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Jul 22, 2007 7:33 pm

Hey skbroker,

Don't take this the wrong way, but are you partially or mostly retarded?

Jul 22, 2007 7:40 pm


Hey skbroker,

Don't take this the wrong way, but are you partially or mostly retarded?


I was thinking the same thing. She sounds like she may have taken a lawn dart to the top of her head, at least once.

Jul 22, 2007 8:19 pm

Well I wasn’t trying to insult.  Just based on her writing style and a couple other clues, I had to ask.

Jul 22, 2007 9:10 pm

non taken ferris, I was right about you and BH.  Hope you guys have a long and happy relationship.  You  are right about me beeing halp retaarded.  Wheree iz mi mommi.  I am gonna wait 5 minutez for your responze.

Jul 22, 2007 9:14 pm








Wow the response on this board is tremendous.  You guys must give your clients really good service. 








Jul 22, 2007 9:44 pm

meltdown alert.

Jul 22, 2007 11:03 pm

I will opine that BH was somewhat right, Makeitrainvick7 was sort of arrogant.

It seems to me that the guy has one whale and a bowl of guppies. I mean, what are the chances that 90 percent of his book closed in the same quarterly cycle? 50%, yeah, but 90+. No wonder he's certain 70% will follow "Aw C'mon ma'!"

And it's a stoopid question too. How do you not know that you're heading for this right after you drop the ticket? It just occured to you, just when you got your paycheck? And how do you not know that then you'll just have to put yourself on a budget, and get some clients to fill in the dead months.... How? Because you stepped in dogsh*t somewhere and found a diamond.

Go ahead and hop. Don't forget that your current firm has a contract with you and will claim training expenses. Maybe you'll take 100% of your clients (afterall, it's not like they love your current firm, they don't even know them). It just makes too much sense to jump. You can get 100%+ to do so, and then you're locked in for 8 years. But that's 12.5% per year so around 25M (2,000 per month).

If you keep growing the way that you have (maybe an uncle or something) in two years you have 40MM and 400M. You get the 100% and you're making an extra 50M per year. Plus at 400 you can call a shot or two at the new firm, sign up for a shorter lockup period or get a better percentage upfront.

Nope, seems to me, you want to rest on your laurels, and you know they aren't as comfortable as they seem by the sheer nums.

Jul 22, 2007 11:07 pm

careful Whomit you might get called a BH groupie for agreeing with him.

Jul 23, 2007 3:25 am


FYI, I was half drunk and watching sportscenter when I came up with the Vick moniker. He is the real douche. So, thank you all for the feedback, especially the stuff a couple folks sent over privately, it really helped.

Whomitmayconcern, your analysis is way off. I haveone household at 3 million, 4 households that have 1-2 million, 8 that have 500k-1 million, 15 or so that have 100-500k, and the rest is a smorgasborg. Most of production is fee based, and I have not figured out how to work insurance into my business yet (I totally agree I have A LOT to learn.) Fortuantely I have been able to cultivate a few good referral sources without whom I’d be dead in the water.

As for the arrogant comment, if I came accross like that my bad. This is definately a tough decision for me and I guess I just wanted to give as much info as possible.

Take care,


Jul 23, 2007 3:30 am

oh, fyi, whomitmayconcern, not everyone out there has rolling quarterly cycles. I know ML/SB do, but some firms pay everything on a standard cycle. Our top fee based guys do 250-400k jan/apr/jul/oct, and significantly less in between. So, its’ great when you get it built up, but in the meantime its’ tough sleighing.

Jul 23, 2007 3:58 am

any chance you’re an AGE FC?  I recognize that fee based payout schedule.  Although AGE doesn’t have a 2 yr training program, and I don’t think WS training program is 2 yrs either. 

So not sure which big firm you are currently with.  If another besides WS/AGE/ML/SB/UBS/MS then one of the above may be a good option for potentially more resources and the upfront cash.   If at one of the ones above would stick it out with those numbers a while longer.  

Jul 23, 2007 4:02 pm


make it rain

I wouldn't respond to Ferris or BH.  Ferris is racist f**k and BH spends at least 40 hours a week on this post trying to prove his dick is bigger than yours.  You notice that Ferris always defends BH (somethings going on there) 


Skbroker types his messages from his LEAPFROG, hence the 45-point font.

Jul 23, 2007 6:26 pm

i agree with oldlady, you're too early in your career to make a move. i know the upfront ca$h sounds great, but if you lose have your book in the process it's not worth it. everybody believes they will take most their book with them but you would be surprised.

based on your numbers you're doing fine. keep raising assets and building strong relationships with your clients. wait till you have $50mill in assets then you'll be ready for a nice payday

the only way i would advise leaving now was if you were going to an institutional firm (bear, oppy, lehman) that was providing you with something unique for your clients. but DONT make a move now based on the cash.

good luck!