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Jones average pay: $65k?

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Sep 3, 2009 10:36 pm

DJ = Liar

He’s been proven a liar before.  He’s been proven a liar now.  He will always be a liar.

Sep 3, 2009 10:37 pm
Hey Kool-Aid:

[quote=Ronnie Dobbs]Nah. Cause you guys pick and choose what you want to attack. Not what actually was said. I’ve said from the beginning that I’m not sure when the policy is going to go through. 48K is. Either way, no trip on my spine. I’m still grossing almost 50K. But that the name of the game here on the site. Ignore the good stuff, and try and make sh*t up to argue about.

  Man, you are so dilusional!  He posted a "quote" from one of your posts saying that it was "rolling in" and it wasn't.  Of the thousands of posts you have made on this board, not once have I ever seen you type "oops...sorry I was wrong".  If you don't want people to pick on/attack your posts...STOP LYING!   On another note...some good advice for you.  Don't count the commissions until they hit your screen, or you will certainly be very disappointed.    I personally didn't miss you at all.  This was a much better site without you here to tell us how great you are and how you are never wrong.  I think you should just Dash out of here before it gets ugly again, as it most certainly will![/quote]

I agree with that.  The forum was actually productive and informative for a few months.  Windy is right however, everyone else is wrong.
Sep 3, 2009 10:39 pm

[quote=Moraen]You said to read your posts. He did. Did he misquote you in any way? Doesn’t look like it. You said, “Check out what I got to start of September”.

You did say those things. Sorry champ. I think it’s great you have gotten a 2 million dollar account. I just have the concern I always had with newbie brokers - YOU KNOW ENOUGH TO BE DANGEROUS. You say that “It’s in the clients’ best interest”, but you don’t even know what “IT” is!

You said that you “sent out her illustration”. How do you have an illustration? I used to work at Jones and I don’t remember an illustration generating program. Is that new?[/QUOTE]

You didn't have a grease board and a dry erase marker?  Ha!  I'm funny.  Wait....I just made fun of Jones didn't I?  Dang it!
Sep 3, 2009 11:01 pm
Ronnie Dobbs:

Nah. Cause you guys pick and choose what you want to attack. Not what actually was said. I’ve said from the beginning that I’m not sure when the policy is going to go through. 48K is. Either way, no trip on my spine. I’m still grossing almost 50K. But that the name of the game here on the site. Ignore the good stuff, and try and make sh*t up to argue about.

Dude, you done good. Brought in the big fish. People want to work you over, say you're dangerous ... so what? Jealousy. Sounds like you aren't really hurting anyone to me. I'd love to hear how proposing life insurance is going to destroy this client.

But that said ... buddy, you need to learn a little hubris and lighten up. Stop acting like you're all that, get a sense of humor about yourself. You're getting boring.
Sep 3, 2009 11:05 pm

He’s got plenty of hubris, needs a little <span =“hw”>humbleness.  

Sep 3, 2009 11:08 pm

[quote=ytrewq] [quote=Moraen]You said to read your posts. He did. Did he misquote you in any way? Doesn’t look like it. You said, “Check out what I got to start of September”. You did say those things. Sorry champ. I think it’s great you have gotten a 2 million dollar account. I just have the concern I always had with newbie brokers - YOU KNOW ENOUGH TO BE DANGEROUS. You say that “It’s in the clients’ best interest”, but you don’t even know what “IT” is! You said that you “sent out her illustration”. How do you have an illustration? I used to work at Jones and I don’t remember an illustration generating program. Is that new?[/QUOTE]

You didn’t have a grease board and a dry erase marker? Ha! I’m funny. Wait…I just made fun of Jones didn’t I? Dang it![/quote]

You’re on a roll tonight. I actually thought you were more making fun of me than Jones though! I can imagine trying to send insurance companies my dry erase board to get some feedback.

Lock - while I was at Jones, there was a huge push by wholesalers to 1035 whole to VUL. And newbie brokers ate it up. Almost all of them didn’t know why they were doing it.

On older people, this can be very dangerous.
Sep 3, 2009 11:10 pm


But that said … buddy, you need to learn a little hubris and lighten up. Stop acting like you’re all that, get a sense of humor about yourself. You’re getting boring. [/quote]

If i didn’t have to defend myself everytime I get on here, I wouldn’t be bringing up numbers. Besides talking sh*t to Volt. I honestly never think i’m all that. I’m proud of my success thusfar. I agree on the jealousy factor though. Noone can come on this site and say they do well, or hell’s wrath hath come upon them. Very few people on this site want to hear anyone have success.

Sep 3, 2009 11:11 pm

[quote=voltmoie] He’s got plenty of hubris, needs a little <span =“hw”>humbleness.


omg what an a$$hole I am … lol.

And me, with a humanities degree!!! Guess I made my last post for the evening.

