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Jones Field Trainer

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Feb 15, 2009 1:16 am

[quote=Baba Booey][quote=Baba Booey][quote=Hey Kool-Aid]

BEWARE....This is a troll!!!!   Seg 2 Broker's are not Field Trainers...Just another hater trying to bash...that's ok...we're still here, highly capitalized....not a bank nor bank owned.  From where I sit it's pretty good to be with Jones right now!  [/quote]     But everyone in the industry still thinks you guys are unsophisticated advisors, and belong to a cult like partnership....You guys are just weird. That's all.   How's American Funds A share portfolios holding up?  Or better yet LA Bond Debenture.  Every account I take from Jones is the same, American Funds/LA and 30 year muni's...   [/quote]   First of all, you stutter ....secondly, do you think I, or anyone else at Jones gives a tiny rats ass what you or anyone else in the industry thinks?  Most of the "industry professionals" that think the way you do are fighting for their lives right now with firms that have to become banks or merge in order to avoid bankruptcy!  I can only speak for my own book, but I use much more than American Funds & LT Munis...but those types of portfolios held up about the same as most others i suppose.  I will be the first one to tell you that my firm ain't perfect...but it's a heck of lot better than most out there!  Funny how people feel that Jones is cultish...just because it has happy, fulfilled employees....seems to me to be jealousy...not of the firm...but of the happiness...why can't people just be happy for other folks that are happy with their jobs/lives...instead of may not be for you ...but that doesn't make it a bad place.             
Feb 15, 2009 3:25 am

Troll or not … simply man up and get a new FT.  You said you met tons of other FA … ask for one of them.  

Feb 15, 2009 3:38 am

[quote=Baba Booey][quote=Baba Booey][quote=Hey Kool-Aid]

BEWARE....This is a troll!!!!   Seg 2 Broker's are not Field Trainers...Just another hater trying to bash...that's ok...we're still here, highly capitalized....not a bank nor bank owned.  From where I sit it's pretty good to be with Jones right now!  [/quote]     But everyone in the industry still thinks you guys are unsophisticated advisors, and belong to a cult like partnership....You guys are just weird. That's all.   How's American Funds A share portfolios holding up?  Or better yet LA Bond Debenture.  Every account I take from Jones is the same, American Funds/LA and 30 year muni's...   [/quote]   Although you and "everyone else in the industry" are smart enough to know this,  it is in our best interest for you to think we are weird and unsohisticated.   1:  Everyone in the industry doesn't invest with us.  Clients do. 2:  If you and "everyone in the industry" don't see us as a threat then you don't prepare to compete against us.   Everyone in the world has seen what "everyone else in the industry" has done to their companies.  We aren't impressed with your "sophistication".
Feb 15, 2009 5:59 am

Just seems like Triple A. 

Feb 15, 2009 2:02 pm

Versus the Montreal Expos.

Feb 15, 2009 3:59 pm

Haha, priceless B24!!

Feb 16, 2009 2:53 pm

[quote=Baba Booey][quote=Baba Booey][quote=Hey Kool-Aid]

BEWARE....This is a troll!!!!   Seg 2 Broker's are not Field Trainers...Just another hater trying to bash...that's ok...we're still here, highly capitalized....not a bank nor bank owned.  From where I sit it's pretty good to be with Jones right now!  [/quote]     But everyone in the industry still thinks you guys are unsophisticated advisors, and belong to a cult like partnership....You guys are just weird. That's all.   How's American Funds A share portfolios holding up?  Or better yet LA Bond Debenture.  Every account I take from Jones is the same, American Funds/LA and 30 year muni's...   [/quote]   The fact that you lumped all of the American Funds into one portfolio for discussion purposes just screams rookie.  Couple that with the fact that you don't know that 30 year munis were some of the best buys of the century last year and that LBNDX did just fine last year.  A properly allocated American Funds portfolio did just fine last year.  Not horrible, but not great.  Now, if an advisor had all of his clients money in New World, Small Cap World, Capital World, and Capital Income Builder then he probably got smoked.  But that's his own stupidity and not the fault of American Funds.    And while you sophisticated people are trying to hash out retention checks, ownership, what firm you're going to move to, and what the heck is going on with client accounts (in that order, BTW) the good Jones advisor is brining in lots of new clients.  And they're coming from the "sophisticated" places. 
Feb 16, 2009 3:18 pm

