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A Sin of Omission

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Jul 13, 2005 11:21 am

[quote=Roger Thornhill][quote=stanwbrown]Here’s your big chance Rogertheclueless, name the “toll” in SMAs. No dancing, no singing, no lame attempts at humor, no changing the terms or moving the goalposts, just name the “toll” in SMAs.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /><O:P></O:P>

I'm betting the ranch you lack the 'nads to simply admit like a man that you were in over your head, said something stupid and were called on it.[/quote]

I already named some obvious ones. If you can't read, I can't help you.

PS - At least I own a ranch. You can't bet what you don't have, so your wager is worth as much as your credibility:  ZERO. 


Like I thought, you're 'nad free...

Jul 13, 2005 12:36 pm

As I was riding to work I thought of anohter moronic lie our very own Prevaricating Roger came up with yesterday.

I mentioned that I have spent a lifetime taking Sunday night flights
and then waiting for the weather to clear back home on Friday evenings.

As his is penchant, Roger picked up on that and added something to the
effect that he didn’t fly commercial–that when he wants to get
somewhere he takes a private plane.

What is curious is that I said that I’ve spent countless Friday
evenings waiting for weather to clear–one wonders how Roger’s private
plane would not also be affected by that weather?

Am I wrong?  If weather back home is keeping people from getting
home on time on commercial jets would it also not affect Roger in his
private plane?

The guy is giving old fashioned pathelogical liars like Hillary Clinton a good name.

Jul 13, 2005 3:08 pm

[quote=Put Trader]
I read that last night while walking with my wife in Central Park.  Her comment is well taken--she asked, "Are they so stupid that they don't realize that you've been doing this all your life--and that you've been writing about that stuff since before we moved here?"  Then later she added, "I've been thinking about how what you write is so good that it looks like a textbook--where do they think textbooks come from if not from people's minds?"

Then finally as we were riding the elevator she said, "I can't believe I'm still thinking about it, but it pisses me off that people dont' realize how smart you are.......if you had written something like that about a topic you don't know anything about I'd say you plagerized it.  But like Dick told you a couple of years ago, you've taken full advantage of all those different things they had you do."

She then added, with that wise acre grin she does so well, "And because I was with you on a lot of them you came across much better than you really are."

Are you so upset about what someone on an internet forum said that you need moral support from your wife? Don't let this internet thing get the best of you, Put!  Take a few days off if you need to regroup.  Take your wife somewhere and find new things to talk about....we'll wait patiently for your return.

Jul 13, 2005 4:12 pm


Are you so upset about what someone on an internet forum said that you need moral support from your wife? Don't let this internet thing get the best of you, Put!  Take a few days off if you need to regroup.  Take your wife somewhere and find new things to talk about....we'll wait patiently for your return.


Upset?  Not at all, humored by the fact that so many of the people who read this forum are so wound up by me.

Most evenings we walk in the park, and while walking we chat about lots of stuff--last night just happened to be the ridiculous idea that just because I am capable of writing at a high level it appears that I plagerized a discussion of the securities acts of the early 1930s.

We've been married for close to thirty five years, conversations can take a great many turns after that long.  Not to worry about Putnam or Putette or El Bichon Habaneros as we wander the park at dusk.

In your post you advise to take my wife somewhere.  That's th joy of living in NYC--we're already where most of you wish you could go on vacation.

You're in your pathetic little lives at Thanksgiving watching the Macy's parade--we're at the parade, unless we're sitting on our heater in the bedroom drinking Bloody Marys and watching it from the 41st floor.  It's damn cold most Thanksgivings so after braving the weather for the first several years we've adopted the Bloody Mary approach--far more adult, don't you think?

When you're out there in your pathetic little lives you hear about things like the Tony Awards--we go to them.  We also see every show that opens and many of them a great many times.  For years I used to walk to a theater three or four times a week and buy a last minute standing room ticket.  The houses are small enough that even if you're standing along the wall at the back of the theater you can still take in all the spectacle.  I've seen the great shows--Les Miz, Phantom, Miss Saigon, Sunset Blvd--at least twenty-five times apiece.  Not with the mediocre casts that show up in the backwaters--when you're in New York you get the best.

