What happened to voltmoie?
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[quote=Ronnie Dobbs]
Ask anyone with a psychology degree about homosexuality. It is a learned behavior and not genetic. It’s similar to alcoholism and divorce. It is not a genetic gene, but it’s a learned behavior. if you have worked with any DHS children you will see that there are alot of gay children in state custody (anywhere from 7 years old to 18, it will blow your mind to see these children act this way) and almost always it’s because their parents were homosexual.
Hope everyone has a great holiday…Hope 2010 rocks for everyone…[/quote]Just asked the woman sitting to my right, who has a PhD in Psychology. She said your statement that it’s a learned activity is VERY debatable. She said your statements about kids bring gay because they have homosexual parents is down right stupid.Merry Christmas Retard[/quote]
She’s obviously never worked in a behavioral facility for children in custody of the state and evaluated them based on their behavior (I have) or she doesn’t exist, one of the two. I also have a degree in Psychology, so either way you’re wrong.
Merry Christmas. Jimminy Cricket, what sort of idiotic post is this? Nobody has said anything about homosexuality being normal and weak-minded people can't be pushed to be gay. I have no idea what would cause someone to attack religion.I’m beginning to wonder if there are gays in this thread attacking religion as outdated and homosexuality as “normal” so that they can clear the way to recruit more weak-minded people who are undecided to be gay.
Primo, I'm with you on this one. I've always said that if I was a woman, I would be gay. My father-in-law claims to be a lesbian.I don’t understand gay guys. Or straight women. Lesbians I get.
The gay people who avoid homosexual activities avoid them because they aren't acceptable. If they are acceptable or if they are in a situation in which they are acceptable, they will act upon them. It's not because they chose to be gay. They were already gay. The only choice that a gay person has is whether to act upon these feelings or not. If homosexuality doesn't have a genetic component doesn't that mean that heterosexuality doesn't either? When did someone teach you to like chicks?I’m not a raging religious person. In fact, I beleive organized religion is just a way for man to control man. It’s also the largest and most profitable business in the entire world. The one thing I do have to comment on is that although I am not a bible beater, Gayness is in fact a choice. It’s is not in our DNA or in our heterogenic makeup to have sexual tendencies towards the same sex. It is a learned behavior. Most gay people would not even think about wanting to act on homosexual activities if it weren’t for friends who were gay, or hanging out in places that it is accepted. 90% of the time drugs are also involved in those homo sexual activities. Now i don’t have a problem at all with gay people and have a few friends with a limp wrist, but i would in fact not let my child be around a gay family. That is my choice, not a religious choice, but a choice that I made because of my studies in college. Just like you chose to believe in a fictitious book written by man, then beleive it when he says “God said to give 10% of your money to the church”. Sounds like a scam if you ask me.
Ask anyone with a psychology degree about homosexuality. It is a learned behavior and not genetic. It’s similar to alcoholism and divorce. It is not a genetic gene, but it’s a learned behavior. if you have worked with any DHS children you will see that there are alot of gay children in state custody (anywhere from 7 years old to 18, it will blow your mind to see these children act this way) and almost always it’s because their parents were homosexual.
Hope everyone has a great holiday…Hope 2010 rocks for everyone…
Our genitals were designed for procreation, we make the choice to use them for recreation. With whom and what gender we choose to “recreate” is our choice. I really don’t care, bang who you want and let God sort them out later. I would have to agree that effeminate (sp?) men bug me, much in the same way a tobacco chewing, army boot wearing lesbian, or a straight guy that tried too hard to make sure you know he is straight would. Your gay or straight, we get it. You don’t have to try so hard to make sure I know it.
[quote=Ronnie Dobbs] [quote=DD]
[quote=Ronnie Dobbs]
Ask anyone with a psychology degree about homosexuality. It is a learned behavior and not genetic. It’s similar to alcoholism and divorce. It is not a genetic gene, but it’s a learned behavior. if you have worked with any DHS children you will see that there are alot of gay children in state custody (anywhere from 7 years old to 18, it will blow your mind to see these children act this way) and almost always it’s because their parents were homosexual.
