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Questions I should ask at my interview

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Nov 16, 2008 7:48 pm

Just my two cents, but you should consider asking questions that demonstrate that you know a thing or two about the industry already, and want to know the manager’s and the firm’s approach to the issues that will affect you.  For example:

Some firms pay no or very reduced commissions for households under a certain asset level.  Other firms pay commissions only in the event such households are in managed (fee-based) accounts.  What is the program here, on a household with, say, $90,000 in investable assets?


How robust are your financial planning systems?  For high-net-worth individuals and families, are there programs in place at this firm that will incorporate their trusts, buy-sell agreements, planned giving? 

And so on.  Give the manager a chance to brag on his firm a bit, as well as share their philosophy, instead of the other way around.  But I agree with the posters above–your questions are something that a Customer Service rep would be asking–not a professional FA who should at least pretend to know the answers already.

Nov 16, 2008 9:49 pm

If you don’t have a decent business plan, you’re toast. 

Nov 17, 2008 1:56 pm

Wow, a lot of knocking the mortgage guys around early on in this thread, I had to laugh a bit.  They’re not all bad, I think like 3% of the mortgage guys I knew getting started are still with the firm…

Jmatt, best of luck to you, something to seriously consider though,  This forum, though great, is not the best source for firm and industry research.  You can't waltz into an interview and say, "the guys on reg rep forum said that..."  I'm sure your researching from other sources as well, but make sure you know what your getting into.   again, good luck
Mar 26, 2010 1:29 pm

David Lerner is a full echelon below edward jones....

Total d!psh!ts..... "We don't want you, you're too smart for us".  Completely transaction based bond selling.  growth is through referrals.....