Is Real Estate real
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[quote=Starka]Yes, I have. I know precisely how it works.[/quote]
Do you think it's a good idea to put what amounts to a jinx on the generation that holds the stock?
No I don't. So when you get the stock, you can do what you want with the stock. What are they going to do about it, come back and haunt you? (It is Halloween you know). In the meantime, I agree holding huge blocks of stock with no protection is dangerous. I have a couple of clients who are holding large concentrated positions. One client has over 100,000 shares of CVX and refuses to do anything about it because it is a "family" holding and they intend to pass it along.
If you stood to inherit 22,500 share of GE from parents who are both in their mid 80s what would you suggest they do?
[/quote]I would get a middle-management job at a major brokerage firm and milk it for as long as I could, collect a fat pension, and live off thte backs of others…waiting for my inheritance.
Sound about right?
Good thing its GE and not ENRON or one of the Steel bombs. Maybe their will has the money going to the church.
Why even give this loser a response? I doubt he even has a home computer...I can see him now, sitting in the public library all day, abusing the eight hour a day limits for the internet.
Why even give this loser a response? I doubt he even has a home computer...I can see him now, sitting in the public library all day, abusing the eight hour a day limits for the internet.
Do you really believe that? Really? Cross your heart and hope to die?
[quote=AirForce]Maybe their will has the money going to the church. [/quote]
Nope, our family has passed securities from one generation to the next for years---my brother and I will be the fifth generation to own the GE.
The really great part is that they have a large second to die policy to pay estate taxes which are being reduced. With luck the second to die will check out in 2010.
[quote=AirForce]Maybe their will has the money going to the church. [/quote]
Nope, our family has passed securities from one generation to the next for years---my brother and I will be the fifth generation to own the GE.
The really great part is that they have a large second to die policy to pay estate taxes which are being reduced. With luck the second to die will check out in 2010.
You could always hurry things along.....just to be sure.