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Jan 21, 2009 1:29 am


  Here is my post from 8 months ago from this website.  THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG.   What if WB, C, or MER goes BK?
Posted: July 14 2008 at 10:59am The market is clearly telling us that someone IS going down. Did you see WB stock at 10 bucks?? The FNMA/FRE debacle last week is just the tip of the iceberg.I wouldn't try to pick a bottom in any of these. Point and Figure chart indicates WB at 5. Not picking on them or making any predicitons.
Jan 21, 2009 1:38 am

Not picking on them or making any predicitons.

Pardon, but are you saying that you predicted their demise, yet in the same prediction mentioned that you were not making "predictions"? Also may I have a ride in your NSX, you sound like a winner.

EDIT: Ok after reading your last posts and the atrocious spelling errors, I have come to conclusion that you could not possibly be in our business. Now little Danny, you should ask your mommy and daddy to install a spell checker on your PC.
Jan 21, 2009 1:39 am
Did I school you or what you pathetic "wait and seers!"  I'll be waiving to you in the unemployment line as I drive by in my NSX. [/quote]

Dude, "Tampon" , or "Tarpon" as you like to be called... you did NOT say "NSX" right? 

I just had a flashback, is the NSX driven by a dude with "Dude Looks Like a Lady" in the TAPE DECK playing at 102 decibels with his "business look up front" and his "party in the back" blowing in the open windows? 

Jan 21, 2009 1:41 am
Cameron Frye:

[quote=Tarpon] Not picking on them or making any predicitons. [/quote]

Pardon, but are you saying that you predicted their demise, yet in the same prediction mentioned that you were not making “predictions”? Also may I have a ride in your NSX, you sound like a winner.

  Cameron as is Cameron from Ferris Buller?   The not making predictions part was for compliance.
Jan 21, 2009 1:47 am

[quote=Cameron Frye] [quote=Tarpon] Not picking on them or making any predicitons. [/quote] Pardon, but are you saying that you predicted their demise, yet in the same prediction mentioned that you were not making “predictions”? Also may I have a ride in your NSX, you sound like a winner.

Cameron as is Cameron from Ferris Buller?

The not making predictions part was for compliance.[/quote]

How convenient. You are a joke dude. Just take your mullet and ride off in your 1990 NSX before you make yourself look like more of an asshat.
Jan 21, 2009 1:50 am


  Here is my post from 8 months ago from this website.  THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG.   What if WB, C, or MER goes BK?
Posted: July 14 2008 at 10:59am The market is clearly telling us that someone IS going down. Did you see WB stock at 10 bucks?? The FNMA/FRE debacle last week is just the tip of the iceberg.I wouldn't try to pick a bottom in any of these. Point and Figure chart indicates WB at 5. Not picking on them or making any predicitons. [/quote] Boy genius! Hey, I predicted Obama would be President...give me a gold star too!
Jan 21, 2009 1:55 am

[quote=Reggin] [quote=Tarpon] [quote=Cameron Frye] [quote=Tarpon] Not picking on them or making any predicitons. [/quote] Pardon, but are you saying that you predicted their demise, yet in the same prediction mentioned that you were not making “predictions”? Also may I have a ride in your NSX, you sound like a winner. [/quote]

Cameron as is Cameron from Ferris Buller?
The not making predictions part was for compliance.[/quote]

How convenient. You are a joke dude. Just take your mullet and ride off in your 1990 NSX before you make yourself look like more of an asshat.[/quote]     DOCHE    WHICH PART OF THIS DID NOT COME EXACTLY TRUE?????????????????   My QUOTE  "Point and Figure chart indicates WB at 5."  This was in July '08.   JEALOUS?    Wanna hear my 2009 predictions?   What a hostile bunch.  I'm still at work calling clients on the West Coast just arriving home from their jobs.   And you?  Sitting at home drinking a cheep lite beer pathetically surfing the net to see if anyone has the scoop on your retention?    Why don't you all have the balls to predict what the market will do in the next 6 months and what your plan is for your book.
Jan 21, 2009 1:57 am

OOps I meant DOUCHE!

Jan 21, 2009 2:01 am

How does your compliance dept. feel about that

Jan 21, 2009 2:05 am

Mr. Tampon,

Are you really turning this retention forum into flexing your chest on a market prediction? Come on. Take your point and figure charts and stick em. If you dont have something productive to add go back to your 20 mill book and go back to your cold calling.

Jan 21, 2009 2:07 am

I only check this forum 4 times a day and drink heineken so that biatch.

Jan 21, 2009 2:11 am

Hey Kotex…ummmm I mean Tampon…

  You really know how to stir things up on this forum.    
Jan 21, 2009 2:11 am

Wanna hear my 2009 predictions?

No. You've already been sufficiently OWNED by everyone here and their geriatric parents, so just go back under your rock.
Jan 21, 2009 2:18 am
Ferris Bueller:

[quote=Cameron Frye] [quote=Tarpon] Not picking on them or making any predicitons.

Pardon, but are you saying that you predicted their demise, yet in the same prediction mentioned that you were not making "predictions"? Also may I have a ride in your NSX, you sound like a winner.

EDIT: Ok after reading your last posts and the atrocious spelling errors, I have come to conclusion that you could not possibly be in our business. Now little Danny, you should ask your mommy and daddy to install a spell checker on your PC.[/quote]

Who knew that when you made that phony phone call to Mr. Rooney that he would show up here later as Tampon![/quote]

How about we put "Tampon" out to rest for at least 28 days?????
Jan 21, 2009 2:35 am

quick question…where is the Wachovia retention deal?

Jan 21, 2009 2:43 am

I dunno. But less than 40 more pages and this thread hits the century mark!   And still not one iota of an idea if/when retention will be announced! 

Jan 21, 2009 2:44 am

Ecclesiastes 7:10-12 Dont long for “the good old days”. This is not wise. Wisdom is even better when you have money. Both are a benefit as you go through life. Wisdom and money can get you almost anything, but only wisdom can save your life.

Retention is good and fair, but having the wisdom to plan and make sure we work for a company that cares about us both emotionally and financially is even more important.

Jan 21, 2009 2:48 am

I got my retention already.

I'm surprised you're still looking for yours.    Actually I wore my retention over the weekend. It's the fancy Wells Farco Cap that we all should have received after the merger (I mean takeover) was announced. So that's the  end of this topic. No more need for 63 more pages and endless worry.    Wear your cap with pride and keep dreaming of a check.  I must be a really big producer because I got a little mini spongy stagecoach as well. Man am I happy.    
Jan 21, 2009 2:52 am

[quote=Herman Munster]

I got my retention already.

I'm surprised you're still looking for yours.    Actually I wore my retention over the weekend. It's the fancy Wells Farco Cap that we all should have received after the merger (I mean takeover) was announced. So that's the  end of this topic. No more need for 63 more pages and endless worry.    Wear your cap with pride and keep dreaming of a check.  I must be a really big producer because I got a little mini spongy stagecoach as well. Man am I happy.    [/quote]    
Jan 21, 2009 2:54 am

[quote=BE PATIENT]Ecclesiastes 7:10-12 Dont long for “the good old days”. This is not wise. Wisdom is even better when you have money. Both are a benefit as you go through life. Wisdom and money can get you almost anything, but only wisdom can save your life.

Now I know the end of the world is nigh.