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Feb 26, 2009 12:09 pm

Food non-reply. The dude line makes me think ur what, like 22? go back to school. the other line, ur so annoying, sounds like my 14 yr old daughter.

stop whining and get bk to work loser.

Feb 26, 2009 1:05 pm

[quote=Wheat-ie] [quote=oldpruguy] [quote=LegacyWellsFargo][quote=Wheat-ie]My manager wne through the math today on my new “4Front possiblities”, which I never even considered as i considered it such a d***-burger substitute to anything meaningful. While I am still peeved about the situation, the reality isn’t too bad: I do an envision on my top 25 HH only, and i get a check for $500k…another $200k eligible, but i have to do 175 HH to get it…not bad.[/quote]

Why would wells do that, what do they get for 700,000 once you are under a 10 year contract?
Measure twice, cut once[/quote]

I think we need to check the math for Wheat-ie...25 HH X 3,000,000 (max per hh eligible) = $75,000,000 MAX ....take 75,000,000 X .0025= $187,500 for 25 households at the most. Very respectable, but a long way from 500 k.[/quote]

At my level it is 0.0075....please check your math again, scholar[/quote]   You need to do 100 hh, not 25 to get 75 BP, scholar
Feb 26, 2009 1:29 pm

[quote=stop_whining]Food non-reply. The dude line makes me think ur what, like 22? go back to school. the other line, ur so annoying, sounds like my 14 yr old daughter.

stop whining and get bk to work loser.[/quote]

Ironical really.  Your grammar and punctuation aren’t as good as my 9 year old daughter’s.

Feb 26, 2009 3:01 pm

Yes. Per managers call.

Feb 26, 2009 3:03 pm

Do Finet guys get the same bonus as PCG to do Forefront ?

  Yes. Per managers call.
Feb 26, 2009 10:20 pm

[quote=oldpruguy][quote=Wheat-ie] [quote=oldpruguy] [quote=LegacyWellsFargo][quote=Wheat-ie]My manager wne through the math today on my new “4Front possiblities”, which I never even considered as i considered it such a d***-burger substitute to anything meaningful. While I am still peeved about the situation, the reality isn’t too bad: I do an envision on my top 25 HH only, and i get a check for $500k…another $200k eligible, but i have to do 175 HH to get it…not bad.[/quote]

Why would wells do that, what do they get for 700,000 once you are under a 10 year contract?
Measure twice, cut once[/quote]

I think we need to check the math for Wheat-ie...25 HH X 3,000,000 (max per hh eligible) = $75,000,000 MAX ....take 75,000,000 X .0025= $187,500 for 25 households at the most. Very respectable, but a long way from 500 k.[/quote]

At my level it is 0.0075....please check your math again, scholar[/quote]   You need to do 100 hh, not 25 to get 75 BP, scholar[/quote]   All Million dollar producers start at 75bp's.  Everyone below that level have to hit those bogies of 25, then 50 and finally 100 to get the 75 bp's.   Of course if you had a million dollar book then there would be no reason to not do as many to hit the 4front until you reached the 50% of your t12 collar.        
Feb 26, 2009 10:29 pm

Myself and another Premier Advisor are leaving tomorrow, hope this along with other inevitable departures helps light a fire under their asses and they come back to those who stay with a better deal.

Feb 26, 2009 10:33 pm


Myself and another Premier Advisor are leaving tomorrow, hope this along with other inevitable departures helps light a fire under their asses and they come back to those who stay with a better deal.

[/quote]   If you look at the bank brokers native to Wells, they are on a salary with the potential for a small bonus.  I was told the salary ranges from 52-65 k  Ultimately, its my opinion that that is where Wells wants the bulk of producers in ISG and PCG to be at in production.  Not very many people at Wells make over a million a year.  Over 31 people in management of WS made over a million in salary..... that duck aint gonna fly much longer with Wells you can bet on that....   My concern is that you drive top people out and replace them with less experienced lower paid people and you get what you create....   I think you are grossly niave if you believe that compensation for PCG FA's is going to be very attractive 2-3 years down the road. 
Feb 26, 2009 10:46 pm

Guys stop responding to Idiots like stop_whining
and that English guy, its like a bunch of kids in a pissing match.  I taught my son when he was 6 to ignore the idiots and the name callers eventually they just go away out of boredom

Feb 26, 2009 11:08 pm

[quote=oldpruguy][quote=Wheat-ie] [quote=oldpruguy] [quote=LegacyWellsFargo][quote=Wheat-ie]My manager wne through the math today on my new “4Front possiblities”, which I never even considered as i considered it such a d***-burger substitute to anything meaningful. While I am still peeved about the situation, the reality isn’t too bad: I do an envision on my top 25 HH only, and i get a check for $500k…another $200k eligible, but i have to do 175 HH to get it…not bad.

Why would wells do that, what do they get for 700,000 once you are under a 10 year contract?

Measure twice, cut once[/quote]

Slight correction, ALL premier advisors start 75bps.

I think we need to check the math for Wheat-ie…25 HH X 3,000,000 (max per hh eligible) = $75,000,000 MAX …take 75,000,000 X .0025= $187,500 for 25 households at the most. Very respectable, but a long way from 500 k.[/quote] At my level it is 0.0075…please check your math again, scholar[/quote]

You need to do 100 hh, not 25 to get 75 BP, scholar[/quote]

All Million dollar producers start at 75bp’s. Everyone below that level have to hit those bogies of 25, then 50 and finally 100 to get the 75 bp’s. Of course if you had a million dollar book then there would be no reason to not do as many to hit the 4front until you reached the 50% of your t12 collar.

