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Feb 11, 2009 11:42 pm

Res Ipsa has misspelled his last name.  It’s “Loquitur”.

Feb 11, 2009 11:44 pm

Rumor from what I consider a reliable source. But still just a rumor.

  NEW NAME will come out Friday   Retention package will only be for the very highest producers and will be in the form of an increased pay out. NO MONEY UP FRONT by a long shot.   They have been shopping us and the latest to even show any interest is AXA.   Guess they cant find a buying at the moment.   We are truly the red headed step child.
Feb 11, 2009 11:54 pm

before everyone freaks out on Gaddock let me say that is absolutely incorrect statement. I dont know who your “Reliable source” is but AXA is not even close to an agreement. UBS and WS are taking steps for a future marriage. Retention (Increased payout) is dannys way of following through with retention promise after Wells said “You want what”? It will keep many in their seats until UBS/WS is finalized and at that time “Big retention” up front. WS realizes many will leave but also realizes UBS will build company back as far as # of advisors goes

Feb 11, 2009 11:55 pm

[quote=Bodysurf]Res Ipsa has misspelled his last name.  It’s “Loquitur”.
Yes, I know.
It’s a holdover joke to myself from when I used to always misspell it in Latin class.
Congrats.  Most don’t catch it

Feb 11, 2009 11:58 pm

Well friend, more reliable than I consider you. You can disagree all you want. That’s what I heard if you want to “freak out” over please do I could use a good laugh.

Feb 12, 2009 12:10 am


Feb 12, 2009 12:14 am

I’m assuming the upfront grid that BePatient and gauge were posting here is null and void?  My mgr. today said that he saw a grid that was similar about a week ago from his “good source.”  I know the LLC and UBS scenarios, I also know WFC doesn’t want to pay, I’m just wondering if they really can go without upfront in today’s market. 

  By the way, I'm a bit ashamed to be posting on a board where posters are correcting the latin spelling of others name.  I caught the error too, just thought it wasn't worth all.
Feb 12, 2009 12:23 am

I too caught the latin error. Very funny.

Feb 12, 2009 12:27 am

[quote=Finetmad]I too caught the latin error. Very funny. [/quote]
Glad you thought so.  My teachers never did.

Feb 12, 2009 12:30 am

[quote=FawnLiebowitz]I’m assuming the upfront grid that BePatient and gauge were posting here is null and void?  My mgr. today said that he saw a grid that was similar about a week ago from his “good source.”  I know the LLC and UBS scenarios, I also know WFC doesn’t want to pay, I’m just wondering if they really can go without upfront in today’s market. 

  By the way, I'm a bit ashamed to be posting on a board where posters are correcting the latin spelling of others name.  I caught the error too, just thought it wasn't worth all.[/quote]   Think his "good source" was guage   "Can they really go without upfront in today's market,"  When you dont care about any repercussion's you can easily afford it (As BP alluded to they know some will leave, We have lost about 4, but 8 have come in from other shops)
Feb 12, 2009 12:30 am

Nothing surprises me here anymore. A couple years ago, I challenged a(n) (idiot) poster that his story was suspect and asked if he had heard of Ockham’s Razor (his story was convoluted as hell) and I was accused of not knowing the application of Ockham’s Razor myself because I had spelled it “Ochom’s” (or vice versa, I don’t even remember which of the ways my spell check suggested then)

Feb 12, 2009 12:33 am

Nothing surprises me here anymore. A couple years ago, I challenged a(n) idiot poster that his story was suspect and asked if he had heard of Ockham’s Razor (his story was convoluted as hell) and I was accused of not knowing the application of Ockham’s Razor myself because I had spelled it “Ochom’s” (or vice versa, I don’t even remember which of the ways my spell check suggested then)

It’s Occam’s.
(And this from a guy who thirty years ago kept scewing up Latin.)

Feb 12, 2009 12:34 am

I’ll take your word for it, Res! That’s all Greek to me.

Feb 12, 2009 12:35 am

[quote=res ipsa loquitor]

Nothing surprises me here anymore. A couple years ago, I challenged a(n) idiot poster that his story was suspect and asked if he had heard of Ockham’s Razor (his story was convoluted as hell) and I was accused of not knowing the application of Ockham’s Razor myself because I had spelled it “Ochom’s” (or vice versa, I don’t even remember which of the ways my spell check suggested then)

It’s Occam’s.
(And this from a guy who thirty years ago kept scewing up Latin.)

okay, “screwing”  if that’s a word tolerated on this board…

Feb 12, 2009 12:47 am

Attention FINET Owners!!!!!! <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


As previously posted, a growing number of owners have had it with Wachovia. The delay in the retention package is inexcusable given the public assurances that the details were only weeks away on 4 separate open conference calls (that includes a FINET specific call where the term "absolutely" was used in describing the pending retention package). We incur significant costs, take on the risk of rent, help, technology and all for what? We all signed up for one thing and have received a bundle of shit instead.


A number of us are interested in COLLECTIVELY negotiating a move to another BD. 


1. We can get the best terms from the BD(s) selected;

2. Let's see how Wachovia feels when billions of custodied assets leave from Finet;

3. If you are interested please reply and we will send out PMs to those parties;

4. Please pass on the word.


Finet is tone deaf, offers miserable technology, terrible client/owner service, has dragged many of us through the mud with their monumental failures, and does not understand that we do not need them. It is cheaper to keep the customers you already have and we are their clients. They have no idea what is going on and we are all made to suffer!


Let's not take this crap from them. Let's unite, put some good heads together and negotiate a mass exodus to improve our collective situations, increase the values of our businesses, and enhance the service capabilities we offer our clients.


The world has changes so we need to change the rules to look out for our best interests and those of our families and clients.

Feb 12, 2009 12:47 am

[quote=YHWY]I’ll take your word for it, Res! That’s all Greek to me.

Now, shall we all keep our private life preferences off the board?  

Feb 12, 2009 1:09 am

Been lurking and waiting, like many of you, for the long awaited news. I’ve been told by my Regional definitively that the name and news of retention will arrive on Friday. It will be embraced by most and it is unusual but will keep the majority in their seats. Very doubtful it will be upfront but assured I “will like it.” As an important producer he felt good enough about it to impart the news to me at home this evening. I hope this helps those of you who I champing at the bit.

Feb 12, 2009 1:12 am


IT IS “Champing at the bit” - perhaps the most oft-misquoted cliche in the english language.

Feb 12, 2009 1:21 am

Champing, yes indeed. But sorry about the typo. Should have said "… have been champing at the bit.

Feb 12, 2009 1:21 am

My husband seems optomistic re the Friday announcement as well, however he has been optomistic since b/f Thanksgiving. I’m thinking he is drinking the koolaid. I want to dust my nursing shoes off…