Series 65 using TC
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Hey Everyone!
I will be taking my Series 65 exam next weekend and was wondering what I can expect. So far, I've studied the entire Training Consultants manual and taken the quizzes/exams needed to prepare. My score went from a 66, 78, 71, and 86 on my standards to a 88 on my most recent (1st random), so I've been able to show improvement each time. There have been numerous positive comments on TC's prep course for the Series 66 which is why I chose them for the 65. Any comments appreciated!
How was your experience with TC and the Series 65? Cajunese? I studied Kaplan for 6 months and failed 65 exam twice with a 63% and 70%. Hopefully TC will better direct what information i am syncing with my brain. Kaplan is just too much of an overload.
I hope you were successful. For the series 65 exam, I would say that Pass Perfect would have the best materials. Kaplan also has very good materials.