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World's Smallest Ethics Quiz

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Jul 31, 2005 1:10 am

[quote=Puts Wife]

How much money did you earn last year, Babs?


Ms. Looney, remember that here you can say anything you want.  For example I am in the bonus pool and will be paid a bonus of at least 1.5 million.

I have spent my life looking over resumes submitted by insurance agents begging to become stock brokers.

Most are too uneducated for us to consider, but the really scary thing is how many of them are "Top Gun Producer" types--meaning a law suit waiting to happen in the securities industry.

That is not to say that you cannot find pros in the insurance field.  A well run Guardian agency can be as professional as a Merrill Lynch office--but I assure you that the sales manager would fire some clown's ass if they ever told a client that they had to make up their mind while you went out to check your voice mail.


While surfing the cable TV I came across a VH-1 tribute to the 1970s.  A few moments ago they featured the movie "Animal House."

It was described as being the story of a bunch of losers who could not get into a fraternity so they formed their own.  Why that's just like the Top Gun Producers website--one or two sales wannabes sitting around thinking, "If I could do it, this what I'd do" and then presenting it as if it were a good idea.

It's like having a dinner conversation with a twelve year old, "Brent, tell me how are you going to sell the tickets to the Chili supper up at the church?"

"Why Dad, I'll never take no for an answer.  That's how I am going to do it."

The advice being offered by the fools on that other website is not even that deep.

Jul 31, 2005 2:30 am

 over my entire career, which is more than four times longer than yours

You must be incredibly old!

Jul 31, 2005 4:18 am

Okay ladies no cat fights. Or cross dressing..

Well if you look like Jessica Simpson then take pictures and post.

May 26, 2006 12:31 pm

[quote=menotellname]“Talk it over with your wife?  We’re halfway there…my wife already told me that I could sell it to you.  I tell you what, just hike up your skirt, grab your balls, and go with me on this one.”[/quote]