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Feb 18, 2009 8:49 pm

I am hearing and heard last week that it is true there will be NO retention. Guys is it surprising?? We have heard nothing and its almost March. My manager told me its very bad last week.

Lets stop debating this. the debate is over. There is NO retention!
Feb 18, 2009 9:10 pm

Amen maddog.  I made the move already and to say it nicely a lot of my so called friends are not friends of mine any more.  The funny thing is if the clients only knew how they were being lied to by most of them.  Most of the “so called friends” calling my book are on their way out the door.  My best clients are moving with me as I thought.  The so so ones will move as we keep in touch and more bad happens at WB/WFC and they keep going through broker changes.  I have not looked back yet.  I am just following this forum in a sadistic way hoping my “so called friends” get what they deserve.  Nothing!

Feb 18, 2009 9:14 pm

[quote=madethemove]Amen maddog.  I made the move already and to say it nicely a lot of my so called friends are not friends of mine any more.  The funny thing is if the clients only knew how they were being lied to by most of them.  Most of the “so called friends” calling my book are on their way out the door.  My best clients are moving with me as I thought.  The so so ones will move as we keep in touch and more bad happens at WB/WFC and they keep going through broker changes.  I have not looked back yet.  I am just following this forum in a sadistic way hoping my “so called friends” get what they deserve.  Nothing![/quote]

I am not there so I can only speak based on my past days at Pru/Wachovia, but, I can’t imagine anyone failing to have their Plans B, C and D inked right now. Even if you’re not running out the door, why would you not? Clients you’d never expect to say it are going to say “I was wondering when you’d finally move”. They did to me and the market was flying at the time compared to today.

Feb 18, 2009 9:16 pm

[quote=madethemove]Amen maddog.  I made the move already and to say it nicely a lot of my so called friends are not friends of mine any more.  The funny thing is if the clients only knew how they were being lied to by most of them.  Most of the “so called friends” calling my book are on their way out the door.  My best clients are moving with me as I thought.  The so so ones will move as we keep in touch and more bad happens at WB/WFC and they keep going through broker changes.  I have not looked back yet.  I am just following this forum in a sadistic way hoping my “so called friends” get what they deserve.  Nothing![/quote]

Business is business.

Feb 18, 2009 9:40 pm

Finally got a call back from “Contact”. Said retention will be announced in series of calls Friday and that retention is in form of VERY retainable goal. Good luck everyone, it will be over soon. Again, come on over to MS and get your big check if you would like

Feb 18, 2009 9:49 pm

[quote=BE PATIENT]Finally got a call back from “Contact”. Said retention will be announced in series of calls Friday and that retention is in form of VERY retainable goal. Good luck everyone, it will be over soon. Again, come on over to MS and get your big check if you would like[/quote]

do you mean “attainable,” dummy?

Feb 18, 2009 9:55 pm

Yes, attainable - sorry

Feb 18, 2009 9:56 pm

Amen maddog.  I made the move already and to say it nicely a lot of my so called friends are not friends of mine any more.  The funny thing is if the clients only knew how they were being lied to by most of them.  Most of the “so called friends” calling my book are on their way out the door.  My best clients are moving with me as I thought.  The so so ones will move as we keep in touch and more bad happens at WB/WFC and they keep going through broker changes.  I have not looked back yet.  I am just following this forum in a sadistic way hoping my “so called friends” get what they deserve.  Nothing!

  Friends?I hope you're kidding, in this biz? more like a bunch of smiling jackals, much like out good friend BE PATIENT.
Feb 18, 2009 10:02 pm

Well, UBS settling their tax probe.  Probably what has been stalling us from hearing anything.  Wouldn’t be surprised to hear some news now. 

Feb 18, 2009 10:27 pm

QB who is buyer?

both banks out?

Feb 18, 2009 10:29 pm

Heard we are definitely getting the dick-burger on this one, Fellas.

No upfront, just some “targets” that will result in payments–no details on targets.

Got info from my BM who spoke to our RM…could be wrong.

Feb 18, 2009 10:32 pm
CDO Squared:

QB who is buyer?

both banks out?

  I haven't a clue, and won't pretend to.  I am as in the dark as the rest of this forum sans some forum member's imaginations.   
Feb 18, 2009 10:36 pm

[quote=Wheat-ie]Heard we are definitely getting the dick-burger on this one, Fellas.

No upfront, just some “targets” that will result in payments–no details on targets.

Got info from my BM who spoke to our RM…could be wrong.[/quote]

You mean if you do a good job at doing your job, they will pay you extra? Sounds pretty good to me.

Feb 18, 2009 11:15 pm

I wish I could believe thiungs that I read on this forum but it seems to all be complete BS. How do certain BM and RM have all of this ifo and others don’t have a frikin clue. All of these conference calls that were to have taken place never even happened once as far as I know. When A.G. Edwards was receiving retention all of the info on this forum was complete BS. All of the numbers were way off of what the actual retention was. Please tell me why I should believe another rumor?

Feb 18, 2009 11:17 pm

I spelled things wrong for all of you spell checkers

Feb 18, 2009 11:17 pm

Uh, maybe because you don’t want to know?

Feb 18, 2009 11:21 pm

[quote=agebroker5]Please tell me why I should believe another rumor?[/quote]
 Damn, someone’s on to us already! And after only 296 pages.

Feb 18, 2009 11:26 pm

[quote=agebroker5]Please tell me why I should believe another rumor?[/quote]
 Damn, someone’s on to us already! And after only 296 pages.

  Some folks don't need three name changes in eighteen months to "get it".
Feb 18, 2009 11:27 pm

What happened to the tool rod who last week said he called jim hays and Jim called him back and said shortly after the testimony in congress last week we would hear about a conference call. He seemed convincing when I said no way did hayes call you back. I really am starting to think most guys or gals on these posts are just full of it.

Feb 18, 2009 11:29 pm

B-I-N-G-O jmac!  Everyone’s a soothsayer on here!