Hope everyone has a great holiday…Hope 2010 rocks for everyone…[/quote]Just asked the woman sitting to my right, who has a PhD in Psychology. She said your statement that it’s a learned activity is VERY debatable. She said your statements about kids bring gay because they have homosexual parents is down right stupid.Merry Christmas Retard[/quote]
She’s obviously never worked in a behavioral facility for children in custody of the state and evaluated them based on their behavior (I have) or she doesn’t exist, one of the two. I also have a degree in Psychology, so either way you’re wrong. [/quote]
Can we broker check you and see that work history on there? How many years of experince do you have?
[quote=Ronnie Dobbs] [quote=DD]
[quote=Ronnie Dobbs]
Ask anyone with a psychology degree about homosexuality. It is a learned behavior and not genetic. It’s similar to alcoholism and divorce. It is not a genetic gene, but it’s a learned behavior. if you have worked with any DHS children you will see that there are alot of gay children in state custody (anywhere from 7 years old to 18, it will blow your mind to see these children act this way) and almost always it’s because their parents were homosexual.
Hope everyone has a great holiday…Hope 2010 rocks for everyone…[/quote]Just asked the woman sitting to my right, who has a PhD in Psychology. She said your statement that it’s a learned activity is VERY debatable. She said your statements about kids bring gay because they have homosexual parents is down right stupid.Merry Christmas Retard[/quote]
She’s obviously never worked in a behavioral facility for children in custody of the state and evaluated them based on their behavior (I have) or she doesn’t exist, one of the two. I also have a degree in Psychology, so either way you’re wrong. [/quote]Can we broker check you and see that work history on there? How many years of experince do you have? [/quote]
For the record, an undergraduate degree in ANYTHING does not make you an expert on that subject. A Ph.D., however, does. Whether DD was sitting next to one or not, I don’t know.
What I DO know, from having to listen to my wife when she was writing her paper on gender studies related to behavioral disorders, that there are differing schools of thought on the subject. I personally believe that it is a choice, but my belief does not bear up under empirical studies. The other school of thought, that it is genetic, also does not bear up under empirical studies.
The simple fact is that NO one knows and there are experts on both sides. For example, my uncle (Ronnie may know him) is a professor at OU (RD I would say you could PM me for the name, but we all know that you don’t hold those sacred) and is in the same school of thought as Ronnie.
Moraen, I’ve never understood the “choice” train of thought. If it is a choice, wouldn’t we have to make a choice to be straight? Knowing plenty of gay people, I’ve never had one tell me how they chose to be gay. They just are.
You don't choose to be straight. Your body is genetically designed to be straight. Anyone who argues that, is absolutely stupid. Just look in your pants. As someone said previously, procreation is genetic but sex is recreational. Our bodies are designed to be aggressive towards mating with the female species, just like in EVERY OTHER species of animal. Procreation drives everything in this world including how we evolve. Although there are many MANY disorders, gayness is not one of them. Sure there are multiple schools of thought, but there are also people who say the holocaust and 9/11 didn't happen. Homosexuality is a learned behavior. Just like alcoholism, divorce, language learning and abuse. It's not something that is genetic. You can argue all day long with me, and argue that my degree in psychology means nothing, but thats expected of you folks. We talked quite a bit on the extent of homosexuality and there are VERY VERY FEW people in the field of psychology who beleive its genetic. Thats because there is too much obvious proof of behavioralistic learning. It doesn't make me an expert, but it DOES make me know a whole lot more than someone without one.... Don't believe me, thats ok. Let your kid hang out with a bunch of gay kids his whole life but don't blame me when he comes home with a crink in his wrist.....Moraen, I’ve never understood the “choice” train of thought. If it is a choice, wouldn’t we have to make a choice to be straight? Knowing plenty of gay people, I’ve never had one tell me how they chose to be gay. They just are.
