What happened to voltmoie?
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I agree with ML. The sad thing is that Spiff (who claims I have issues) thinks that this forum is his soapbox for his beliefs.I wonder if you could direct us to a Christian fourm so we could start spreading our opinions about our business.
Incidentally...you did cause me to pause and think about your comments about EDJ and Christian beliefs. I like you had challenges with Jones on some of their positions. I didn't really care about the gay thing at all (in fact I thought Jones was opening themselves to another lawsuit if they didn't allow non-married heterosexual couples the same opportunity to go on trips as homosexual couples). I doubt they ever expected to have that particular issue come up, but I saw the disdain it caused with FA's when clear discrimination occured. And it did. They have tried to fix it, but most non-married FA's at the time just took the cash and suppressed their feelings. Only a few that I knew of at the time bothered to go to Weddle to PROVE their relationship (which was the process several years ago...I hope that has changed!). Being a non-Christian, I definitely saw in most meetings references from many reps, RL's, and partners the mention of how important their Christian religion was to them and the reference by many how family was so important (as if it wasn't for the rest of us). In fact the RL would often talk about his Bible study group (failed to mention ever his Poker group) and one rep who was his goodknight joined his church (and then took over a 100M book) not too long after. The religious nepotisim then was rampant. Maybe that's changed although I would lay odds it hasn't. So...Mr. Religous Nutjob (your words not mine) keep your religious opinions to yourself and please if you feel the need to spout your beliefs find another appropriate forum.So, now Jones shows nepotism based on religion? You’re amazing.
When have you ever seen another post where I got on my soapbox in regards to my beliefs? So, I'm not free to spout my religious beliefs? I can say anything I like as long as it doesn't ruffle your non-christian feathers? Is that pretty much how it goes? Some folks might say that's censorship and an attempt to stifle my freedom of speech. I've not told anyone here how they should believe. I have shared how I believe. If you think I was preaching to anyone, then you are misreading my statements. So, am I free to talk about football, politics, beer, girls, and post modernism or are there other topics that I should avoid? I'd hate to step on any more of your, evidently tender, toes. ml - just so you know I read your article, I don't agree with the Ugandan bill on killing homosexuals. That's just stupid.Nutjob-
This is a registered rep forum or have you forgotten. Tell us something about business. That's what these forums are for. Take your opinions about your religion and find the appropriate place to discuss them. This isn't it.Then we shouldn’t be talking about football, beer, cars, women/men, vacation destinations, or politics either. All of those are frequent topics on this forum and not registered representative related.
Nobody forced you to particpate in this conversation. So, if you don't want to talk about, or if it offends you, just don't click on the thread anymore.[quote=BigCheese]Nutjob-
This is a registered rep forum or have you forgotten. Tell us something about business. That's what these forums are for. Take your opinions about your religion and find the appropriate place to discuss them. This isn't it. [/quote]I beg to differ. This forum is for business and gay jokes. Haven't you read any of the other threads?
This is a registered rep forum or have you forgotten. Tell us something about business. That's what these forums are for. Take your opinions about your religion and find the appropriate place to discuss them. This isn't it. [/quote]I beg to differ. This forum is for business and gay jokes. Haven't you read any of the other threads?
Sometimes - I want to hang out with you. Probably would be the best ab workout of my life.
[quote=Moraen] [quote=SometimesNowhere] [quote=BigCheese]Nutjob-
This is a registered rep forum or have you forgotten. Tell us something about business. That's what these forums are for. Take your opinions about your religion and find the appropriate place to discuss them. This isn't it. [/quote]I beg to differ. This forum is for business and gay jokes. Haven't you read any of the other threads?
Sometimes - I want to hang out with you. Probably would be the best ab workout of my life.
[/quote] If you bend over to far, you might tear an ab.
And we’re back to gay jokes.
No need to apologize for speaking the truth, I suppose it did sound a little gay.
Here: Sometimes, I’d like to hang out with you. I would likely laugh so hard, I would get the best ab workout of my life.
Windy - did you mean to say: If you bend over to fart, you might tear an ab?
[quote=Ronnie Dobbs]No sir, my apologies. "If you bend over too far, you might tear an ab.[/quote]
No need to apologize. We all know that grammar is not your strong suit. Pity. All of that talent and can’t form correct sentences.
It’s OK. He works for Jones. They don’t let us form complete sentences on our own anyway. Everything has to run through compliance.
I find it funny that a thread titled “What happened to Voltmoie” has turned into a discussion about gay issues and very ironic that Volt’s gay slurs led to his staying away.
[quote=Spaceman Spiff] It’s OK. He works for Jones. They don’t let us form complete sentences on our own anyway. Everything has to run through compliance. [/quote]
Try to explain to a client why we don’t have Word or Notepad on your PC. They look at us like we’re nuts.
Seriously? I once hung out with a Compliance guy from Jones at a conference in Chicago - pretty cool guy. Ofcourse we traded cracks on eachother's firms. He wasn't a run of the mill compliance muckity muck. I think he was a little further up there on the corporate ladder than the guys you normally complain about. Anyways, from his descriptions of the Jones Compliance Machine, only one word came to mind: Clusterf***. Or is that two misspelled? What an operation.
[quote=Spaceman Spiff] It’s OK. He works for Jones. They don’t let us form complete sentences on our own anyway. Everything has to run through compliance. [/quote]
Try to explain to a client why we don’t have Word or Notepad on your PC. They look at us like we’re nuts.
Sorry, ml, your t-shirt that you lovingly sent me got blocked by compliance. Seriously. I even tried to click on the hyperlink that shows up instead of your pic. Got the screen that says that I put my office on someone’s watch list today. Someone want to tell me what it is?
Regardless, I appreciate your thoughfulness. What does your post right before the t-shirt one mean?It is some guys sitting around a poker table. Jesus is one of them. Underneath the picture it says, “Ante, Christ”
If you have a series 7 and 63 and live in NYC then we need to talk. I'm gonna add to my desk. (yes I know this is vague.. I can't go into too much detail on a forum for compliance reasons) We are one of the fastest growing firms in the country with multiple offices around the world. Please pass this around to anyone you know who qualifies. email resumes to [email protected]