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Feb 12, 2009 1:23 am

White and Strunk are very proud of this board. I mean where else do you see Latin, grammar and quotes so eloquently discussed?

Feb 12, 2009 1:28 am


White and Strunk are very proud of this board. I mean where else do you see Latin, grammar and quotes so eloquently discussed?

Hilarious. [/quote]

Inasmuch as we have no Elements of Substance to discuss, let style prevail!
Feb 12, 2009 1:45 am

Heard from BM. Name and retention Friday. However, he indicated he was told not to be excited about the retention.

BE PATIENT - You were right about this Friday. How sure are you in regards to the retention numbers.

Feb 12, 2009 1:50 am


Heard from BM. Name and retention Friday. However, he indicated he was told not to be excited about the retention.

BE PATIENT - You were right about this Friday. How sure are you in regards to the retention numbers

[/quote]   DL and JH recently told us we would be very happy with the retention so why should we be told not to get excited.  The other firms are paying retention and huge signing bonuses...  let's just wait and see if DL and JH deliver in the way they said they would -- no need to get down in the dumps until you wee what it is.
Feb 12, 2009 2:01 am

Lastest rumors is that retention is going to be paid per envision plan.  household must be over 250k they will pay us 2k-4k per plan max retention will be 50%of t12.

Feb 12, 2009 2:04 am

they bagged huge tax break that allowed  WFC to buy WS.   

 (carry forward of losses)  last thing taken out of Obama nation plan today
Feb 12, 2009 2:06 am

You get double on any Envision client currently over 70%

Feb 12, 2009 2:06 am

DL and JH recently told us we would be very happy with the retention”

When did they say this, I must have missed it?
Feb 12, 2009 2:07 am

No–I heard they were paying 10k for each stagecoach you traded for the family SUV…geesh

Feb 12, 2009 2:08 am

<SPAN =Apple-style-span style=“WORD-SPACING: 0px; FONT: 12px Arial; TEXT-TRANS: none; COLOR: rgb0,0,0; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; WHITE-SPACE: normal; LETTER-SPACING: normal; BORDER-COLLAPSE: separate; orphans: 2; widows: 2; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0”>Robert Willens, a tax and accounting consultant on mergers and acquisitions, said immediately after the sale it looked like Wells Fargo would be able to use $74 billion in losses that came with Wachovia to shelter its profits, provided the merged bank continued to make money. Without the IRS rule, it only would have been able to take $1 billion a year in losses over 20 years, Willens said.

Feb 12, 2009 2:13 am

[quote=Gaddock]Rumor from what I consider a reliable source. But still just a rumor.

  NEW NAME will come out Friday   Retention package will only be for the very highest producers and will be in the form of an increased pay out. NO MONEY UP FRONT by a long shot.   They have been shopping us and the latest to even show any interest is AXA.   Guess they cant find a buying at the moment.   We are truly the red headed step child.[/quote]   Wow it appears some of what I heard today is consistent with other posted rumors.   I cant say who told me the above but it wasn't somebody on another BBS. It sounds like good, bad or ugly we will finally have a clue on Friday.
Feb 12, 2009 2:20 am

Cash upfront. Anything else is bullshit and yanking our chain. Again.
240% waiting elsewhere. In writing. 

Feb 12, 2009 2:21 am

We have been waiting for 18 weeks this Friday. Thats 126 days and I just happened to pick the one day out of those 126 to say “Retention announced”. YOu think thats a fuckin coincidence? Figure those odds !! As for the scale I have posted I have no reason to post different because that is what I was told, not by Branch Mgr, not by regional, not by friends uncles sister. If it is diiferent then I was lied to and will deal with that “Corporate person” afterwards.

We all will be making SERIOUS long term decisions very soon. I wish everyone the best. I am not signing out and do expect to either be cheered or bashed on Friday after announcement

Feb 12, 2009 2:24 am

The more I hear the more I dont like what I am hearing......Bunch of bullsh*t.

Ludeman and Hays have tried, and they have failed each and everyone of us if there is nothing upfront.   I have been a Ludeman supporter. That may likely change this Friday.
Feb 12, 2009 2:35 am

Bazbuzz - not funny

Gaddock - Dont use reliable and rumor in the same sentence knucklehead

3rd ID - Leave

Kowachovia - Yes, bullshit. I do believe Ludemans hands are tied with Stumpf.

Feb 12, 2009 2:40 am


The more I hear the more I dont like what I am hearing…Bunch of bullsh*t.

Ludeman and Hays have tried, and they have failed each and everyone of us if there is nothing upfront.   I have been a Ludeman supporter. That may likely change this Friday.[/quote]

Sadly perhaps, but it will be what it will be.  The intriguing part will be the salesmanship involved in presenting the 'benefits' of the deal.  If your numbers are better this year than last, you win.  If the same, you'll be the poster-kid for the comparison to 'regular retention'.  If lower, ask management why you should trade F12 here for T12 elsewhere.
Feb 12, 2009 2:44 am


The more I hear the more I dont like what I am hearing......Bunch of bullsh*t.

Ludeman and Hays have tried, and they have failed each and everyone of us if there is nothing upfront.   I have been a Ludeman supporter. That may likely change this Friday.[/quote]   Do not think you can blame DL, He has been fighting a losing battle for months in terms of WFC not wanting to pay upfront money.  Sure he has tried plan b, plan c, and this is what it comes out to for now.  This plan will be great for big producers, and ok for solid guys, probably not so good for guys like me (350-400K) but it is what it is.  Guess everyone has a chance to get the numbers up and get retention in a couple years.
Feb 12, 2009 2:49 am

If retention comes into fruition (a meaningful retention), I will need to be a better person to “Be Patient”…

Feb 12, 2009 2:52 am

I sincerely hope all you guys who have endured the past year and a half or so, especially from the AGE channel, get an offer that makes up for some or most of the sh*t you’ve put up with trying to defend your firm both to your clients and to yourselves. If you don’t get such an offer (whether it’s this Friday or on a later call), I hope that you’re willing and able to get to a firm that treats you like you deserve to be treated.

Feb 12, 2009 2:57 am

[quote=YHWY] I sincerely hope all you guys who have endured the past year and a half or so, especially from the AGE channel, get an offer that makes up for some or most of the sh*t you’ve put up with trying to defend your firm both to your clients and to yourselves. If you don’t get such an offer (whether it’s this Friday or on a later call), I hope that you’re willing and able to get to a firm that treats you like you deserve to be treated.


Thank you for this…legacy AGE.