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Jun 8, 2007 1:32 am

Just playing Bobby.

BNT. I recently graduated college AND i look older than I really am, and I still am not old enough, or experienced enough to pull in high net worth clients. Would someone with a million in their 401k let an 18yo manage it? I mean come on.

Jun 8, 2007 3:36 pm

These guys just don't want you as competition.  It would be a great idea for you to bust your ass for weeks at a time to open an account and get 55 bucks for it.  Then you could pay your college application fee or take a girl to McDonalds and a movie.

Just go to college.... it's like high school except WAY more fun.... 

Jun 8, 2007 9:04 pm

[quote=BNT1120]Hm so i've been thinking, Is it a good idea if i take 1 year off and test out the broker job? Worst comes to worst i waste 1 year. The firm is called National securities, i dont think its a boiler room, . If its bad i can always reapply for college. thanx [/quote]

Unfortunately, BNT, the validation you were seeking from the forum to chase a "fat wallet" didn't show up. All responses have been telling you to go to college and all you have done is make excuses for why you shouldn't go.  The reason that everyone is saying go to college is simple: it's the SMART decision.

So, it seems obvious that your mind was already made up.  If you truly want to succeed, you need to be patient and not chase the pot of gold.

Jun 8, 2007 9:13 pm

Go to college, get B’s, do keg stands, court college girls, act like an idiot on Football Saturdays, take advantage of the best 4.5 years of your life, and THEN you can start thinking about getting a real job…

Jun 8, 2007 9:17 pm

[quote=blarmston]Go to college, get B's, do keg stands, court college girls, act like an idiot on Football Saturdays, take advantage of the best 4.5 years of your life, and THEN you can start thinking about getting a real job...[/quote]

Damn, I want to go back to college!

Jun 9, 2007 1:24 am

roper’s right…it sounds like you’re just looking for reasons to not
go to college.  What programs did you apply to/get accepted