Windy, I’m not making an argument that environment doesn’t come into play. I believe that environment is part of the equation.
I'm going to go "Dr. Laura" on this one. I believe that it is a biological mistake. Obviously, gayness, to the extent that it is genetic shouldn't be a trait that survives. However, societal pressures combined with an urge to procreate has always caused some % of the gay population to make babies. Thus, a genetic trait that shouldn't survive has done so. Why would we care what psychologists think about genetics? Isn't that like asking the dental hygentist what she thinks of athlete's foot? If the field of psychology has recently changed so that advanced genetic study is a requirement, let me know. Which genetic classes did you take? None, I presume. I find it very hard to believe that most people in the field of psychology believe that there isn't a biological component. Just like the rest of this board, I have gay clients, friends, and relatives.I hear you. I know a guy that I grew up with. He would hang out with all of us guys on the street. I grew up in Detroit and there wasn’t any room for limp wristing on our block as a kid. But Tommy was always a little different almost effeminate in the way he moved. His interests were artistic vs. a good game of street hockey. He moved away when we were young. Years later I was working the door at a bar and Tommy worked there and would still hang out with the guys. One day he took me aside and told me he was going to come out of the closet. He said he fought it all his life and had been different since his earliest memory. He was worried that I would “hate” him for it. I told him I knew he was gay since we were kids and was glad he could finally get a grip and move on in life. I don’t have a degree in psychology and have never studied fags but I can tell you he was born that way and there was nothing he could do to change it.
[quote=anonymous]Why would we care what psychologists think about genetics? Isn’t that like asking the dental hygentist what she thinks of athlete’s foot? If the field of psychology has recently changed so that advanced genetic study is a requirement, let me know. Which genetic classes did you take? None, I presume.
I find it very hard to believe that most people in the field of psychology believe that there isn't a biological component. Just like the rest of this board, I have gay clients, friends, and relatives. [/quote] If you don't think genetics is a HUGE factor in studying psychology, then you are hugely mistaken. Every psychological disorder that is studied is being studied to find out if it is either behavioral or genetic, in some way (or both) and how to counteract the disorder. Ex: Alchoholism (Behavioral), Schizophrenia (Genetic), OCD (Behavioral), etc.... For you to say that genetics isn't part of psychology shows your lack of ANY knowledge of that field. I've had my fair share of Abnormal Psychology and genetic components in my classes and I assure you, despite what degree I have achieved, I know a bit more than the average Joe. A degree doesn't matter, if you only slept through your classes. I am very intrigued by the field. I as well have gay friends and I still believe it's a choice. Sure there are biological factors involved, but noone is born gay. There is also alot of studies out there, having to do with your brain cells changing as a matter of your environment. "Is homosexuality really an inborn and normal variant of human nature? No. There is no evidence that shows that homosexuality is simply "genetic." And none of the research claims there is. Only the press and certain researchers do, when speaking in sound bites to the public. " - National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality Here's the link. Read up. NARTH (If you have never heard of them) have very extensive studies on changing homosexuality by therapy. http://www.narth.com/docs/istheregene.html There is NOT a gay gene and people are NOT born gay. Last post on this. Merry Christmas everyone..[quote=mlgone] [quote=BerkshireBull]
I’m beginning to wonder if there are gays in this thread attacking religion as outdated and homosexuality as “normal” so that they can clear the way to recruit more weak-minded
people who are undecided to be gay.
I had no idea you were another Bible Thumper…different light on you now[/quote]
Maybe you’d be better suited sticking to the “What’s Up At Firms” section then if that’s the case.
Windy, it’s always a pleasure when you don’t respond. If you did, I’m sure we’d eventually get this thread to be about you and how with NARTH’s help, you stopped sucking male organs and switched to the female variety.
This comes directly from NARTH's website: "NARTH agrees with the American Psychological Association that "biological, psychological and social factors" shape sexual identity at an early age for most people.But the difference is one of emphasis. We place more emphasis on the psychological (family, peer and social) influences, while the American Psychological Association emphasizes biological influences--and has shown no interest in (indeed, a hostility toward) investigating those same psychological and social influences."