Sep 3, 2009 11:22 pm
Ronnie Dobbs:


But that said … buddy, you need to learn a little hubris and lighten up. Stop acting like you’re all that, get a sense of humor about yourself. You’re getting boring. [/quote]

If i didn’t have to defend myself everytime I get on here, I wouldn’t be bringing up numbers. Besides talking sh*t to Volt. I honestly never think i’m all that. I’m proud of my success thusfar. I agree on the jealousy factor though. Noone can come on this site and say they do well, or hell’s wrath hath come upon them. Very few people on this site want to hear anyone have success.

  It didn't help that you jacked your September production up by double by including business that is nowhere near being considered a possibility for coming close to being a potential done deal.  I've got a $200,000 annuity ready to go, all we need is the letter of testamentary from the estate attorney to authorize transfer.  That could take 1 day, or 1 month, or 3 months, depending on the speed of the attorney and client.  Therefore, I don't consider it a done deal.  Once the money is in the account, its a done deal. 
Sep 3, 2009 11:30 pm

Awe My apologies. Although, if you’d read other posts, where I state i’m not sure when it will be rolling in exactly and that it could be split into other months, then we wouldn’t be having this discussion. This is where the picking and choosing of posts to argue with comes into play.

Sep 3, 2009 11:39 pm

[quote=Moraen] [quote=ytrewq] [quote=Moraen]You said to read your posts. He did. Did he misquote you in any way? Doesn’t look like it. You said, “Check out what I got to start of September”. You did say those things. Sorry champ. I think it’s great you have gotten a 2 million dollar account. I just have the concern I always had with newbie brokers - YOU KNOW ENOUGH TO BE DANGEROUS. You say that “It’s in the clients’ best interest”, but you don’t even know what “IT” is! You said that you “sent out her illustration”. How do you have an illustration? I used to work at Jones and I don’t remember an illustration generating program. Is that new?[/QUOTE]

You didn't have a grease board and a dry erase marker?  Ha!  I'm funny.  Wait....I just made fun of Jones didn't I?  Dang it![/quote]

You're on a roll tonight. I actually thought you were more making fun of me than Jones though! I can imagine trying to send insurance companies my dry erase board to get some feedback.

Lock - while I was at Jones, there was a huge push by wholesalers to 1035 whole to VUL. And newbie brokers ate it up. Almost all of them didn't know why they were doing it.

On older people, this can be very dangerous.[/quote]   I thought I was being funny as hell but now that I think about it most probably don't get it.  When I started we did not get laptops.  Probably because they weren't invented yet.  All 1200 of us IRs (we weren't FAs yet) had grease boards or flip charts in our conference rooms (we don't have conference rooms anymore either, we have round desks).  We would stand up and draw pyramids to explain diversification and see saws to explain bond price fluctuations.  That was our "illustration generators".  I thought I was poking fun at Jones and myself(god forbid).  You probably thought, "What the hell is he talking about".  By the way, I am not that old.  I was 9 when I was hired.  It used to be a lot easier.  (You better get that joke!).
Sep 3, 2009 11:44 pm

Buddy I’m just letting you know why everyones giving you a hard time.  Whether you take that info and utilize it to your advantage is not my problem.  And I did read the other posts.  You only stated that the money wasn’t a “done deal” and would be split into other months (I missed that one though, you’ll have to quote that one) after you’d been called out on being wrong in the first place.  The quote from you I posted earlier was the 1st mention of the biz you’re bringing in and you all but typed S-I-G-N-E-D-S-E-A-L-E-D-D-E-L-I-V-E-R-E-D.  Again, I’m just letting you know why you’re being hated on.  Not that you’re a douche (which you may be for all I know), but why people bust your balls on this thing.

Sep 4, 2009 12:17 am

Oh well, hurts me none.

Sep 4, 2009 2:03 am

[quote=B24]Actually, you can use others, but these are the “preferred” vendors.  They automatically get you appointed with all of them, but you have to go through the appointment process if you want to use others.  The deal is, they work to get us a lot of wholesaler help from these vendors (hence, the insurance haircut).  So they are the easiest to deal with.  For the guy that does the occassional insurance case or basic term, I don’t think you want to go through the process of vetting all of the insurance companies yourself.  Now, if insurance is a major part of your business, you will spend more time focusing on it.  But Jones is not going to go through the review process on 50 different carriers just for a few people to write term on each carrier. 

