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Feb 27, 2009 12:28 am

Thank you for the clerification. DL could have done better!! But, it is better than nothing. I am glad that I left.

  Rudy, why did you leave?   I sense a little buyers remorse. Why are you so interested in what you left behind, knowing 260 percent deal is higher than any retention deal would ever be?   What is your impression of UBS? Were you legacy AGE?  
Feb 27, 2009 1:25 am

Will someone explain the contract thing to me?  Do you have to sign a contract to do the 4Front program?  I went to Infomax today to find info on that and I didnt see anything, but I can never find anything I need or want on Infomax, I am hoping it is because I am new at Infomax and feeling like a fish out of water right now.  I did read that in order to move to level 2 and 3 and 4 you need to do "education" that correct?  Is that only for legacy AGE guys or is that for Wachovia too?

Feb 27, 2009 1:42 am

Will someone explain the contract thing to me? Do you have to sign a contract to do the 4Front program? I went to Infomax today to find info on that and I didnt see anything, but I can never find anything I need or want on Infomax, I am hoping it is because I am new at Infomax and feeling like a fish out of water right now. I did read that in order to move to level 2 and 3 and 4 you need to do “education”…is that correct? Is that only for legacy AGE guys or is that for Wachovia too?

infomax has over 90,000 pages of resources. lots of good information. give it 10 or 15'll get it.
Feb 27, 2009 1:46 am

thanks Bondking for the encouragement, unfortunately we will have been sold 4 more times and no longer have Infomax by the time I go through that many pages of wonderful information

Feb 27, 2009 1:56 am

thanks Bondking for the encouragement, unfortunately we will have been sold 4 more times and no longer have Infomax by the time I go through that many pages of wonderful information

Spot on Brokergirl!!!!   
Feb 27, 2009 2:20 am

thanks Bondking for the encouragement, unfortunately we will have been sold 4 more times and no longer have Infomax by the time I go through that many pages of wonderful information

  I actually like InfoMax. The content is correct, and it is 5000 percent easier that calling home office, where the content is , ummm, lacking
Feb 27, 2009 2:38 am

If I do 50 HH  with asset of $30,000,000 by june 09 do we get paid in june of 09 at 50bp of 30mil as a lump sum? 

Feb 27, 2009 3:04 am

you get this!

(assuming all your client responses are PERFECT)
Feb 27, 2009 3:06 am


No one here will ever be mistaken for a rocket surgeon.


rocket surgeon?


Feb 27, 2009 3:12 am

[quote=tdude]traveler…i know of 4-5 offices where 1/3-1/2 plus of each office
is in discussions. After mid march give or take a few weeks you will see many numbers go. Between the offices mentioned above the numbers are 6-7 million with a possible 3 million add’l. I think my original forecast of 500-800 advisors after mar 15th is likely low. I think the numbers will be staggering…2000 plus if you include both legacy firms. Not only numbers but these arent the 200k producers either. Wouldnt surprise me if 300 plus million $ guys go.

  I agree. Management has shown its hand. They have made it more terrifing to stay, than to move.[/quote]

Here! Here!  Best quote I've heard all day.  "They have made it more terrifing to stay, than to move."  I like that.
Feb 27, 2009 3:14 am
Ferris Bueller:

[quote=brokergirl] thanks Bondking for the encouragement, unfortunately we will have been sold 4 more times and no longer have Infomax by the time I go through that many pages of wonderful information

very true. there might be retention in one of the next 4 sales![/quote]

Sadly it continues. the nonstop whining about having to learn a different system
it was so much easier at edwards, waah.
bagby is a jerk, waah
infomax stinks, waah
it takes so many more clicks to get the same info, waah
bank, bank, bank, waah

we shud be thankful that we have jobs that are so simple and yet that pay so much... oh but there's all that stress!! I work 13 hours a day! baloney. you waste 3 hrs every day watching CNBC and another d***in' around lookin at sites like this one. EVERY ONE OF YOU WHINERS need to stop putting your hands out for donations, i mean retentions, and DO YOUR JOB, bank your money and go home to your family.   Batten down the hatches, spend less money and spend more time talking to yer clients and actually advising them.

maybe being consumed so wholly by this retention (ie. money fer nuthin') nonsense makes you feel busy, and makes u feel better about NOT having the rough conversations with the ppl who put their trust in you.

and all of us ppl who never read this forum, who are finally looking at it, think the overwhelming majority of post-ers are recruiters, or low enders who shud start thinking about that lawnmowing gig sooner vs later...
Feb 27, 2009 3:16 am

[quote=CDO Squared]

you get this!

(assuming all your client responses are PERFECT)[/quote]

duh, the clients don’t even need to open the fargin envelope!

Feb 27, 2009 3:17 am

[quote=CDO Squared] [quote=YHWY]

No one here will ever be mistaken for a rocket surgeon.


rocket surgeon?


Yes, rocket surgeon.

It’s the opposite of a box of bosun’s.

Feb 27, 2009 3:28 am

Sadly it continues. the nonstop whining about having to learn a different system
it was so much easier at edwards, waah.
bagby is a jerk, waah
infomax stinks, waah
it takes so many more clicks to get the same info, waah
bank, bank, bank, waah

we shud be thankful that we have jobs that are so simple and yet that pay so much... oh but there's all that stress!! I work 13 hours a day! baloney. you waste 3 hrs every day watching CNBC and another d***in' around lookin at sites like this one. EVERY ONE OF YOU WHINERS need to stop putting your hands out for donations, i mean retentions, and DO YOUR JOB, bank your money and go home to your family.   Batten down the hatches, spend less money and spend more time talking to yer clients and actually advising them.

maybe being consumed so wholly by this retention (ie. money fer nuthin') nonsense makes you feel busy, and makes u feel better about NOT having the rough conversations with the ppl who put their trust in you.

and all of us ppl who never read this forum, who are finally looking at it, think the overwhelming majority of post-ers are recruiters, or low enders who shud start thinking about that lawnmowing gig sooner vs later...


thats so powerful   please stop
Feb 27, 2009 3:37 am

Rocket (Scientist) + (Brain)Surgeon = “Rocket Surgeon”…sheesh.

Feb 27, 2009 3:55 am


If I do 50 HH  with asset of $30,000,000 by june 09 do we get paid in june of 09 at 50bp of 30mil as a lump sum? 

[/quote]   no
Feb 27, 2009 4:16 am

I’ve read several people talking about their entire branch going to another firm together.  I’ve heard that WB will slap a restraining order on the you if you take too much of the branch though. I think they call it “raiding a branch”?  What is the story: All go as a happy family and get TRO’d and be without clients for 3 months, or is there a way around it. I guess all could go your separate ways and find each other on FaceBook?

Feb 27, 2009 5:23 am

First no retention and today WS pulled the rug on future Profit Sharing.  Unbelievable!

Legacy AGE gets their last 5% in March and then a big goose egg.  Guys in my branch who stuck around to give DL a chance to prove WS was the real deal are aggressively pursuing plan B.  I expect around 20% of remaining legacy age to depart within next couple producers, not pikers.   
Feb 27, 2009 5:45 am

I think that last post by stop winning (spelling ) should be framed. I think that the text messaging generation will find it difficult in the " new economy". Would you hire stop winning ? 

Feb 27, 2009 5:49 am

[quote=Redpen]Do Finet guys get the same bonus as PCG to do Forefront ?

  Yes. Per managers call.[/quote]   This is great news...Thanks !