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May 24, 2005 2:28 pm

[quote=Put Trader] [quote=stanwbrown]

I hope to be a retail broker the rest of my days. That’s what I joined the industry to do. I live in a town I love, I make a living most people outside this industry will never attain, I have a freedom in my schedule management types would envy and I chose who I work with. There’s no reason to surrender ANY of that, much less taking a smaller paycheck to do so.


Let me tell you something Stan.  You may be able to bullsh*t some 23 year old college dropout--but I'm a grown up.

First, you did not join that firm hoping to be a stock broker for your entire life.  You applied for a job there because nobody else would hire you.

You are in a dead end career that is populated by people who don't even have college degrees.


ROFLMAO, the bitter, bitter production failure attempts to justify his slide to a smaller paycheck and less freedom…<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

All I can hear when I read his little tirades is “It was the strawberries, they took the strawberries…”

May 24, 2005 2:39 pm

Stan, I finally think I see where Put's coming from.  Based on his last post he seems to have an absolute disdain for successful reps.  He just doesn't "get it" that being a rep is an honorable, enjoyable, life-time profession. 

When he was last a rep (25 years ago??) it was a whole different ball game -- it was a classic transactional commission based sales job selling just stocks, bonds & options.  He seems to have no idea that those days are gone (except for a few dinosaurs left and guys in boilerroom shops).  He has no clue about how the profession has grown & evolved.  He doesn't get it that clients are not using reps just to buy the hot item of the day any longer (those guys are doing itself on Ameritrade, etc.).  He doesn't get it that we're addressing client needs in a much broader way, whether through financial planning, asset allocation, or whatever.  He doesn't get it that we're not selling short term performance on option trades like he was, but are rather selling and delivering comprehensive services and asset management. 

It's obvious based on so many of his posts that he'd be lost in today's brokerage climate.  He fails to intelligently relate to so many of the posts that are made.  That's not to say he's not intelligent enough to do so (how many times has he spouted Mensa to us??), but it's just that he's so far removed from today's reality that he's simply ignorant, which is different from having intelligence.

May 24, 2005 3:00 pm

I wonder where Put’s money is held?

If it’s at Merrill, he is probably at FAC with all the other small and/or problem accounts.

May 24, 2005 4:50 pm


he’s simply ignorant, which is different from having intelligence.


Boys and girls you should write that down and have it embroidered on a
pillow so you will have something to refer to in case you ever think
that being ignorant is a synonym for having intelligence.
May 24, 2005 4:55 pm

[quote=Put Trader] [quote=Duke#1]

he's simply ignorant, which is different from having intelligence.


Boys and girls you should write that down and have it embroidered on a pillow so you will have something to refer to in case you ever think that being ignorant is a synonym for having intelligence.

Is that the best you can do, Put.  I'm disappointed.