Windy, I think that I'll take the opinion of the APA that it's primary biological over the opinion of you.Windy you are such a stroke. I have avoided replying to you at all costs and you still get bashed over and over. Good call on blaming me for all of the gay jokes and your inability to provide a rational thought. F#ck off.
[quote=anonymous]Windy, it’s always a pleasure when you don’t respond. If you did, I’m sure we’d eventually get this thread to be about you and how with NARTH’s help, you stopped sucking male organs and switched to the female variety.
This comes directly from NARTH's website: "NARTH agrees with the American Psychological Association that "biological, psychological and social factors" shape sexual identity at an early age for most people.But the difference is one of emphasis. We place more emphasis on the psychological (family, peer and social) influences, while the American Psychological Association emphasizes biological influences--and has shown no interest in (indeed, a hostility toward) investigating those same psychological and social influences."
Windy, I think that I'll take the opinion of the APA that it's primary biological over the opinion of you. [/quote] Or you could stop cutting and pasting nonsense together to try make stabs. #1. NARTH - Their whole premise is to prove that homosexuality is in NO WAY an inborn occurance. "It is NARTH's aim to provide a different perspective. Particularly, we want to clarify that homosexuality is not "inborn," and that gays are not "a people," in the same sense that an ethnic group is "a people"--but instead, they are (like all of us) simply individuals who exhibit particular patterns of feelings and behavior." - Directly from "Our Purpose" on NARTH's Website. #2. The APA came out with a brochure explaining Homosexuality some time back and stated "There is considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality." Then came out last year and revoked their statement by saying "There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles;" You also have to remember that the APA is a politically driven organization. If they come straight out and say, "Homo's aren't normal", they'd have a sh*tstorm on their hands and probably lose most of their funding. Now you can continue this arguement without me, because you will not find any information that suggests that NARTH or the APA agrees with ANYONE that people are BORN gay.They suggest multiple factors, but NOONE is BORN gay. Waste your christmas weekend on it, because thats what you do. Find everyway possible to TRY and prove that I, as well as some others on this forum, do nothing but lie consistantly, without any reason to believe so. Have a Merry Holiday. Even you Ron. Hope 2010 is great for everyone.Moraen, I’ve never understood the “choice” train of thought. If it is a choice, wouldn’t we have to make a choice to be straight? Knowing plenty of gay people, I’ve never had one tell me how they chose to be gay. They just are.
I have a few gay friends.
Why would someone make the choice to be straight? If they are picked on because they don't fit in and thus cannot (or won't) compete for females in the traditional ways (being stronger, faster, smarter more successful), what choice is left for them?
Other men of similar ilk.
As for women, I have no idea why all women are NOT gay. But some of the ones who look like men - well, they might feel like they cannot attract an appropriate mate and thus decide to look for other females who cannot find a suitable mate.
If you look at some primates, some of them will have homosexual relationships (usually the males). They are ALWAYS the weaker males.
However, this begs the question: What about those weird dudes who are successful, strong and smart? They usually don't "become" gay until later in life. In which case, I have absolutely NO idea what is going on.
For all I know, it may be an instance that some are born gay, others learn it. WhoTF knows?
[quote=Ronnie Dobbs][quote=anonymous]Windy, it’s always a pleasure when you don’t respond. If you did, I’m sure we’d eventually get this thread to be about you and how with NARTH’s help, you stopped sucking male organs and switched to the female variety.
This comes directly from NARTH's website: "NARTH agrees with the American Psychological Association that "biological, psychological and social factors" shape sexual identity at an early age for most people.But the difference is one of emphasis. We place more emphasis on the psychological (family, peer and social) influences, while the American Psychological Association emphasizes biological influences--and has shown no interest in (indeed, a hostility toward) investigating those same psychological and social influences."
