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Mar 23, 2008 11:41 am

Thanks snaggletooth and bondo!  Wow, I didn’t know that wholesalers would pay for things like prizes for potenial investors.  I had pretty much ruled out doing a lot of seminars with a lot of out of pocket expenses; but if I can get a wholesaler to pay for some of the activities, that would be great. 

  It sounds like wholesalers are one of the best places to learn a few things.   Getting a good mentor also seems like a very important thing to do early on.   I really like the idea of pain points when prospecting.  What are some good scabs to pick at with prospects that seem to produce a lot of results for you guys? 
Mar 29, 2008 2:24 am

[quote=Akkula]Thanks snaggletooth and bondo!  Wow, I didn’t know that wholesalers would pay for things like prizes for potenial investors.  I had pretty much ruled out doing a lot of seminars with a lot of out of pocket expenses; but if I can get a wholesaler to pay for some of the activities, that would be great. 

  It sounds like wholesalers are one of the best places to learn a few things.   Getting a good mentor also seems like a very important thing to do early on.  [/quote]

Wholesalers will be reluctant to give a newbie much if any money.  If you get $500 per event you'll be lucky.  Don't forget that they will need to speak at your event.

If you are a minority or GLBT joining ML then you have access to funds that us white, straight males do not.  My understanding is that you can easily get $1000 per event and not need to give part of your time to another speaker.

The hardest part of the events is getting qualified prospects to attend.  If you can figure that out then I'll be happy to partner up with you.

A good mentor means a lot.  Be sure to leverage them as much as possible.  Unless you are a good closer, I would suggest that you meet with all larger prospects as a team with your mentor.


If you are joining ML's new training program.
Mar 10, 2015 10:45 pm

Help! Does anyone out there still have a 2006, 2007, and/or 2008 POA Handbook? I lost mine and desperately need a copy. I’ll pay for copying and FedEx.