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Merrill lynch interview

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Dec 15, 2005 2:05 pm

Freedom is awesome.... Also having the ability to write off every business expense including your car, home office and dinner with clients/friends & family.

Of course I have never worked for ML, SB, MS, DW or EJ so I dont know the pros of that, but for sure you are under someone and making less commission % then indy.

Dec 16, 2005 6:06 pm


Freedom is awesome.... Also having the ability to write off every business expense including your car, home office and dinner with clients/friends & family.

Of course I have never worked for ML, SB, MS, DW or EJ so I dont know the pros of that, but for sure you are under someone and making less commission % then indy.


No of course you don't know the pros or cons of it because you have never even been a financial advisor.  Once again you are on here dispensing advice when you haven't even taken yoru series 7 yet much less passed it.

Rookies be advised that the person giving you advice here-executivejock- has no industry experience whatsover....

Dec 16, 2005 7:26 pm

according to Janis Joplin & Kris Kristofferson; freedoms' just another word for nothing left to lose...

I apologize, couldn't help my self with that one.

Dec 16, 2005 7:31 pm


Freedom is awesome.... Also having the ability to write off every business expense including your car, home office and dinner with clients/friends & family.

Of course I have never worked for ML, SB, MS, DW or EJ so I dont know the pros of that, but for sure you are under someone and making less commission % then indy.


I am sorry executivejock but you really need to get a life !

Dec 18, 2005 4:54 pm

can’t we get him banned where is the administator?