Windy, I think that I'll take the opinion of the APA that it's primary biological over the opinion of you. [/quote] Or you could stop cutting and pasting nonsense together to try make stabs. #1. NARTH - Their whole premise is to prove that homosexuality is in NO WAY an inborn occurance. "It is NARTH's aim to provide a different perspective. Particularly, we want to clarify that homosexuality is not "inborn," and that gays are not "a people," in the same sense that an ethnic group is "a people"--but instead, they are (like all of us) simply individuals who exhibit particular patterns of feelings and behavior." - Directly from "Our Purpose" on NARTH's Website. #2. The APA came out with a brochure explaining Homosexuality some time back and stated "There is considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality." Then came out last year and revoked their statement by saying "There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles;" You also have to remember that the APA is a politically driven organization. If they come straight out and say, "Homo's aren't normal", they'd have a sh*tstorm on their hands and probably lose most of their funding. Now you can continue this arguement without me, because you will not find any information that suggests that NARTH or the APA agrees with ANYONE that people are BORN gay.They suggest multiple factors, but NOONE is BORN gay. Waste your christmas weekend on it, because thats what you do. Find everyway possible to TRY and prove that I, as well as some others on this forum, do nothing but lie consistantly, without any reason to believe so. Have a Merry Holiday. Even you Ron. Hope 2010 is great for everyone. [/quote] Wasn't there a Law & Order episode about this? The plot went something along the following lines. 1)Windy, portrayed by Sean Hayes of Will & Grace fame, gets caught by his wife in bed with another man. 2) Windy's wife kills the other guy and they dispose of the body. 3) Windy and his wife pray for him to be healed of his evil ways. 4) NARTH promises that they can "cure" him if he wants to change. 5) Windy becomes a very wealthy broker with strong political involvement. 6) Windy and his wife credit NARTH with changing his behavior and stopping him from being gay. 7) Unfortunately, it turns out that Windy gets caught in the men's room at an airport doing his shoe tapping routine. 8) He gets busted for murdering the "victim" of his bathroom escapades. I might be combing Law & Order plot lines, but it had something to do with NARTH (or a similar organization) not really being able to get gay people to go straight.Moraen, I think that if you talked to your gay friends, in hindsight, they will tell you that they liked people of the same sex before they got to the age that they had to find an appropriate mate. By the way, my beliefs on this subject is that like lots of things there are both biological and environmental factors at play. I think that "gayness" is more on a continuum than just "straight" or "gay". Biology will factor in to where one is on this continuum. For those like me who are way over on the straight side, nothing in the environment will cause them to be attracted to someone of the same sex. For those on the other side, no environmental factors will cause them to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex. For the people in the middle, environmental factors could certainly play a big part. There also seems to be a big male/female difference with this. For instance, a large % of college girls have at one time at least made out with someone of the same sex. This is usually a drunken thing and doesn't make the girl gay. Yet, if a guy does that, they are probably gay. Straight guys don't mess around with guys.[quote=anonymous] Moraen, I’ve never understood the “choice” train of thought. If it is a choice, wouldn’t we have to make a choice to be straight? Knowing plenty of gay people, I’ve never had one tell me how they chose to be gay. They just are. [/quote]
I have a few gay friends.
Why would someone make the choice to be straight? If they are picked on because they don’t fit in and thus cannot (or won’t) compete for females in the traditional ways (being stronger, faster, smarter more successful), what choice is left for them?
Other men of similar ilk.
As for women, I have no idea why all women are NOT gay. But some of the ones who look like men - well, they might feel like they cannot attract an appropriate mate and thus decide to look for other females who cannot find a suitable mate.
If you look at some primates, some of them will have homosexual relationships (usually the males). They are ALWAYS the weaker males.
However, this begs the question: What about those weird dudes who are successful, strong and smart? They usually don’t “become” gay until later in life. In which case, I have absolutely NO idea what is going on.
For all I know, it may be an instance that some are born gay, others learn it. WhoTF knows?