But you're right, I should take Putette somewhere tonight--I think we'll go to Brooklyn and have dinner somewhere on Montegue Street then work it off by walking home, across the bridge, through the village and then make the turn uptown for the final mile and one half to Hell's Kitchen.

Life is good when you have a good education and a great job.
Jul 13, 2005 4:39 pm

Everytime I wonder if people are as dumb as I think they are somebody

raises their hand and just screams, "Over here, look over here!

See me, I’m as stupid as anybody I know!"

Where is the pride in dumb-ass comments? I guess there are some

people who just can’t stand saying nothing so they muster up their very

best and let it zing.

Jul 13, 2005 7:22 pm


You talk about how you annually spend you Thanksgivings watching the Macy's parade from your apartment, yet in previous posts you insist that you always go to Europe from Thanksgiving to Christmas. So which is it?

I know, since you are so intelligent and wealthy, you cloned yourself or you invented a time travel machine. It's probably as real as the rest of the psychotic babble you mutter to yourself.

Oh. and since you post on the internet constantly day and night, how could you possibly be able to go the the Tony awards and broadway shows every night. I know, once again your clone is posting for you while you go to the shows with your imaginary wife.

And Put, we don't have to envy you. We all have vivid imaginations as well. We just don't allow them to evolve into psychotic delusions!

Jul 13, 2005 8:06 pm



You talk about how you annually spend you Thanksgivings watching the Macy's parade from your apartment, yet in previous posts you insist that you always go to Europe from Thanksgiving to Christmas. So which is it?

I know, since you are so intelligent and wealthy, you cloned yourself or you invented a time travel machine. It's probably as real as the rest of the psychotic babble you mutter to yourself.

Oh. and since you post on the internet constantly day and night, how could you possibly be able to go the the Tony awards and broadway shows every night. I know, once again your clone is posting for you while you go to the shows with your imaginary wife.

And Put, we don't have to envy you. We all have vivid imaginations as well. We just don't allow them to evolve into psychotic delusions!


Let it be noted that this fool is obsessed with me, and reads everything I say very carefully and takes it very literally.

A common phrase is, "I'll see you at Thanksgiving" or "Let's get together at Christmas."  You see, among grownups, there is a thing called the holiday season--it extends from Thanksgiving to New Years.

You children think of Thankgiving because your Mommy makes you a really big meal then you get to take a nap, and of course there's Christmas and Santa and everything.

Then, before you know it it's New Years, and you and your babysitter get to bang on some pots and pans, then go to bed.

Jul 14, 2005 3:22 pm


Your lack of education and refinement (the polar opposite of you avatar of Cary Grant) is showing again. When you can advance beyond your current level of adolescent behavior and answer directly answer the questions posed to you, be sure to raise your hand.

Until then you’ll continue to be the forum’s very own Ned Ryerson, babbling incoherently about the brokerage business between sales of whole life policies to yokels.   <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Jul 14, 2005 7:49 pm



Your lack of education and refinement (the polar opposite of you avatar of Cary Grant) is showing again. When you can advance beyond your current level of adolescent behavior and answer directly answer the questions posed to you, be sure to raise your hand.

Until then you’ll continue to be the forum’s very own Ned Ryerson, babbling incoherently about the brokerage business between sales of whole life policies to yokels.   <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


It looks like stanwbrowneye needs some help with posting coherent messages.

Jul 15, 2005 12:44 am

[quote=Put Trader]  
Why do you think that a guy who is bragging about how smart he is
refuses to answer simple questions like I was asking?  I suggest
it is because there are no answers.

Then there is the odd series of comments following my discussion of the laws written in the early 1930s.

I read that last night while walking with my wife in Central
Park.  Her comment is well taken–she asked, “Are they so stupid
that they don’t realize that you’ve been doing this all your life–and
that you’ve been writing about that stuff since before we moved
here?”  Then later she added, "I’ve been thinking about how what
you write is so good that it looks like a textbook–where do they think
textbooks come from if not from people’s minds?"

Then finally as we were riding the elevator she said, "I can’t believe
I’m still thinking about it, but it pisses me off that people dont’
realize how smart you are…if you had written something like that
about a topic you don’t know anything about I’d say you plagerized
it.  But like Dick told you a couple of years ago, you’ve taken
full advantage of all those different things they had you do.“

She then added, with that wise acre grin she does so well, “And because
I was with you on a lot of them you came across much better than you
really are.”


