Tough Talk
25 RepliesJump to last post
Put, if you are trying to imply that I fear you, guess again. I am not afraid of anything and especially not you. If you ever want proof, come and see me sometime, “little buddy”.
[quote=assetgatherer]The administrator is good tonite.[/quote]
And why would you say that?
Joe-I said that the administrator was good last night because I started a new topic-Where is PUT-and the network administrator took it down almost immediately. You guys are getting paranoid-Who cares what PUT says I think it is quite entertaining don’t you. Kind of makes you wonder who he really is. A troubled soul obviously! The problem with this forum is you really have no way to tell who you are actually dealing with. I bet if the network administrator made you give your real name half of these posts would disappear. All I want out of this is to get ideas from other brokers doing the same thing that I am-Working my ass off!
[quote=assetgatherer]Joe-I said that the administrator was good last night because I started a new topic-Where is PUT-and the network administrator took it down almost immediately. You guys are getting paranoid-Who cares what PUT says I think it is quite entertaining don't you. Kind of makes you wonder who he really is. A troubled soul obviously! The problem with this forum is you really have no way to tell who you are actually dealing with. I bet if the network administrator made you give your real name half of these posts would disappear. All I want out of this is to get ideas from other brokers doing the same thing that I am-Working my ass off![/quote]
I agree on all counts.
Seven sounds like a skeptical client rather than a practitioner. I don't know what it's like in your offices. We work hard, some days are better than others..The business is not going to disappear. High net is nice, but the bread and butter is the guy who retires from the phone company with 500k, and needs help living the next 20-30 years, so he won't run out of money. The guy who sells his business and needs a host of services for proper planning.
These people are not going to plan their financial lives through no load funds and recent issues of money magazine. There is a huge need for what we do!! It aint EZ by any stretch....
Seven's post sounds like an episode of suzie orman. In fact I don't buy that you work in the biz.
If you want to talk about a sales group that may be extinct soon...tell me how the legions of idiot housewives who manage to grab 7% of the selling price of a home, for merely unlocking the front door for the customer manage to prosper!!!! My Realtor made about $20,000 for selling me my home... spent a cummulative total of maybe 7 hours showing homes and conversing, (most of this was driving around). I have clients that i've made tens of thousand of dollars for who continue to whine about my minimal fees.