Feb 26, 2009 11:16 pm

I love the “scholar” references!
 Guys, we’re SALESMEN. No one here will ever be mistaken for a rocket surgeon.

Feb 26, 2009 11:21 pm

I love the “scholar” references!
 Guys, we’re SALESMEN. No one here will ever be mistaken for a rocket surgeon.

  *gasp*  NO WAY!!!  You can do sugury on a rocket?????
Feb 26, 2009 11:22 pm

I jumped ship in January for the 260% UBS deal. So is the forefront deal 25bps for 25 h/h, 50bps for 50 h/h, and 75bps for 100 h/h with a 50% t12 cap on all $250k h/h? What date are they using for the $250k h/h value?  Can someone please confirm this?

Feb 26, 2009 11:29 pm

I jumped ship in January for the 260% UBS deal. So is the forefront deal 25bps for 25 h/h, 50bps for 50 h/h, and 75bps for 100 h/h with a 50% t12 cap on all $250k h/h? What date are they using for the $250k h/h value?  Can someone please confirm this?

  The cap is 3,000,000 on the individual HH though supposedly that is being reviewed.  If you produced over 1million last year you start at 75 bps.  If under 25 HH of 250K on the snap shot at the end of june it counts.  you get 25bps on max of 25HH each counting up to 3mill (max is 75 mill on 25 HH) you have the option of installments quarterly with no contract or upfront, forgivable over 10 years but have to sign a note.   Once you hit 50 HH you get 50bps retro'd back to the 25.  Same with 100.   Cap is 50% of t12 08
Feb 26, 2009 11:43 pm

sure u r.  and i mean noth a premier advisor and leaving tomorrow, mr recruiterman.  that shud be ur handle.

and oh how altruistic!  we love how much u care about those that don’t leave! ur sweet

Feb 26, 2009 11:51 pm

[quote=brokergirl]Did anyone listening to the 12:00 Forefront conference call hear that if you “stray” from the Envision Plan of Record by a certain percentage that your branch mgr will receive a report from the back office?  My question is…does that mean “big brother” is monitoring your book of business and the types of business and trades you are doing?  My broker asked that question and the conference call leader said “No” nobody is monitoring your business.  Then how does anyone know to send a report to the branch mgr?  Where does all the data that you collect go?  Is the bank collecting the info so that they or us can now cross sell other products to our clients like Christmas Club accts, auto loans etc.  I havent crossed sold anything since I was a teller in a bank 100 years ago and I swore I would never work for a bank again just for that reason. I was told today that  the Envision trainers that come to the branches to train you earn commissions on the number of reports that are run? Why would someone in the back office be earning commisions on Envision reports?  What happened to the days when a broker managed a client’s portfolio based on the needs of the client and not on the type of business and a report that will get the broker paid to compensate for not getting a retention bonus. It seems like that is what Wells is forcing you to do to make up for the lost retention, doesnt seem right to me.  Seems like we are selling the client and all of their information out so that the bank can the MARKET to them. [/quote]

ur less than bright also.  don’t buy any clothes if u don’t want the salesperson to get paid. in fact, don’t send ur kids to school, i hear the teachers get paid to teach there!

Feb 26, 2009 11:58 pm

[quote=Heel] [quote=BukiRob] [quote=oldpruguy][quote=Wheat-ie] [quote=oldpruguy] [quote=LegacyWellsFargo][quote=Wheat-ie]My manager wne through the math today on my new “4Front possiblities”, which I never even considered as i considered it such a d***-burger substitute to anything meaningful. While I am still peeved about the situation, the reality isn’t too bad: I do an envision on my top 25 HH only, and i get a check for $500k…another $200k eligible, but i have to do 175 HH to get it…not bad.[/quote]

Why would wells do that, what do they get for 700,000 once you are under a 10 year contract?
Measure twice, cut once[/quote]

Slight correction, ALL premier advisors start 75bps.

I think we need to check the math for Wheat-ie...25 HH X 3,000,000 (max per hh eligible) = $75,000,000 MAX ....take 75,000,000 X .0025= $187,500 for 25 households at the most. Very respectable, but a long way from 500 k.[/quote] At my level it is 0.0075....please check your math again, scholar[/quote]
You need to do 100 hh, not 25 to get 75 BP, scholar[/quote]
All Million dollar producers start at 75bp's.  Everyone below that level have to hit those bogies of 25, then 50 and finally 100 to get the 75 bp's.   Of course if you had a million dollar book then there would be no reason to not do as many to hit the 4front until you reached the 50% of your t12 collar.
 [/quote] [/quote]   I likey my crow medium rare....and I'll never be mistaken for a scholar   I didn't see the Premier advisor payout, that's a nice bump for them, especially if they have their jr. brokers/ assistants doing the legwork.   There still seems to be some confusion on the length of the "forgivable loan" . I've heard 3-5 years on the tax payments to as many as 10.
Feb 27, 2009 12:04 am

So if an advisor does under 25HH, they still get that amount on June 2010?

Feb 27, 2009 12:15 am

Thank you for the clerification. DL could have done better!! But, it is better than nothing. I am glad that I left.

Feb 27, 2009 12:23 am

Read the full program description of InfoMax. Then ask questions.

  25 HH is the min.