We need to talk about this offline. The wife can join your corner. The
pooch, well, it may be a deal-breaker…let sleep on it. My main
concern would be any Son of Sam defense tail wagging, no offense
intended. I just wouldn’t want to hear that the dog told you to say
"yes” and you didn’t really have a choice. Know what I mean, Putsy?

Jul 15, 2005 3:38 am

[quote=Roger Thornhill][quote=stanwbrown]


Your lack of education and refinement (the polar opposite of you avatar of Cary Grant) is showing again. When you can advance beyond your current level of adolescent behavior and answer directly answer the questions posed to you, be sure to raise your hand.

Until then you’ll continue to be the forum’s very own Ned Ryerson, babbling incoherently about the brokerage business between sales of whole life policies to yokels.   <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


It looks like stanwbrowneye needs some help with posting coherent messages.


No, what happened is YOUR post, the one I quoted was deleted. Seems the moderator here doesn't think much of you and your postings either. In case it wasn't clear enough for you, here's my post again.

Your lack of education and refinement (the polar opposite of you avatar of Cary Grant) is showing again. When you can advance beyond your current level of adolescent behavior and answer directly answer the questions posed to you, be sure to raise your hand. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Until then you’ll continue to be the forum’s very own Ned Ryerson, babbling incoherently about the brokerage business between sales of whole life policies to yokels

Jul 15, 2005 5:42 am

Three cheers for the moderator.

Jul 15, 2005 6:30 am

[quote=stanwbrown]No, what happened is YOUR post, the one I quoted was deleted. Seems the moderator here doesn’t think much of you and your postings either. In case it wasn’t clear enough for you, here’s my post again.

Your lack of education and refinement (the polar opposite of you avatar of Cary Grant) is showing again. When you can advance beyond your current level of adolescent behavior and answer directly answer the questions posed to you, be sure to raise your hand. [/QUOTE]

What post are you referring to?

Leach didn’t graduate from high school, so I have 12 years of education on him (much more than you, obviously). The girl waiting on me in my bedroom is better looking than Sophia, and even more well endowed. I’m not jealous of Archibald, as you are of me, I just have respect for his work.

If you raised your head, you’d still be below ground level. I don’t stoop that low, stanwbrowneye.

FYI - stanwbrowneye is so experienced that he needed to ask a truly newby question:

<SPAN =post>“Anybody have a comprehensive client bio sheet (address, bdays, anniversaries, etc) they’d like to share? I’d just as soon not re-invent the wheel and I’d like to see what others include in this kind of sheet to be able to provide the best possible service.”

If he was a veteran, he wouldn’t be asking the questions we get from rank wet-behind-the-ears amateurs!

If he was as successful as he’d like everyone to think, he’d have his staff create one from scratch, but NOOOOOOO…he’s stuck with begging on the net for rudimentary help.

You wanna dance, chiam yankel? I’ll waste you, without breaking a sweat, just like I did with your buddy, puttyndacrack.

Jul 18, 2005 2:12 pm

[quote=Roger Thornhill]

FYI - stanwbrowneye is so experienced that he needed to ask a truly newby question:

<SPAN =“post”>“Anybody have a comprehensive client bio sheet (address, bdays, anniversaries, etc) they’d like to share? I’d just as soon not re-invent the wheel and I’d like to see what others include in this kind of sheet to be able to provide the best possible service.”

If he was a veteran, he wouldn’t be asking the questions we get from rank wet-behind-the-ears amateurs!

If he was as successful as he’d like everyone to think, he’d have his staff create one from scratch, but NOOOOOOO…he’s stuck with begging on the net for rudimentary help.

You wanna dance, chiam yankel? I’ll waste you, without breaking a sweat, just like I did with your buddy, puttyndacrack.


Let me help you here, born-into-the-biz-and-still-can’t-succeed. I was in the process of doing a top to bottom review of my business at the suggestion of a coach I hired. Part of the process was a complete review of 15 years of client documentation and the transference of said data to a new client contact system. To that end I wanted to see what others were using as a one page info sheet. I hope that makes matters clearer for you and meets your approval. You just can’t imagine what your approval means to me…<?:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /><o:p></o:p>

BTW, how’s that “credit fix” scam doing?<o:p></o:p>