brandstadt, who came from Wachovia/A.G. Edwards in Grand Rapids, Mich., with $150 million in assets; James Sims of Atlanta, who was previously with Merrill Lynch and manages more than $90 million in client assets; and Vicky Campbell, Ruth Doepel and Therese Meike, previously with Wachovia/A.G. Edwards in Naperville, Ill., who together have a combined $400 million in client assets.

Also noteworthy among the 43 advisors are Gerry Saelzer and Jeff Atlas of Stuart, Fla., who joined RJ&A from Wachovia/A.G. Edwards in November with more than $300 million in client assets   I am sure you all probably seen this..... Five were Presidents Council and 1 Chairman
Jan 21, 2009 4:34 am

They have no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into.

Jan 21, 2009 4:45 am

There is a conference call on Thursday with with hays. Cross u r fingers everyone

Jan 21, 2009 4:51 am

skbroker dont get your hopes up. “Hello ladies and gentleman. A quick reminder that effective next month you will be on the new pay structure. These are tough times, hang in there. I just secured a nice appointment with Wells, sorry you are all taking in the ass. Make us some money”

Jan 21, 2009 6:19 am

[quote=WSxAG]They have no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into.



Jan 21, 2009 10:15 pm

[quote=skbroker]There is a conference call on Thursday with with hays. Cross u r fingers everyone[/quote]

I just heard that there’s a call scheduled for 8:00 AM Pacific that’s “supposed” to address retention. Is this the same? Or more bs?  Guy that told me is not the type to talk if he has not heard pretty reliable info.

Jan 21, 2009 10:53 pm

I’d love Hays to address it tomorrow, but I can’t imagine there wouldn’t be a little more fanfare about it, particularly considering how long it has been since we’ve all waited to hear. At least a heads up email, or something.

Also, I would think Ludeman himself would want to deliver the good news (!).

Jan 21, 2009 11:12 pm


[quote=skbroker]There is a conference call on Thursday with with hays. Cross u r fingers everyone[/quote]

I just heard that there’s a call scheduled for 8:00 AM Pacific that’s “supposed” to address retention. Is this the same? Or more bs?  Guy that told me is not the type to talk if he has not heard pretty reliable info.

Yes same call 11 EST. My vote: NO WORD

Post yours.

Jan 21, 2009 11:31 pm

If re: retention Ludeman will deliver. If he were to pass off to Hays do deliver VERY bad idea

Jan 22, 2009 12:11 am

I’d love Hays to address it tomorrow, but I can’t imagine there
wouldn’t be a little more fanfare about it, particularly considering
how long it has been since we’ve all waited to hear. At least a heads
up email, or something.
Mgt knows nothing yet. In fact THEY seem to be getting annoyed by the constant inquiries. I hear more and more of the bigger senior producers (1 mill+ guys) are becoming more vocal about it. This is good. Somebody needs to hold mgt accountable and who better than the guys that pay the larger part of their salary’s and bonuses. It seems the tension over lack retention is becoming more pronounced.