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My EDJ Journey Begins

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Jul 24, 2009 1:03 pm

I think people are reading too much into this. Company culture can vary greatly by branch, region, etc. at any firm. People are just looking for a reason to bitch.

Nailed it.

I do know this though, if he's already got a chip on his shoulder about the RL before even taking the exam, he'll hate it at Jones. Every time he has to look at the guy he'll want to bash his face in.

Just sayin'.
Jul 24, 2009 8:36 pm

It’s about time to retire this thread.  I told the nice Jones people, “Thanks, but no thanks” and returned the computer and other stuff they sent.

Now that it’s over, I have a healthy respect for Jones and the FA’s I have met (both in person and online).  I think everyone can agree that I would not be a good fit, so it’s better that I didn’t begin a losing proposition.

The good news is that I just got a call from MSSB with a job offer.  I’ll start a new thread for that one.

Jul 24, 2009 8:43 pm

It’s about time to retire this thread.  I told the nice Jones people, “Thanks, but no thanks” and returned the computer and other stuff they sent.

Now that it’s over, I have a healthy respect for Jones and the FA’s I have met (both in person and online).  I think everyone can agree that I would not be a good fit, so it’s better that I didn’t begin a losing proposition.

The good news is that I just got a call from MSSB with a job offer.  I’ll start a new thread for that one.

  Until they upset you...
Aug 18, 2009 2:18 pm

It’s about time to retire this thread.  I told the nice Jones people, “Thanks, but no thanks” and returned the computer and other stuff they sent.

Now that it’s over, I have a healthy respect for Jones and the FA’s I have met (both in person and online).  I think everyone can agree that I would not be a good fit, so it’s better that I didn’t begin a losing proposition.

The good news is that I just got a call from MSSB with a job offer.  I’ll start a new thread for that one.

It is with much sadness that I read this post. The excitement, the enthusiam for the world of investing..... We put our 5 year old on the bus today for her 2nd day of Kindergarten and I don't know which thing has made me sadder, MBA2FA calling it quits or my daughter going to school......Oh the anguish!!!  
Aug 18, 2009 2:22 pm

Noggin, I have a 4 year old and I am dreading that day next year. How did she do ? Was it harder on Mom and Dad ?

Aug 18, 2009 2:31 pm

Perhaps I need to clarify something.

I’ll be a Jones success story if it kills me.

  Bang! You're dead.
Aug 18, 2009 2:40 pm
Ron 14:

Noggin, I have a 4 year old and I am dreading that day next year. How did she do ? Was it harder on Mom and Dad ?

  It was bad for Mom, she has stayed home since she was born. My partners tell me that it will be a good two weeks before it gets better.....   BTW, since we watch so much Disney channel programs, pretty incredible the way they keep the pipeline of talent coming.....
Aug 18, 2009 2:41 pm

Old news. I hear he gets free lunch now and his BM thinks he is a top producer before even getting licensed! Can’t say I blame him for the choice, none of that goin on at Jones, some RL’s will even wait to take you out for a welcome dinner until they have enough unlicensed untested recruits for it to make sense of their time!

Aug 18, 2009 3:20 pm

[quote=Ron 14]Noggin, I have a 4 year old and I am dreading that day next year. How did she do ? Was it harder on Mom and Dad ?

  It was bad for Mom, she has stayed home since she was born. My partners tell me that it will be a good two weeks before it gets better.....   BTW, since we watch so much Disney channel programs, pretty incredible the way they keep the pipeline of talent coming.....[/quote]   My son has been watching Justice League recently and I have tried to pursuade my wife into buying a Wonder Woman outfit, but it is falling on deaf ears.
Aug 19, 2009 4:35 am

Ok Fine.  I’ll admit it.  I was wrong.  I thought Jones was a good firm to work for, but I was wrong.  Now I work for MSSB.  I love it here.

I never claimed to be a top producer.  I never claimed to be smarter or better than anyone.  I work in a clean, professional, working environment.  I am left to do my studying, but there are plenty of people around when I have questions.

I am not sure why people are so bitter about that.  Don’t try to read between the lines.

I found a work environment that fits my temperament and personality.  I am not scoring 108% on the practice tests.  My scores range from 85-98% with the average around 94%.

I’m sure I won’t break any series 7 records, but I have a pretty good feeling I’ll do okay.

When given two options, I took the one with 50% higher pay and a salary that lasts 30 months instead of 12.  I’m curious to see how many people out there turned down an offer like that with a wirehouse to work for Jones.

Aug 19, 2009 4:48 am

Ok Fine.  I’ll admit it.  I was wrong.  I thought Jones was a good firm to work for, but I was wrong.  Now I work for MSSB.  I love it here.


Who are you to say that Jones is not a good firm to work for? Please provide us with your minutes/hours/days of experience.

Keep talking failure boy… that beer is tasting better and better all the time.

Aug 19, 2009 11:49 am

You haven’t even passed the series 7 and you are making a judgement, that Jones isn’t a good firm. You said you" Love it here" and you’ve been there, what… a whole 2 minutes? You are warped buddy. I’m not usually ever negative about people being in this business, but you my friend need to pick another career.

Aug 19, 2009 12:17 pm

When given two options, I took the one with 50% higher pay and a salary that lasts 30 months instead of 12.

  That's not why you took the offer.  You went w/MSSB because your feelings were hurt that your leader at Jones wasn't clearing his calendar so he could take you out for a BLT and tell you he thinks your the next hot shot at Jones.
Aug 28, 2009 11:13 pm

Ok Fine.  I’ll admit it.  I was wrong.  I thought Jones was a good firm to work for, but I was wrong.  Now I work for MSSB.  I love it here.

I never claimed to be a top producer.  I never claimed to be smarter or better than anyone.  I work in a clean, professional, working environment.  I am left to do my studying, but there are plenty of people around when I have questions.

I am not sure why people are so bitter about that.  Don’t try to read between the lines.

I found a work environment that fits my temperament and personality.  I am not scoring 108% on the practice tests.  My scores range from 85-98% with the average around 94%.

I’m sure I won’t break any series 7 records, but I have a pretty good feeling I’ll do okay.

When given two options, I took the one with 50% higher pay and a salary that lasts 30 months instead of 12.  I’m curious to see how many people out there turned down an offer like that with a wirehouse to work for Jones.


Sounds like a good place to start. But are you fresh out of college? Cause all the MSSB listings around me require 3-5 years of career experience. 30 month salary is definitely a good choice to take. As it gives you security for the next 2.5 years. But the experience requirement cuts me out of the loop for any major wirehouse except for joining a team under PWM which I have tried but there just aren’t too many positions available. 2 opened in the last year. Outside of the major wirehouses, Jones, to me, seems like the best opportunity available. As it provides a 1 year salary(small but enough to survive) and 5 months of sales training. Unlike other places and the lowest GDC requirement I have ever seen. 16k for year 1 is what jones calls meeting 100% of GDC requirements.

Jan 29, 2014 7:59 pm

My first week in the training plan with EJ and have the bird flu. What a way to start! I am still several days ahead of schedule but ugh!!