LBNDX was down 20%, CAIBX was down 34% and AGTHX was down 42% last year.  I’ve been ACATing these funds for the past 12 months.  The firm I work for isn’t hashing out retention checks, ownership or any of the other things you said.

  It's fun getting you Jonesies fired up.
Feb 17, 2009 6:07 pm

Your field trainer may have a pretty big effect on your success early on, I’d speak up now and get it fixed early on.  This way you won’t risk getting bad advice.  I remember being so overwhelmed early on that I took everything I was told from other Joneseys as gospel.  You will want an FT who can encourage you from experience, not what he reads on Joneslink.

Feb 17, 2009 6:26 pm

Not for nothing, but I have been told by multiple wirehouse advisors (current and former) that they got virtually no training on investments and portfolio design, let alone prospecting and marketing.  I suppose its an issue everywhere. 

Feb 17, 2009 7:47 pm

Mine has cancelled appoitments on me twice so today was the last straw … called my RL and fired him.  Having never met him or spoken to him made that pretty damn easy.

Feb 17, 2009 8:53 pm

Mine has cancelled appoitments on me twice so today was the last straw … called my RL and fired him.  Having never met him or spoken to him made that pretty damn easy.

  I've done field training with four trainees, and I can tell you it's a committment of time on the trainers part as well.   I would advise all those trainees to be especially prepared during these times to get the most out of the meetings; b/c the trainer is probably trying to survive as well.
Feb 17, 2009 10:43 pm

Yeah, that is about what I expected and is very low. Give us a call.  

Feb 18, 2009 3:25 am

It’s nice to get a Field Trainer that will get “real” with you once in a while.  We all now the slogans.  We can look them up on Joneslink ourselves.

  It's also nice to get a Field Trainer who really built their book themselves.  They are out there but getting harder to find.  I find the guys who have been out too long have simply forgotten what it's like to be short on money or have true business tension.  I respect the 20 year guys like everyone else but I don't want to hear about the 90's anymore.  It's not relevant to today's market place.    It seems like after ten years or so the self righteousness ramps up and they start to get a big ego.  I guess a pocket full of cash plus lots of stories about past glories will do that to you.   Good luck to you
Feb 19, 2009 2:09 am

[quote=Swordoftruth]It’s nice to get a Field Trainer that will get “real” with you once in a while.  We all now the slogans.  We can look them up on Joneslink ourselves.

  It's also nice to get a Field Trainer who really built their book themselves.  They are out there but getting harder to find.  I find the guys who have been out too long have simply forgotten what it's like to be short on money or have true business tension.  I respect the 20 year guys like everyone else but I don't want to hear about the 90's anymore.  It's not relevant to today's market place.    It seems like after ten years or so the self righteousness ramps up and they start to get a big ego.  I guess a pocket full of cash plus lots of stories about past glories will do that to you.   Good luck to you[/quote]   I know what you mean, but I'm sure it's the same everywhere.  It's not all that helpful to hear what a guy with $200 million under management is doing right now, but I do like hearing from some of the top guys tell what they did at certain times in their careers.  A good one is Troy Nelson from North Dakota, the firm's top producer.  He's only like 40 and has been with the firm <10 years so if you ever get that opportunity, don't miss it.
Feb 19, 2009 2:33 am

What you have to understand that all the field trainer is getting is some consideration for LP. What the GP gets is cheap training provided by the Segment 3’s and 4’s eager for LP…