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Windy and Ron 14

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Oct 18, 2009 6:55 pm

For what it’s worth, I think it would be challenging to create a forum like this where you are going to have a majority be about business. There are a finite number of business discussions that would be useful to discuss on a forum like this, and an infinite number of ways for relatively smart, motivated, competitive men (mostly) to rib each other.

I think this forum is as helpful as it could be.

Oct 18, 2009 7:03 pm

I have no idea what I’m talking about?  Really? You want to claim a moral high ground and then say a guy that outs people as a matter of protocol is a swell guy … if only we got to know him huh?

I love reading your posts and am using Bobby/Hank and his thousand other screen names as an example.  I like his advice “sell people what they want” however in the past he was a total jerk.  You guys might worship that crap but it brings down an online community. People living in fear of being outed by him.  RR banning him weekly for being a jerk. You utilizing this site as an advertising platform for his site ruins your ability to preach to other about how to act.

You can’t have it both ways…

Oct 18, 2009 7:19 pm


MY credibility, my friend, is not compromised. 


Never questioned it.

… and yes, I 100% agree with your last statement.

Oct 18, 2009 7:32 pm

Let me add something else -

I’m not claiming a “moral high ground.”  I’ve had my share of spats on here.  I’ve made my share of off color comments. 

I’m also not claiming I have a right to “preach” to you, or anyone else.  In fact, I’m not specifically calling you, or anyone else out, with these posts.

I’m simply stating the fact, that this forum has changed, and in my opinion, for the worse.  The regular posters of the past, that contributed threads like “The 500 Day War,” are very scarce lately.  I don’t doubt that the fact that this forum is riddled with “fart jokes” and “yo momma” cracks, more than anyting else, is a primary reason.

So if YOU have appreciated any of the info you’ve gained here, and anyone else, perhaps we could all put a little bit more effort into being less childish, more helpful, you get the point. 

...Great post, I actually started on this site about two years ago, while still in the interviewing process, and I can vouch for that fact. This site has changed tremendously over the past 6-8 mos. A jab in fun here or there is all in fun, but to demoralize an individual as we put ourselves out to be "financial professionals" doesnt exactly exude professionalism in my opinion. I personally try to avoid offending anyone, and come here seeking advice or new ideas from those with more tenure in the business. Hope all would take this into consideration and perhaps we can move forward without the bashing. DC
Oct 18, 2009 10:26 pm

Personally, I like the debates. I also like the fact that guys like Ron, HKA, Sometimes and Still can poke fun at themselves.

I also like giving the pikers who post hell. And I will use every gay reference and mom joke that I can think of while owning them.

My only issue with Wind - who is a big producer - especially for a new guy, is for someone doing that much business, he’s doesn’t know enough.

As for Wind on the forums - he’s just too damn defensive. And there are people on here who could brag about any number of things, but they don’t.

Oct 18, 2009 10:44 pm

You guys can keep your love for Bobby/HAAIC whatever the hell his screen name is. That guy is a straight up douche bag. He was threatening me via PM a year ago when I was hardly even participating on this site. I have posted my exact career path and my actual month by month numbers from Jones and this d*** wants to start a fight with his keyboard just because I work at a bank.

  As for the other stuff I agree that I have added to the irrelevant commentary on this site and I am done playing those games. I have been able to learn a lot from guys on this site and I want to keep it that way. I have also been asked numerous questions about being a "licensed teller" via PM and I feel I am helping others also. I apologize for wasting the time of those of you who are here for business and not to jack around.
Oct 18, 2009 10:51 pm

[quote=Ron 14]You guys can keep your love for Bobby/HAAIC whatever the hell his screen name is. That guy is a straight up douche bag. He was threatening me via PM a year ago when I was hardly even participating on this site. I have posted my exact career path and my actual month by month numbers from Jones and this d*** wants to start a fight with his keyboard just because I work at a bank.

  As for the other stuff I agree that I have added to the irrelevant commentary on this site and I am done playing those games. I have been able to learn a lot from guys on this site and I want to keep it that way. I have also been asked numerous questions about being a "licensed teller" via PM and I feel I am helping others also. I apologize for wasting the time of those of you who are here for business and not to jack around. [/quote]

Apology accepted
Oct 18, 2009 11:18 pm