Out of curiousity, if you won't use any of these carriers, which one's are you using?[/quote]   Thanks for the clarification.  I'm willing to use those carriers whenever they are the best for my client.  I'm currently licensed with 5 of the 6 that you mentioned.   Take this for what it's worth:   Term insurance (that isn't going to be converted): Whichever carrier is least expensive. Disability insurance:  This is really contract driven.  Berkshire/Guardian has by far the best contract for white collar.  They are my top pick.  Health issues and occupation class certainly play a role, so there are tons of times where they don't get my business. VUL: Don't sell it UL: I sell it based upon the guarantees.  Like term insurance, this is mainly about price. WL: Guardian and MassMutual (I'd be fine with NYL and NML also, but I can't sell their products) LTCi: This is all over the board.  Different companies have different sweet spots and health is looked at differently between carriers.  However, if the price is within 20% and it is an apples to apples comparison, I think that it makes sense to go with a mutual company instead of a stock company.  It's not a coincidence that all(?) of the stock companies have raised rates on existing clients and none (?) of the mutual companies have.
Sep 4, 2009 2:20 am

A few insurance thoughts from this thread:

  1) Windy, how can you possibly even start to count an unsold policy in your gross? 2) Until a bank will cash your gross, who cares about it? 3) Does Jones just pay you a straight commission on this that then goes through the grid?  Do you get overrides on this?  If the answers are "yes" and "no", you are really getting hosed. 4) Why are people getting worked up about illustrations?  It makes no sense to use an illustration with a client until after a policy is approved.  What are you going to do with an illustration?  "Here, Mr. Client, let me show this illustration to you.  I promise that it will be wrong." 5)Wind, you are going to hurt somebody.  It won't be intentional.  You are relying on wholesalers.  Their job is to help you make the sale.  Your problem is that you simply don't have the insurance knowledge as of yet to have any clue what is in the client's best interest.  For now, for the sake of your client, do your insurance work with another Jones rep who has the knowledge necessary to know what is best for the client. 
Sep 4, 2009 2:58 am

lol You guys and your assumptions are outstanding. I’m in no way relying on wholesalers. She has insurance and i’m helping her find a lower premium and/or high death benefit. End of story. Take all your stupid assumptions elsewhere. Seriously. Not one argument against me here, has had ANYTHING to do with the situation except me not knowing how I get paid on the thing and even that argument is dumb because at one point, you didn’t either.

Sep 4, 2009 3:41 am

Ronnie, how will you know that if you find a product with a lower premium, it will be the best product for her?  What happens if she simply stops paying her premium today in her old product?  What happens if she increases the death benefit in her old product?  What happens if 1 year from now she decides she simply doesn't care about leaving money behind?  Which would be better the old product or the new product?  If she is going to replace her old policy, when should it be replaced?  How will you know that you can do better for her without applying for new coverage?

I'm willing to bet that you don't know the answer to any of the questions that I have posed.  This is why at some point if you aren't working jointly with someone with some expertise you will unintentionally hurt your client.
Sep 4, 2009 4:01 am

He’ll learn when those situations occur.  Maybe 5% of Jone’s reps. know the answer to all those questions so joint work is out.  Give it a rest.

Sep 4, 2009 4:15 am

Ronnie, you’re arrogance will be your undoing. I don’t doubt that you’re working hard and posting some numbers (some pre-maturely) but nonetheless having some success. Do you want to stay in this business? Take some advice from some of the people on this board, there is a reason why a thread talking about the average pay of a Jones rep morphed into one about you again You haven’t been doing this long enough so see clients at their worst. There is a very good reason why everyone starts the game “pile-on” once you start posting. My only hope is you stay in the business long enough to get your first complaint. 

Sep 4, 2009 12:11 pm

[quote=anonymous] A few insurance thoughts from this thread:

1) Windy, how can you possibly even start to count an unsold policy in your gross?

2) Until a bank will cash your gross, who cares about it?

3) Does Jones just pay you a straight commission on this that then goes through the grid? Do you get overrides on this? If the answers are “yes” and “no”, you are really getting hosed.

4) Why are people getting worked up about illustrations? It makes no sense to use an illustration with a client until after a policy is approved. What are you going to do with an illustration? "Here, Mr. Client, let me show this illustration to you. I promise that it will be wrong."

5)Wind, you are going to hurt somebody. It won’t be intentional. You are relying on wholesalers. Their job is to help you make the sale. Your problem is that you simply don’t have the insurance knowledge as of yet to have any clue what is in the client’s best interest. For now, for the sake of your client, do your insurance work with another Jones rep who has the knowledge necessary to know what is best for the client. [/quote]

For the record - I’ve never had an illustration be wrong at Jones. Admittedly, I only did two or three policies a month. I also guarantee that as a new Jones rep who didn’t know a lot, I put people in products they didn’t belong in because an EXPERIENCED FA and wholesaler helped me and because I didn’t know any better.

What I was trying to say is that he doesn’t even know the jargon enough to get information. He said he was sending her illustration. Which makes no sense to me.

It should matter the level of competency, it does matter, but most firms (not just Jones) are concerned with the sale and convince themselves that it is the right thing.